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what happens to the soul when the person dies ? is it with the people who are with teh person? does it captivate the belongings he lived with ? he loved most ? what happens to it? does he haunt the people he loved the most? does he make life of his loved or hated ones miserable ? doe he come in their dream?

2006-12-11 16:06:27 · 14 answers · asked by deathdevil52 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

The Hebrew word translated “soul” is ne´phesh, and it occurs 754 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. What does ne´phesh mean? According to The Dictionary of Bible and Religion, it “usually refers to the entire living being, to the whole individual.” This is borne out by the Bible’s description of the soul at Genesis 2:7: “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.” Note that the first man “came to be” a soul. That is to say, Adam did not have a soul; he was a soul, just as someone who becomes a doctor is a doctor. The word “soul,” then, here describes the whole person.

The word translated “soul” (psy·khe´) appears more than a hundred times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Like ne´phesh this word often refers to the whole person. For example, consider the following statements: “My soul is troubled.” “Fear began to fall upon every soul.” (Acts 2:43) “Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities.” “Speak consolingly to the depressed souls.” “A few people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water.” Clearly, psy·khe´, like ne´phesh, refers to the whole person. According to scholar Nigel Turner, this word “signifies what is characteristically human, the self, the material body having God’s rûah [spirit] breathed into it, The emphasis is on the whole self.”

in the Bible the word “soul” applies not only to humans but also to animals. For example, in describing the creation of sea creatures, Genesis 1:20 says that God commanded: “Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls.” And on the next creative day, God said: “Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind.”.

The word “soul” as used in the Bible refers to a person or an animal or to the life that a person or an animal enjoys. The Bible’s definition of the soul is simple, consistent, and unencumbered by the complicated philosophies and superstitions of men. That being the case, the urgent question that must be asked is, According to the Bible, what happens to the soul at death?

The Dead Are Unconscious:

The condition of the dead is made clear at Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, where we read: “The dead know nothing, There is no pursuit, no plan, no knowledge or intelligence, within the grave.” (Moffatt) Death, therefore, is a state of nonexistence. The psalmist wrote that when a person dies, “he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.” (Psalm 146:4) The dead are unconscious, inactive.

When pronouncing sentence upon Adam, God stated: “Dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19) Before God formed him from the dust of the ground and gave him life, Adam did not exist. When he died, he returned to that state. His punishment was death, not a transfer to another realm. What, then, happened to his soul? Since in the Bible the word “soul” often simply refers to a person, when we say that Adam died, we are saying that the soul named Adam died. This might sound unusual to a person who believes in the immortality of the soul. However, the Bible states: “The soul that is sinning, it itself will die.” (Ezekiel 18:4) speaks of “a deceased soul” (a “corpse,” The Jerusalem Bible). And Nazirites were told not to come near “any dead soul” (“a dead body”)

2006-12-11 16:42:12 · answer #1 · answered by BJ 7 · 0 0

Well,look.I haven't really done research of any kind.HOWEVER, one thing is definitely true.Death gets to every1.There's definitely no way we can find out anythingabout it yet can we?In the 1st place,why look at death?Why not be more optimistic and look at LIFE instead?Average lifespan of humans:75-80yrs,around 30,000 days of life.Buddhism states that life is but full of suffering.I,with all due respect,disagree.In these 30,000 days, u wud hav spent at least 500 celebrating the fact that u r alive and kicking,reading this answer of mine.Easter,Christmas,New Year or even ur birthday.Ain't all these day actually a milestone to state that u hav actually survived each day? The number of chances for u to die each die are aplenty.U could always be happily smiling 1 day, celebrating ur child's birthday and getting run down by a car on the next day.But u can't help it can u?It's wad we call fate.Or maybe a coincidence.Whatever it is,there's nothing u can do about it.So y not live ur life to the fullest?;-)

2006-12-14 18:04:20 · answer #2 · answered by o0geezers0o 1 · 0 0


Death is a means whereby the soul can learn things faster than it could when its mind, body, and soul were one immortal being.
In death the body ceases its ability to react to and recover from irritation and damage, and the spirit and mind seperate from the body. If the mind has a great deal of focus or connection to the physical world it or some of its memories can remain and wait for ambient vital energy to temporarily give it a version of life. The spirit reviews all of the mind's memories, and connects with the minds of others to experience the 'other side' of each experience that the person went thru, and learn from this. Then the mind fades away, and if the spirit has any connection to a 'greater' or 'higher' power, it goes to spend time with that power in a kind of 'reward' or vacation from mortality (Christians call this heaven, Muslims call it paradise, Wiccans call it the Summerlands, etc). Eventually the spirit gets tired of the consistent lack of challenges and develoment, and goes thru the process to reincarnate.
Those who don't have any such connection wander thru all states of existence, looking for a way to live or proceed again, usually hanging on to whatever connections they do have, not understanding how to go on and become able to reincarnate.

Except for 'full Christians'......for those who learned in life that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and found a way to get into direct, constant communication with YHVH before they died have their minds and bodies resurrected, and they merge those three things together (spirit, mind, body) and become immortal again.

And except for devout Buddhists.......those who have negated all of their connections cease being aware of anything, make no choices, and kind of just fade away.

In other words, what happens to your spirit after bodily death is greatly impacted by what you believe while you are alive and as you die. But all spirits are immortal.

2006-12-11 17:06:55 · answer #3 · answered by raxivar 5 · 0 0

I consider it is tricky, if now not unattainable, for such a lot persons to take delivery of that there can also be any life after the frame dies except they have got had private touch with any individual at the different facet. And even the ones that may would possibly battle to take delivery of it Most persons will best suppose what their bodily senses are telling them, except that's they are inclined to take delivery of any individual else's opinion at face significance that is the case for such a lot medical theories truthfully as they are too complex for Joe Public to real recognize and a few are best understood through a handful of persons but authorised as medical truth And so with out bodily evidence to move through all you may have is private enjoy to take delivery of anything like this The query then is what might it take to persuade you that there's a existence past this one? To be sincere a few matters are greater left unknown. We would not be right here simply to marvel what is going to occur whilst existence ends so we must be concentrating on what to do within the time we've got right here

2016-09-03 07:58:01 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Death is where your spirit or soul leaves your body, but lives on. Kind of like a gloved hand - the glove is alive when your hand is in it, but withdraw the hand and the glove falls lifeless. The hand lives on.

The spirit world is where our spirits go, and it is very close by. When you die, you will be met by family members and loved ones who have passed already. You do not return to "haunt" anyone, but wait for them to join you in their turn. Some people, in their spirit form, have been allowed to contact people still here, either in person or in dreams, but only for good cause - it is not common and is usually to deliver a needed message.

When you die, you will be able to see your body and anyone standing around it, but they won't see you. You will not remain there, but will move on - feeling wonderful and free and alive and able to comprehend many more things than you did when limited by the body. You will not want to return to your body, even if given the choice. The spirit world is full of beauty and peace - more colors and senses than we have on this world. Do not be afraid to die - there is no death - only a progression that we all will experience. However, anyone who takes their own life to get there prematurely will have to answer for that act - it is up to God when we die, and not us.

2006-12-11 16:18:58 · answer #5 · answered by Rainfog 5 · 0 0

Wow great question.

Death is the abscence of life. The Bible talks about the physical death, but says the spiritual death is more serious. The physical death is inevitable. Don't fear it, it will come to everyone. But the spiritual death is for those who don't accept life from the one who made life. The spirit is designed to live forever and to destroy the spirit is truly a devastating event.

2006-12-11 16:13:11 · answer #6 · answered by nurse curtis 3 · 2 0

well according to islam when a person dies his soul gets out of the body and is then tested. our body is not ours. it belongs to allah(god). we are only using it and since it doesnt belong to us we should take care of it. anyhow. i believe the soul goes with the angels and they then ask u 3 questions and they are who is ur lord?, what is ur religion?, and who is the last messenger?. if u are a true believer u will be able to answer and if ur not then even if u know it now u will not be able to answer then. if u answer correctly the gates of heaven will open up for u and u will be shown where u will end up. once inthe morning and once at night. if u answer wrong then ur punishment will start in ur grave. then when the day of judgement will come u will be alive again and the judging will begin. may allah guide us all to the straight path. take care.

2006-12-11 16:21:40 · answer #7 · answered by covered beauty 3 · 0 0

There are 2 deaths. The physical death when the body rots in a grave and the spiritual death where the soul rots in hell.

The only way to escape the physical death is for Jesus to return within your life on earth.

The only way you can escape the spiritual death is to accept Jesus.

2006-12-11 16:14:37 · answer #8 · answered by A follower of Christ 4 · 0 0

The Bible speaks of two deaths:
Physical death when heart, brain, and lung function ceases.
Spiritual death when permanent separation from God occurs.
At physical death for Christians, the soul (spirit) goes instantly into the presence of Jesus, and remains with Him for eternity.
For non-believers, you really don't want to know what happens to their spirits.

2006-12-11 16:16:08 · answer #9 · answered by Bobby Jim 7 · 0 0

I think most religious beliefs are that there are two deaths one physical and the other a spiritual death said to be separation from God

2006-12-11 16:09:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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