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19 answers

No offence to our Baptist Brethren, but they do run the gambit. You can’t even divide them into two nice and neat theological categories (Calvinistic and Arminian). Let alone compare them historically and administratively. The only way to compare the two would be to generalize the Baptists and you really wouldn’t do them justice by doing that. I can take a stab, being a Lutheran here are some of the striking differences (remember this is not comprehensive):

History- While both proclaim a Western Church tradition
Baptist- Trace their church history back through the Puritan Movement and the Church of England to the Western (Catholic) Church.
Lutheran- Trace their church history back through the Reformation tradition of the North Central European churches to the Western (Catholic) Church.

Sacraments (Communion and Baptism)
Baptist- The sacraments are referred to as Ordinances and are symbolic in nature. They are believed to be a public display of your faith. Baptists practice adult or believer’s baptism and “Anabaptism” and certain groups retain the teaching of regeneration during baptism.
Lutheran- Both sacraments viewed as a means of grace. Practice Infant baptism as well as adult baptism and are a requirement for salvation. Believe the bread and the wine of the Eucharist is the real Body and Blood of Christ.

Baptist- There are multiple confessions, examples include the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, the 1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith, and the Southern Baptist Convention's Baptist Faith and Message.
Not all Baptist groups subscribe to all or most of these confessions.
Lutheran- the Book of Concord (Lutheran Confessions)

Free Will:
Baptist- Some baptist groups confess a belief in the concept of Free Will. Others retain the Calvinsit teaching of Predestination, while others have a hybrid of the two.
Lutheran- Free will is not a concept that is taught in the confessional Lutheran Church..

Church Organization:
Baptist- Congregational or Presbyterian governance.
Lutheran- Synodical

Office of the Ministry
Baptists- Deacon and Pastor
Lutheran- Deacon, Pastor and Bishop

Baptist- Low Church
Lutheran- High and Low Church

This is too hard, I quit!

2006-12-13 02:54:48 · answer #1 · answered by Martin Chemnitz 5 · 0 0

this is almost to impossible due to the large differences within the denomination.

Historically Lutheran's do coventenial baptism while Baptist do believers baptist. The Lutherans have literagy and set docterine that would not be in the Baptist church. A last large difference is that Lutherans traditionally believe that during communion the bread and wine become Christ while Baptist believe they symbolize. But these are all just general, as there are LARGE differences within the denominations.

2006-12-11 14:38:44 · answer #2 · answered by Lil SW 2 · 2 0

There are probably several aspects that one can look at in order to distinguish Baptists from Lutherans. First you have the names, then the reason for the names, the two founders, the histories,the birth and development, the worship, the beliefs, and church government. Someone may look at all of these and notice differences although they are both followers of Christ Jesus calling Him Lord, the one raised from the dead and who offers forgiveness of sins past for humankind.
Lutherans are the remanant of the fiery preaching and labour of Martin Luther. Martin Luther was an ordained Roman Catholic priest who tried to reform the Church from within, when that failed and he was reprimanded severely,he kept preaching the pure gospel of Jesus Christ, saying that all one needed was Christ ,faith and the God-inspired scripture to find the way to salvation, nothing esle. He also taught that the church is made up of simple believers of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the redeemer of mankind. Baptist actually believe the same thing, and actually greatly respect Martin Luther and his teachings. But the Baptists were a wider movemnt who were not under Martin Luther but in various places throughout Eurpoe during this time of revival and reformation fire burning. Baptist received there name because they came to the conclusion, hence belief that baptism by sprinkling as an infant, for membership in the family of God through Christ, which was what the Catholic church taught, was unacceptable and contrary to the God -inspired word. So they , when they believed as adults and chose to follow Christ Jesus strictly and with total sincerety were baptised again as adults, thought they had been by force and culture baptised throuth the Catholic church as infants. This teaching and practice of being baptised as a consenting adult in order to become a true Christian from the heart, not from custom or by parents only, but with faith in the heart, was rejected by the Catholic church, for fear that its authority would be undermined. While both groups broke away form the Roman Catrholic church for similar reasons, Lutherans seem to have broken away less than the baptists, Lutherans even today still have much more formality and cremony left ovewr from the liturgical customs, that is the form of worship service that comes from tradition. Both Lutherans and Baptists sought and still seek pure Christianity untainted by the impure introductions of men without any scriptural basis. They both rejected much tradition, but tradition that was late, that means introduced into the Church service late in its life, not eraly on from the Apostles or that can be confirmed by the scriptures, considered to be of greatest authority. But the baptists seem to have sought to go the furthest in terms of simplicity of the early church, while the Lutherans retained much more of the tradition although purged of everything that was considered wrong. Luther himself seems to have been a little afraid of men losing all respect for authority and obedience, while Baptist seemed to think men must be free in worship and sincere without forms that are set. This is a general light answer. You should get some books written by Martin Luther.By the way this all took place in the 1500's

2006-12-11 15:04:06 · answer #3 · answered by Socinian F 3 · 0 0

once you've been to both amenities then you comprehend the adjustments yet i visit inform you what i comprehend. i'm no specialist. the following we go: The Lutheran Church is the Protestant version of Catholic. A Catholic Priest, John Luther, did analyze and felt there have been particular center beliefs that the Catholic church had incorrect alongside with he believed a clergyman ought to marry amd there are in problem-free words 3 sacraments in existence no longer 7 because the Catholic church believes. There are some others yet you get the point. The Lutheran Church is somewhat old international, steeped in non secular custom and ceremonies. it truly is somewhat comforting in case you want that type of element. The Lutheran church believes in toddler baptism, Catechism instructions before church club, and are often calm and quiet . The Baptist are a church crew that formed later in heritage. they're depending upon the movements and ideology of John the Baptist who replaced into the cousin to Jesus and helped in his ministries. they're protestant besides yet no longer in accordance to any Catholic traditions in any respect. they're seen extra cutting-part and do little in accordance to old international ceremonies. The believe in Jesus as do the Lutherans and pontificate his teachings. even with the undeniable fact that, they do no longer have sacraments that i'm attentive to. they believe in baptism on the age of information which ability you change into baptized once you're the right age to comprehend the teachings of Jesus and your baptism is your club into the church. it truly is been my journey that a Baptist ceremony is somewhat loud and lively. that's large in case you want that type of element. both are Christian religions which ability they're depending on the concept Jesus is the Son of God and our Savior. they purely frame of mind this concept in numerous ideas.

2016-11-25 21:59:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been a Baptist, but I am not certain of the beliefs of the Lutheran denomination. But my salvation is not based upon me being a Baptist, but based upon Jesus Christ shedding his blood for my sins. And regardless of what denomination a person may be, if they are not washed in the blood of Jesus, and have not asked Jesus to come into their heart by faith, then they have no hope for salvation. For one only receives salvation from their sins, by being washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. Belonging to a local church is wonderful, and should be a desire of every Christian. But it will not help you to be saved from your sins. My choice at this time, as far as having a denomination is concerned, is to just be a non-denominational Christian. For there are too many denominations, trying to persuade people that their's is the right one; or the one to which they must belong in order to be a Christian, or to get to Heaven. And this is all hog-wash. For as I have said earlier, the only way to be a Child of God, is to be washed in the blood of his dear Son Jesus Christ.

2006-12-11 14:43:05 · answer #5 · answered by Calvin S 4 · 2 0

Both are protestants (i.e. Christians but not Catholic). In general Lutherans are more like Catholics than Methodists (a lot of the rituals and such).

To summarize, the difference between one religion and another is the exact nature of the delusions from which their members suffer.

2006-12-11 14:36:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Lutherans adhere the teachings of Martin Luther.

2006-12-11 14:38:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Baptist is WAY better and more Biblically sound. And their sevices are more alive and FUN!

Hitler was Lutheran, and I know of Jew hating Germans that are Lutheran today.

Go Baptist!


2006-12-11 14:35:45 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 5

I don't really know. But I'm sure they're all lovely folks.

The only thing wrong with Baptists is that they don't hold them under long enough.

2006-12-11 14:41:53 · answer #9 · answered by Huddy 6 · 0 3

Lutherans are a lot quieter.

2006-12-11 14:35:35 · answer #10 · answered by link955 7 · 0 2

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