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Just curious as to what everyone else thinks, or what they've been raised to think, or what they're told to think, or...

2006-12-11 14:19:05 · 53 answers · asked by raiyneofgailin 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

53 answers

Wicca is Wicca, only people can either be good or bad

2006-12-11 14:21:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 16 2

"Good" and "evil" are subjective terms.

The tenets and beliefs of Wicca are rooted in living in balance and avoiding harming others. In and of itself, that would be a "good" thing.

However, the methods that Wiccans use to reach that balance may be considered "evil" by some who have been raised to think that magic or the supernatural or anything that isn't of "their" beliefs is wrong and therefore evil.

Doesn't mean that Wicca itself IS evil. And there are also people out there who call themselves "Wiccans" but who do not follow those tenets and beliefs. Is the "evil" there Wicca, or the individual practitioners who claim the label but twist it for their own purposes?

(By the way, that last question could be asked of any religion...)

2006-12-11 14:28:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I do not feel that Wicca is evil. Can you call Christianity evil? It is also a religion. Wiccans mantra is do no harm. It is all in how it is used. There is a good and bad side to everything don't ya think. Also if you don't know about it research it. That is what you have a brain for. Come to your own conclusion not everyone elses.

2006-12-11 14:30:52 · answer #3 · answered by Darling girl 3 · 4 0

Wicca is good. Being a Wiccan for 3 years, I have be come a better person. for those who think that we are evil and worship Satan I have this to say: Satan is an Islamic and Christian concept. There is no Hell or Satan in our religion. We don't believe in enternal doom. Which is against the Divine Love of the God and Goddess, what mother and father would want to see their child burned and dammed forever. I have found that many Wiccas that I know are loveing and careing. They are very kind and help others. We respect God, Jesus, Budda and other religious people. Again Satan and Hell do not exist. Yes we are good and caring. there are many Wiccans here get to know them. hope this helps. Blessed Be.

2006-12-11 14:37:23 · answer #4 · answered by Okami Ryuu 3 · 3 1

First off people who are deep in their own religion will tell you it's wrong becuase you are not worshiping their god. They judge you when it's not their place to judge. I say what ever faith gets you buy, helps you get through the day, or gives someone inner peace then go for it. Bottom line is that some people in christianity will tell you that you are going to hell and that it's their way or no way at all. A true christian would talk with you and not judge you but try understand why you have choosen that path, then they would ask for you to listen to them and why they have choosen their path. If your heart is pulling to the Wiccan way, research it, know what it is about and what is involved in it. There is a diffrence between Wicca and witchcraft.

2006-12-11 14:32:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yahoo 360 is a great forum if you like hearing from ignorant, intolerant people who have no idea what Wicca truly is. One thing it is not is a "cult" (definition of a cult is people blindly following one person). I guess they have problem with the Wiccan Rede "Do as you will and in it harm none". Guess that is a bad, evil thing. No Wiccan ever killed anyone in the name of their God (or Goddess). How many other religions can claim that? Wiccans will accept you for who you are, not what you believe. Again, how many of you claim that as well? No one tells us what to think or feel. Do I hate you or what you believe? No. Sorry to say, but I am probably more understanding, tolerant, giving and FORGIVING than the close-minded masses who call themselves "good". Please note I do not single out any religion or belief. Because I know there are good and accepting people in all of them. I was raised by good, open-minded Christian parents, and they love me and accept me for who I am. Also note that I will not "bash" any religion or belief, but will gladly bash those who are ignorant, intolerant and blind to anything they are not taught and not willing to experience or learn. Those who cannot think for themselves and will only believe what others tell them to believe.

I apologize for my outburst, it was a very long day and I was really tired of so called "good" people "dissing" my religion. To give you an example of my state of mind, Even Julia's answer to my question earlier looked good! (still does tho, scarey huh?). But I feel like yesterday I was stooping to their level, and that is not what I am about. I am aboult living my religion, without exception, 24/7.

2006-12-11 14:51:29 · answer #6 · answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6 · 3 1

It's beautiful. Period.

Now to some Wiccan fun. I got this in an email today.

You Might Be A Pagan If...

1) When asked if you believe in God, you ask "Which one?"

2) Upon dying, you first thought is "Oh sh.it, not again".

3) You know that Gaia is not the lady on Captain Planet.

4) In religion 101, you are disappointed because they didn't cover your gods.

5) Your children go around telling people that "The Goddess Loves you".

6) Get caught in the woods after midnight, naked, and asked where you're going, you reply, "To church".

7) You respond to people's comments on your stone jewelry not with just "thanks, " but also its metaphysical properties.

8) You can't help but roll your eyes when people refer to white or black "magic."

9) You drive through the countryside early in the morning and the wildlife just stands at the side of the road and watches you go past. (a personal favorite!)

10) You role you're eyes when people tell you you're going to hell and have to bite your tongue to keep from saying "Hell doesn't exist."

11) You are upset by the ignorant christian people standing outside subway stations handing out flyers which harp on about banishing all evil, paganism being one of the 'evils' they refer to.

12) You understand that the pentacle is not the sign for "sacred feminine" and yell at da vinci code fanatics when they say it is.

13) Your 2nd mode of transport is a broomstick...lol

It is a lot of things but "evil" is not one of them. It is simply another way.

2006-12-11 14:33:19 · answer #7 · answered by gjstoryteller 5 · 4 1

As with all beliefs, there can be good and evil. Christians and Satan worshipers for instance. Both are of the Christian faith yet both refuse to admit it.
Wicca warns about evil and the law of 3. If you do evil you get it back on you three fold.
Christianity has the ten commandments.
Rules are set in both beliefs to keep people from doing evil.
I can promise you that there are far fewer Wiccans that are evil or practice dark rituals than there are Christian Satanists. The reason being they do not wait for justice to be served after they die. Wiccans pay now and pay hard for selfishness, greed or murder.
As to those that believe Wicca or witches are evil by association with the beliefs they follow. The church had to defeat the Elden faiths. They had to destroy that belief or fail in building their belief.
The Church killed the Elden faiths or drove them underground. It stole the ways of the Elden faiths so those that believed in them would swallow the Church doctrines. Voodoo, Santeria and other similar faiths have just enough Bastardization to keep them within the wide teachings of the Church.
Remember that Catholicism and Christianity were once pagan.
Wicca by number of followers is far less evil than the bible or church would lead you to believe. It is a lie to call them evil or believe them evil by association.

2006-12-11 14:44:40 · answer #8 · answered by tian_mon 3 · 2 2

I have a friend who is wiccan.

They are good.
They have a lot of respect for mother natureand help people any chance they get. They are very loving.
They are kind to everyone. They strongly believe in good karma.

Some actually cast good spells by way of majick but not all of them believe in that part.

They're not all identical.
They all DO however share the idea of loving everyone.
The punk rock clothing, some of them wear throws a lot of people off, into thinking they're evil.

Trust me on this one. They are anything but evil.

2006-12-11 14:27:55 · answer #9 · answered by Molly 6 · 5 0

Wicca's meant to be about healing and being in tune with nature from what I can gather, so I beleive it's good.

However, some people of other religions would say it's evil just because it's not THEIR religion *rolls eyes*

2006-12-11 14:22:24 · answer #10 · answered by swelwynemma 7 · 6 0

Wiccan is a religion. It is as good or as evil as the person practicing it. It does not follow the "christian" religious beliefs so "christians" may call it evil. But religion intollerence is one of the major factors of many wars. WWII the natzi (christians by the way) intollerence of the jews. 100+ years of middle east wars of the muslem vs jews vs christians.

Instead of viewing religions as good and evil, you may want to think about accepting other people's choices as their own ;).

2006-12-11 14:26:18 · answer #11 · answered by dani 2 · 6 0

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