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2006-12-11 12:00:25 · 8 answers · asked by secret love 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

I KNOW when you started typing this Yahoo! Answers told you similar (exact) questions....
I'm an Agnostic because I think a God (or Gods) is possible, but since I have nothing more than a notion, I find it unlikely....

2006-12-11 12:08:32 · answer #1 · answered by Eleventy 6 · 0 1

Well, some people chose to not believe in a God or gods because they feel that there is no logical reason to justify the existence of such a thing. While others feel that the universe is simply too beautiful and complex to have simply 'popped' into existence. Being an atheist, I fall into the former.

2006-12-11 20:10:47 · answer #2 · answered by SomeGuy 6 · 0 0

I do not.
I first decided i didnt believe when I was a kid I because of the unbelievable adam and eve story.
I think about the first person who believed in a god. This was a very uneducated man, who was trying to figure out why water was falling from the sky.
I think god is an excuse for the unknown.
Religion preceded science.

2006-12-11 21:51:07 · answer #3 · answered by justin 2 · 0 0

Well I believe in God because I came to the conclusion that something, especially something with form and purpose couldn't come from nothing. So I set out to communicate with him. The reason I at one time did not believe in Him was due to the con tradition in the churches and peoples behavior who claimed to know him. At that time in my life, it just didn't make sense that God could be real and the world be as it is. Now I definitely believe and seek to live as I feel he is directing.

2006-12-11 20:08:35 · answer #4 · answered by neptune 3 · 0 0

I do not know why exactly. I attended a pentecostal church for a while and those fanatics just turned me totally off to God. I was real close to not believing but I could not get over the fence. There was a part of me that would not let go.I think that my soul remembers God from before I came here for this life.

2006-12-11 20:08:12 · answer #5 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 0 0

Some people read the biblelook at it logically and decide it's just a bunch of stories.
Others read the bible and because they are missing something in their lives,want to believe it's true.

2006-12-11 20:07:54 · answer #6 · answered by rosbif 6 · 0 1

Is there some kind of competition to see how many times this same question can be asked in an hour?

Can't you people come up with anything novel?

2006-12-11 20:06:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

All the deniers deny God, on account of the reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. And ___ all the believers believe in God, on account of the same reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. Therefore, the believers and the deniers, the both, do agree that God is not encircle-able by human intellect.

The believers do believe that God is Ever Sufficient for them and for their needs. And___ God not only, suffices them and their needs, rather, God guides them in every matter in every walk of life. By and by, a co-existing fact is notice-worthy that God remains Ever Sufficient for the deniers as well.

If God had been for the believers alone and God had not been for the deniers___ then everyone would have believed in God’s existence equally so as to meet their needs of life equally.

Like all other instruments our intellect is also an instrument with certain limits, apart from this fact that it cannot compass the limitless universe it cannot even help to understand ones own self; God first of all created the knowledge (Gods own knowledge) and with knowledge God did everything such as first with knowledge God created birth and with the birth of all things their seeds, process of their growth and decline ultimately God created death and mortality as a future of all things; God is The Creator of the knowledge of creation and its process. God created the conscious and the work of the conscious and made intellect a means of understanding creatures. Since God is The Creator of intellect or understanding, intellect or understanding cannot compass God. That is why some of us do not believe in God due to the intellect or understanding.


Act of the Denial of GOD is always performed against GOD and Existence of GOD. In the world of “GOD”, those who deny GOD, they deny acceptance of their GOD only. It’s a ponder-able fact that whatsoever exists can be denied, only and whatsoever do not exists cannot be denied, even.
Since GOD exists so acceptance of GOD is denied. In the belief of believers, GOD exists as saviour. In the minds, in which GOD is denied, nothing else but the non-belief exists only.
The denial of GOD is due to the personal interest in sins.
Sinners reject the belief because GOD permits not their sins.
In the world of fact, “belief in GOD” is a blessing of GOD, for those only that avoid sins and honour GOD only.
An important source of Evolution is the Nature’s process of selection. Which is originally one of the laws of nature and a secondary cause, like the other laws of nature, as it’s Creator is again God.

All the species generated by this process are again the indirect creation of God as the Nature’s process of selection, itself, is not capable to create any specie. It simply admits some species to be nourished, leaving aside the others, to be withered and this process works under some hereditary variations. So___ the survival or removal of a specific specie, is never accidental as it is presumed by the believers of material or mechanical evolution”.

This very statement of Edward Luther Castle positively removes that superstition. Which has captured, not only, the materialists but the religious leaders as well. Who are still in it’s captivity even after the lapse of so many years. Dr. George Erl Devis, the physicist, writes:

“As much as the knowledge is flourishing and the superstitions are being unveiled___ importance & inevitability of the critical study of religion & ethics___ is increasing day by day in the same scale.”

The physicist is hinting upon the urge of the “quest for truth and the specific process” which may bring forth, a suitable solution for the problems of life. Of course, we can not lead the life in a particular way unless we come to know the origin of life. What is the actual and factual truth? Only after positive cognition of the same, we can learn to lead the real life. And__ the same learning may, in turn, lead us to the aim of life.

George Erl Devis writes further:

“The surprising scientific discoveries have produced certain indispensable questions. Though not so new, but their nature has become more changed, on account of___ the receipt of detailed information about cosmic system. And___ in any case____ man can not be held as excluded thereform. Among these questions, is the most important question___ upon whose answer is depending___ our aim of life and the system of our moral values. And___ that is the same old question that:

Is there any Supreme and Sublime Source who is the Creator of whole cosmos and who could be surnamed as God?

And___ thereby arises the other question, that if God has created us then who has created God? This question is usually raised by the children, in a highly logical air.

We can not deny the fact, that science has no convincing reply of the question that God is existing or not? Rather, science can never bring forth a scientific proof thereof.

We are breathing in such a physical universe which is running smoothly in terms of the pre-ordained laws of it’s complexed system. But, it does not mean that we can ever derive some information, through this very universe, about a thing, which is existing outside to this universe. Our universe is just like a room without any doors and windows. And even if it is having the same, then, such glasses are fixed therein that to see & understand the outside thereform is totally impossible. Whereas to see inside from the outside__ is almost possible.”

As we can not prove the existence or non-existence of God on the basis of science. So it is the all-alone way for us, that whatsoever stock of information we have, about this universe. We should derive a reasonable result therefrom. Such a reasonable result___ which could never be objected on logical grounds. And such a result, duly derived from the stock of scientific information, is this:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”

and___ that is such a reasonable result, which is free from all sorts of logical objections. And___ through this very result we come to know about the Creator Who is Creator of all the material and immaterial things, and who is the Omnipotent.

If we presume that the universe is created accidentally or automatically. Then we will have to presume too, that the universe, itself has the power of creation. Such a presumption is, however, not maintainable on account of the scientific informations, collected so far, about the universe. So___ accidental or automatic creation of universe___ is the result___ which is totally irrational.

And where, God is being believed as the Alone Creator of universe, scientific informations are now becoming a foundation there. And science___ which is the fountain-head of the pure observational, analytical and experimental knowledge___ has reached at such a stage. That the next step whereof is not else___ but to believe in God and God’s Almighty Omnipotence. And___ that is on account of this very consensus of the universal scientific informations that:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”.

It is a Verse-like ray of Holy light and a great information. Proper apprehension whereof leads us, directly, to the realm of Faith.

“Universe was created accidentally or automatically” is a notion, which is not confirmed by the scientific information. So, to think like that is an irrational & illogical gesture. Which leads nowhere but to the ignorance.

Which God we should believe?

It is an important question and it is more important for the person who is desirous to know his God.

Can we consider this accidentally or automatically created universe as God? Does it create and remove everything by itself? But the scientific consensus that:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”

clarifies that universe was not created accidentally or automatically. Nor it is capable to create anything by itself. Nor it is given any knowledge of creation. And___ if the universe does not own any knowledge of creation___ then the knowledge of creation is definitely related to Mr. Albert Einstein’s that very Infinite & Supreme Power or Cause. Whose creative manifestations are being seen everywhere in this inapprehensible universe.

The act of knowledge, which is the process of creation in this universe___ is a magnificent sign ___ which is leading us, directly, to the Creator.

Power of knowledge and act of knowledge in terms of the process of creation___ bespeak of such a Creator who is Unique___ Who is free from the creaturely traits__ Who is far above the Nature and our state of knowledge___ Who is Supreme, Supernatural and Omnipotent. About whom we can speak in the following rational terms.

“The Creator of things is not a thing or like the created things. And as the intellect itself is a thing, so it is not considerable more than a thing of superior kind. Therefore its capability of making some image or imagination of the Creator will result to such a step, which may diminish the supreme sublimity of the Creator”.

In this way a man of intellect may believe in God on logical basis. Whereafter he will always consider his God as the Sole Creator and the Sole Guardian of universe. He will never consider his God as a part of universe or a thing in universe or the universe.

It means that God is Super-natural and Super-physical. Who is not perceivable through our senses at all.

The commonplace concept that God is a kind of matter as well as God is the Creator of matter or___ God is the universe as well as God is Super-natural & Super-physical___ is a self-contradictory and an irrational concept.

We must refrain from such concepts and resort to reality that existence of creatures is separate from the Creator and the creatures are not like the Creator at all. Because creatures live and die and they are under God’s control. It is recorded in the Scripture in the words of the Creator:

“I__ and I alone___ am God
No other god is real”
(Duet 32:39)

Worship no god but Me!
Do not make for yourselves images of anything
In heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord your God and
I tolerate no rivals.
(Duet 5:7 to 9)

Hence, we must believe our God as the Supernatural and Super-physical. God is not perceivable by our senses. Nor___ God is point-able like point-able things. Nor___ the names of God’s created things should be used for God. Nor ___ we should consider God in terms of things and worship God as a thing. Of course___ we should believe God, the same way, as God has commanded us to believe. And___ God’s Commandments 9Duet 32:39 and Duet 5:7 to 9) are very much reasonable and quiet corresponding to our intellect.
“Whenever a person thinks about the motion____ a thought of the motion-setter comes in his mind automatically”
(Andrew Connde)

God is really existing! Quest of a hundred percent convincing argument in support of this claim, is a matter of specific nature. Which is totally dependent upon one’s own research and experience.

If you will try to understand the Faith, in accordance with it’s prescribed conditions and sources. Then sooner or later, you will come to the enlightening nature and truthfulness of the claim, definitely.

And___ when you will become aware of particular nature of the link between God-n-man including its prescribed conditions to maintain it. And___ when you will become wholeheartedly busy in positive accomplishment of the prescribed conditions. Then, as a result of your sincerity___ such a link between God-n-man will develop___ that no room will remain vacant for any type of doubt or suspicion. And___ faith in God will elevate you up to such an extent that you will feel and realize the Lord____ quiet near and familiar to you. And___ such a soothing satisfaction will prevail all-around you which is meant for the chosen-ones alone.

2006-12-12 01:39:25 · answer #8 · answered by ibn adam 4 · 0 0

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