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9 answers

The Jehovah's Witness are right because there they're the only one's following the Bible. For instance, everyone know's that Christmas is a pagan festival that's been hijacked, yet most follow it. The trinity is nonsense, and was made up by priests at the First council of Nicaea in the year 325. And there's a lot more.

Matthew 15:8-9
8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’

As for knowing that the Bible comes from the true God, you have to study it to get faith. Blind faith is daft, when there's so much proof in the Bible.

Proverbs 2:1-5
1 My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, 2 so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; 3 if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, 4 if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it, 5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God.

2006-12-11 11:23:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You could wait until next May when this program about Jehovah’s Witnesses is shown on PBS, or you can order a copy now. It was done by an independent film company.


Setting aside any Bible issues, they believe in obeying the law, even the inconvenient ones, such as speed limits when late for work.

They believe in paying taxes, even though there are many ways they could avoid them, as many religions do.

They believe in keeping their word, such as to the IRS that they will not promote politics in the church, and they actually mean it.

They teach their youth that waiting until marriage is preferable to using protection, and for the most part, the youths actually believe it. As a result, they have the lowest rates of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. Yes, there is the occasional ones who would rather have their fun now than wait, but there are far more who choose to wait.

They treat their youth with respect, not just "do what you're told!"

Youths are taught side by side with the adults, the Bible as a whole, and not just Bible stories. The very young may not understand what they are being taught, but by the time you reach the age of understanding, they have a good basic knowledge of the scriptures.

The congregations never get so large that the individual gets lost in the crowd. Since everyone is taught the same, it is easy to start a new congregation, with a set of elders.

Everyone knows everyone, whether in their congregation, or in their circuit. When Katrina happened, every Jehovah’s Witnesses living in New Orleans could be found in Texas, with every individual accounted for. How many other religions could say for certain they knew that none of those left behind belong to one of their churches?

They believe their Kingdom Halls should compliment a neighborhood, and not overwhelm it, so they are small and don’t include a lot of expensive decorative features. Each KH can hold up to four congregations.

The greatest difference between JWs and the rest of Christendom can be answered with just one question.


Everyone else will falter around and perhaps come up with a day in May, but all JWs will say at sunset on Niacin 14, which falls on the first full moon after the vernal equinox, the Memorial of the Last Supper. This is the only day, aside from wedding anniversaries, that Christ said to continue keeping, yet Jehovah's Witnesses are the only Christian organization that does.

Whatever you may say about whether it is right or wrong to observe the man-made holidays created since the first congregations, the fact remains that Christendom does not observe the one day Christ said to keep. What does that say for the leaders of Christendom, that they ignore that one important day of the year, and don't even know what day it falls on?

The question of holidays gets asked a lot, yet the facts of why are clearly evident. Even the Churches of Christendom recognize that the holidays and observances are not in keeping with Bible teachings, yet they fear that doing anything about it will jeopardize their positions and power. Check any religious encyclopedia about the holidays and their history.

So the question is not why don't witnesses celebrate the holidays, but why does Christendom celebrate something not taught in the Bible? Further, why don't they know what day Christ said to observe and why don't you observe it on that day?

Whatever you may think of any of the other beliefs of JWs, you have to ask yourself is the need to observe these holidays more important than observing the day Christ said to keep?

2006-12-11 19:33:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I studied Islam and these are some of the reasons why I think it is the right religion

Islam is not against established scientific facts.

Islam protects me. For example, it says 'don't drink alcohol' I know why i shouldn't drink alcohol. Islam says, Zakat (charity) is MUST. I know why it is must.

Islam gives me more rights than any other religion. (even democracy)

Islam has an answer to every problem that I have

Almost all other relgion books (Bible, the Hiduish scriptures.........) prophesize the Prophet

2006-12-11 19:12:32 · answer #3 · answered by Knowledge Seeker 4 · 0 1

This seems like kind of a loaded question. If people answer any certain religion, then others may, in their answers discriminate against it. I will not tell you my religion for that purpose. I will however tell you why it is the one and only true church.
1. No one in the church is paid. All people who serve in the church are called to do so. Not even the custodians or pianist are paid.
2. We believe in God, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We believe they are three separate beings united in one goal.
3. we believe that everyone will be punished for their own sins and not Adam and Eve's
4. we believe that through the atonement of Jesus Christ, everyone may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel
5. we believe that the first principles and laws of the gospel are first faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, second repentance, third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sind, fourth, the laying on of hand for the gift of the Holy Ghost
6. we believe that man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of handsby those who are in authority.
7. we believe in the same organization that existed in Christ's time.
8. we believe all God has revealed, all that he does now reveal, and that he will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God
9. we have a living prophet today who leads the church.

I have been in my religion for most of my life. i have studied and pray ed much about it. i have been handed literature that tries to convince people that it is false. Everything I have ever read or studied points to this religion being the one and only true church. The clincher for me, is that you can listen to people preach to you and call you to repentance etc. The church actually tells you "don't take our word for it. . .pray about it for yourself. Find it for yourself."
If you are on a journey to find the truth, I wish you well

2006-12-11 19:28:24 · answer #4 · answered by cclleeoo 4 · 0 1

If I told you the True Religion, there would be disagreements, so will explain what "true & false" religion is.

What is false religion?

Why does religion seem to be at the root of so many problems?
The fault lies, not with all religion, but with “false” religion.

False Religion...MEDDLES IN WAR AND POLITICS: How many religions can you think of whose members engage in war?

False Religion...SPREADS FALSE DOCTRINE: Most religions teach that the soul of spirit is some invisible part of a human that survives the death of the physical body. However, the Bible teaches a different doctrine. “The soul that is sinning, it itself will die.” Ezekiel 18:4 Jesus taught that the dead will be resurrected, an unnecessary action if humans had an immortal soul. Does your religion teach that the soul does not die?

False Religion...TOLERATES IMMORAL SEX: Church groups ordain gay and lesbian members of the clergy. What, though, does the Bible teach? It plainly states: “Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men.” 1 Cor. 6:9,10 Do you know of religions that condone immoral sex?

How to identify true religion.

True Religion...PRACTICES LOVE: True worshippers are “no part of the world,” are not divided by race or culture, and display “love among themselves.” Rather than killing one another, they are willing to die for one another.

True Religion...TRUSTS GOD'S WORD: Instead of teaching “tradition” and “commands of men as doctrines,” true religion bases its doctrine on God's Word, the Bible

True Religion...STRENGTHENS FAMILIES AND UPHOLDS HIGH MORAL STANDARDS: True religion trains husbands to “love their wives as their own bodies,” helps wives to develop “deep respect for their husbands,” and teaches children to “be obedient to their parents.”

True Religion is available, search for it.

2006-12-11 19:33:22 · answer #5 · answered by BJ 7 · 0 0

there are over six billion religions on the planet - they are all equal


2006-12-11 19:15:00 · answer #6 · answered by -skrowzdm- 4 · 0 1

Do you really want to open the flood gates with this crowd?

2006-12-11 19:12:02 · answer #7 · answered by Univgurl 2 · 1 1

We could ask you the very same question couldn't we?

2006-12-11 19:10:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

because if you don't believe my pumpkin god he will send you to pumpkin hell and spit hot fire seeds on your genitals for eternity

2006-12-11 19:12:21 · answer #9 · answered by jesus is now atheist 1 · 0 1

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