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why is there so much hate between these two groups.

they both believe based on nothing more then the observations, claims, and interpretations of those who wrote the books they read from.

niether can prove beyond doubt that theirs is the actual truth.

as those claim that christians dont know/interpret the bible right, most of those who beleive in the big bang have never even done any experiments of their own to come to any similar conclusion. both based on blind faith. so why so much dispute between them?

2006-12-11 09:33:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Ignorance is bliss. I say why cant both exist? Couldnt God, have created the big bang? Nothing in the bible really details how God does anything. This is beyond our comprehension anyway. Nothing exists alone. So why can't God be the cause of anything scientific?

2006-12-11 09:35:53 · answer #1 · answered by Melli 6 · 2 0

Hate is a strong word! Why not just disagreement? I can tell you why I disagree! Because I believe that the Bible is true. We were created by Him and for Him! Essentially the dispute isn't over the creation, it is over whether we believe in God and that the Bible is His inspired Word, that is why feelings are so strong. Most Christians also believe it follows through to our way of life. Our laws of society - if there is no God, then there is no right or wrong, because most of our original laws stemmed from the Ten Commandments. The disagreement is much bigger than the question you ask. That is just one stroke of paint on a huge canvass!

2006-12-11 09:58:43 · answer #2 · answered by I'm a Believer 1 · 0 0

You have answered your own question by saying: they both believe based on nothing more than observations, claims and interpretations of those who wrote the books they read from.
If you are ABSOLUTELY SURE, by your own knowledge tested and trued, you have no need to be defensive or agressive about it.
Nobody is, but people have a NEED to be right and a FEAR that being incorrect will result in condemnation - by peers or by God, or by the 'powers of the universe', or whatever.
Agression is fueled by fear and insecurity, and precisely that is the reason why they can't stand each other. They're too much alike in their insecurity.

2006-12-11 09:38:02 · answer #3 · answered by flywho 5 · 0 0

I do believe in technology and by no skill more advantageous than elementary common technology. I although can not discover adequate data to somewhat comprehend the vast bang got here about and Evolution has its good factors, although that is likewise lacking to a lot to be suggested as irrefutable. i comprehend and believe in gravity, the earth revolves around the solar, the moon's gravitational pull consequences the tides of the oceans, that stars can and do exploded. there is more advantageous than only this one image voltaic gadget interior the vast universe, i comprehend that water, ice and steam are nonetheless water in its diverse kinds. I understand the string concept, I have considered Parallel universe. I have an information of anti-remember. Electrons, protons, neutrons all from atoms. power can not be lost that is in elementary terms switched over and exceeded on in its diverse kinds.

2016-11-30 10:59:39 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The only possible reason for our existence is God (unless you can answer my 3 questions below). God created the world for a reason. The bible says that God ceated the world so he can be glorified (more info, please email me).

The only book that makes the most sense is the bible.

The 3 questions are:

If it wasn't for God, how did the universe came into existense?

If you believe the big bang theory then answer the next 2

What caused the explosion?

Where did the particle or dense matter before the explosion come from?

2006-12-11 09:44:27 · answer #5 · answered by A follower of Christ 4 · 0 0

The Quran was ahead of the scientists by over a thousand years

Sura al-anbeyaa:30
"The heavens and the Earth used to be one solid mass that was exploded into exsistence.
It then goes on to explain how it was smoke, and that from the smoke the celestial bodies and planets were created, and everything fell into it's orbit.
And on Earth everything originated from the water, all life is from the water.

Science is just catching up to Islam in so many ways.

2006-12-11 09:44:28 · answer #6 · answered by Cairo 2 · 0 1

The Big Bang was true.... but behind that big bang was God. He caused the big bang to happen, and placed everything perfectly. The big bang did not occur by itself.

The Big Bang
The universe came into existence billions of years ago with a tremendous explosion called "The big bang." This is clearly mentioned in the Qur’aan in the following verses:
Chapter: 21, Verse: 30
Have not "those who disbelieve" known heavens and earth were of one piece,
We parted them and, We made every living thing of water
Will they not then believe?
The discovery of "The Big Bang" and that of "The aquatic origin of life" was made by the non-Muslims, ("those who disbelieve"). When the universe began all matter and space (heavens) was at one point
(one piece). Then everything was separated in what the physicists describe as "The big bang." The evidence that the universe began in the "The big bang" is so overwhelming that it is now considered a fact and not just a theory.

I used to oppose the big bang, until I found this out.
Is there a Creator of this universe? Yes there is a Creator of this world.

The big bang could not just happened just like that,, by two particles coming together and BANG, everything went in to order and perfectly. First thing, where did these two particles come from? Who created them, or did they create themselves? Lol. With the planets lined up, and the earth at the correct axis, a correct perfect, precise distance away from the sun. If the earth was 1% off its axis the whole ecosystem would be messed up. All the planets are in order, and lined up.

This can not just happen like that, without someone behind it. And that someone is God the All Mighty. He created the particles, they did not create themselves or anything, and then He caused the big bang to happen.

Do the experiment yourself! Get a bunch of marbles, and name them as the names of the planets, or even numbers 1-9 or something. Put them in your hands, and mix them around and then drop them, to see if they all come in a line, in the exact order 1-9 or whatever. That would never happen. You won't be able to get it perfect, for verily God is far beyond perfect, and we are not.

How can you say there’s no God and believe in the big bang now?

How can everything be so perfect. Look, look at the oxygen we breath, its the rght thing for us, and the trees and water etc. Look at the whole universe!

Most of the stuff that scientist found out in the past 100 years was already known over 1400 years ago in the Qur'aan.

Read this link for about Islaam and Science....

The existence of God is true, I'll say that again! Some even give the answer of God not existing, because we don't and can't see him! Well read this...

One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain evolution to the children. The teacher asked
a little boy:
Joe do you see the tree outside?
JOE: Yes.
TEACHER: Joe, do you see the grass outside?
JOE: Yes.
TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see
if you can see the sky.
JOE: Okay. (He returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky.
TEACHER: Did you see God up there?
JOE: No.
TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see
God because he isn't there. Possibly he just doesn't exist.

A Katie spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.
The teacher agreed and the Katie asked the boy:
Joe, do you see the tree outside?
JOE: Yes.
KATIE: Joe do you see the grass outside?
JOE: Yessssss!
KATIE: Did you see the sky?
JOE: Yessssss!
KATIE: Joe, do you see the teacher?
JOE: Yes
KATIE: Do you see her brain?
KATIE: Then according to what we were taught today in school, she possibly
may not even have one!

Another example....
If you say does not exist because you have never seen Him...
Well then your brain doesn't exist, your heart doesn't, and neither do your lungs or anything else in your body. Why? Because you haven’t seen it right? If that's the case, then you don't exist. That has to be the retardest answer I've seen to this question: Does God really exist? Your a layman- with no knowledge of anything. How can you say God doesn't exist if you haven't seen him? Have you seen a hippo? If no they don't exist. What about a rhino? Neither do they then. You get what I mean?

Does God exist? Yes he does,
If you say no He doesn’t because we haven't seen him, then we don't have a brain, because we haven't seen it!
If you were walking and found horse poo, surely there was a horse about, and that’s the proof for the existence of the horse, that's the same with this world and the skies, surely there is someone behind it, and that is God. Look at the universe, the body, everything around you!!!!

You can never live without God. No one can. Wait a minute, without God you wouldn't be here!!! He created you and gave you life, of course you need him. Without him, you wouldn't be asking this question and I wouldn't be answering it. He gave you everything you need, and He can easily take it back anytime.

Be grateful to Him that he gave you all this. The oxygen you breathe, where is it from? God is the answer. The food you eat, it's all from God. He gave you the ability to type and read and write do all the things you can. He gave people sight, and others not, He gave you a good capable body, to others He didn't. Why? Why ask why!? It's God's choice, don't question him. Just be thankful, and a lot that he didn't make you without sight, or handicapped or anything else.

The family you live with, God gave you that as well. Everything reflects back on to God, and yet we are not thankful to him.....God exist, how can you say he doesn't? You people, who say he doesn't exist, don't know the true meaning of life and existence. Maybe you don't exist as well? No one exists right? If God doesn't exist then we don't, right?

How are we born? By te sperm and egg, meeting each other, and then fertilisation occurs and what not, and then the embryo and whatever, well I'm pretty sure everyone knows this! Well scientist only found this out in the last 100 years. It was mentioned more than 1400 years ago in the Qur'aan!
The creation of man:

Also read about the Qur'aan if your not ignorant and want to learn about others beliefs.

The Holy Qur’aan
Evidence that the Qur'aan is the Word of Allaah
Texts of the Revelation which confirm that Islam is a divinely-revealed religion
And also about the Prophet of Islaam:
Who was Muhammad(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
Evidence for the truth of the Prophethood of Muhammad

There are many other examples I can give..... but the links that I gave already state them.... such as the www.islamguide.com on and about Islaam and Science

I hope that helps.

2006-12-11 09:56:03 · answer #7 · answered by Mr Stick 4 · 0 0

Science doesn't prove things without a doubt, but religion makes no attempt to prove them at all. If one claimed they had a cure for cancer, which would you go with?

The great thing about science is that it's reproducable - you make a claim, you back it up with evidence, and you let people see your data and how you got it so they can do it themselves. You don't have to believe them; try it for yourself.

2006-12-11 09:44:26 · answer #8 · answered by eri 7 · 0 0

Any question of faith is automatically attacked. The creationists want to take away the tourist attraction status from the Leaky museum (6 million year old human fossils) in Africa because it conflicts with their beliefs.

2006-12-11 10:23:15 · answer #9 · answered by mykl 3 · 0 0

I'm an evolutionist, so yes i believe in the Big Bang and String theories. But I don't hate religious people at all. I do not have a problem with religion and religious people, BUT I have a SERIOUS problem when religion and religious people tell me how I should live my life, how I should talk, where I should go, what i should say, how I should vote...
THEN, my friend, I have a serious problem indeed.

No, I don't hate them. They can't help having narrow minds and poor IQ and the inability to use logic and reason. But i do like to pick on them a make them get all twisted up in their own words and beliefs. I find it amusing!

2006-12-11 09:38:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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