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There are laws against sexism in the West and civilized countries. I'm sure if I had a good enough lawyer I could take Islam/Mosques to court on grounds of sexism and discrimination
This should not be tolerated in a non 3 world country like the West

80 % of mosques are doing this to females in the west>>>
Today in non-Muslim countries a mosque must definitely accommodate women equally.This is the West....... However many mosques in these countries are small and converted properties...And females only get to pray in the dark and dirty damp basement ,or the very back of the room behind the ugly stink men where you cannot hear a thing.....and even worse mosques/males took it another step now it is a movable curtain or panel women have to sit behind...the only way men/males would allow women to use the mosque).
I good case for discrimination ........someone has to do something....i guess it will be me.....wish me luck




2006-12-11 07:13:08 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Absolutely! We are fighting the same thing at our mosque now, however we've been assured that the new mosque being built will give us our rights concerning space in the masajid. It is understandable in our case however, because it is one of the oldest mosques in the community and it consists of a very tiny "main space" and even smaller side rooms for schooling and for the sisters. In many cases, this is the problem, the limited ammount of space, however as more and more mosques are gaining enough funds to build, we're seeing more space open up and sisters giving their rights and opportunities.

I'm with you all the way.

2006-12-11 07:37:00 · answer #1 · answered by hayaa_bi_taqwa 6 · 2 0

To my knowledge Muslim men and women are equally allowed to enter a Mosque, although most do have separate rooms for men and women.
If your argument is that the womens prayer room is a dark, damp and dirty basement or its too small or there isn't even a womens room then yes you should complain to the Imam of that Mosque/try to solve this problem.
As for the situation in one Mosque with there being a moveable curtain that the women must sit behind, why is this a problem?
This is not discrimination, if you are Muslim you should understand this. There are Mosques that do allow men and women to pray in the main room but the women must still pray at the back, behind the men.

I know there have been situations where some Mosques have said there is no room for the women. Of course this is not good, the women have as much right to pray in the Mosque as the men. But this is individual Mosques/communities that are causing this problem which should be dealt with.

So, in answer to your question,
"Should I Sue mosques for denying me and other females equal access to the Main Space because of gender?"
- if they have not provided the women with suitable space to pray then yes you could sue them and should definitely try to solve this.

But if the women do have a perfectly nice, clean space to pray and you are just suing so you can pray in the same room (for equal rights) then my answer is no.

2006-12-11 11:25:14 · answer #2 · answered by Tia 3 · 2 0

That is absolutely impossible.

Religious institutions are exempt from discrimination laws.

That is why, for instance, a church cannot be forced to hire a female pastor.

And that's a good thing - we need separation of church and state.

There is not a human rights attorney anywhere that would take the case on because it would be tossed out as soon as the paperwork was filed.

If you want to fight sexism in American mosques, which I absolutely applaud, you have to do it within the Muslim culture and religion. Look up feminist Muslim individuals and organizations and work with them.

Good luck!

~ Lib

2006-12-11 07:23:30 · answer #3 · answered by LibChristian 2 · 1 0

Why should muslim women sit with men? We have seperate parts in the mosque, 1 for males, 1 for females... how is that sexist in any way? I don't know what mosque you've seen, but the normal mosques have 1 nice place for men, n 1 equally nice place for women to pray, and there's a microphone so everyone can hear the prayer. It is obvious you just don't like muslims and you are trying to find somehow of making us look 'wrong' in some way. I remember you asked a question before, can't remember what it was about...why women can't dress like sluts in front of men? And that it's sexist? You can do whatever you want, we have more respect.

2006-12-11 08:03:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yes. I believe that it is time someone (you or anyone else) started taking some action against the many still existing discriminations present. I'm not just talking about discrimination and inequality within Islam, but in all religions, organisations, communities and societies. We live in the 21st centaury, and even though certain ideas were tolerated in the past, most of them are outrageous in the views of the modern world. Yet, regardless of the fact, for example that every human has the right to chose his/her religion; we still find hundreds of thousands of cases of persecution and terrifying into the adoption of certain beliefs. Why, and how, are we still letting this happen? As humans, it only shows how disgusting a creature we are when we stand by and allow even the tiniest of acts of discrimination to occur!

In conclusion, if suing is the only way to overcome this problem, then may it be the first step on the long journey towards 100% equality amongst all humans, regardless of Gender, faith, ethnicity, or any other factor. God Bless.

2006-12-11 07:45:30 · answer #5 · answered by Pichka 2 · 0 2

Why does Islam bug u so much? Is it because theres truth in the old saying THE TRUTH HURTS!!! if it's not the truth then it shouldn't annoy u other religions don't bother me I'm not going bananas with hatred inside of me makes me wonder why u r??? A little bit of guilt inside of u a little bit of fear perhaps that when u die which u will and if all those Muslims out there are right.

2006-12-11 20:04:11 · answer #6 · answered by sassy! 2 · 1 1

You can try, but religions are given a special place in American society. It isn't right that this is allowed, but our government seems to view religion as something important and 'sacred'. As long as a religion doesn't physically or sexually hurt people then they can do whatever they want. If you do sue then I hope you win!

2006-12-11 07:28:33 · answer #7 · answered by Dawkins 2 · 0 0

Might as well sue Christian churches that don't allow women to be preachers while your at it. or what about that one church that doesn't allow women to have any teaching jobs there at all? I think that would be a better use of your time, seeing as the Christian church has more influence in the west than Islam does.

2006-12-11 07:23:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well i live in the west and i have never been denied entry to any mosque. Your not a Muslim why would you want to enter? Is this proof you are a liar????hhhmmmmmmmm
My husbands family all live in a Muslim country and non of them have ever been denied entry either.....hhhhmmmmm
Trying to spread more stereotypes are we Lol Lol Lol
Good luck with that. Lol lol

2006-12-11 07:17:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I think this is great if you are Muslim yourself. I'll be praying for you to succeed. Islam's treatment of women has been in my prayers for several years now. Be careful though as there are really scary fundamentalist Muslims out there. Of course I don't want you to take offense as it is the same with all religions. People always find ways to pervert the word of God into something they want to be so. Good Luck and May God Bless You with courage for your battle.

2006-12-11 07:19:43 · answer #10 · answered by bess 4 · 2 3

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