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I've a rather old laptop & had been thinking to buy a new one. Up until recently this laptop had been working OK except that it's been hanging up every now & then while using. Local PC repair shop couldn't do much about it & the only option that I was recommended to was to falsely claim it being damaged as a part of home content insurance.

Since I've never done such "fiddling" with insurance, I felt less comfortable but seeing this being the only option of either getting it repaired or getting it replaced, I'm inclined to give this "fiddle" a go, with my insurance claim.

I've already reported insurance company that I've had laptop dropped accidentally on the stairs while taking it upstairs, they've arranged their company to have my laptop collected & get it inspected.

2006-12-11 06:36:13 · 18 answers · asked by j4mes_bond25 2 in Business & Finance Insurance

So far I’ve mentioned about the “real” problem of PC getting hanged up after a while, however, just to be more certain of it getting “replaced” rather than merely “repaired”, I wonder how exactly could I damage it further. Now, since I already mentioned to the insurance that there’s no visible damage (mistakenly, since I initially called to “inquiry” & hence wasn’t prepared enough to “lie”, at that stage), I wonder if I could NOW do anything that could cause damage “internally” & hence is NOT physically visible. If so, how exactly could I cause “internal physical” damage to the extent that the laptop become BEYOND REPAIR & hence could be considered for “replacement” & not “repaired” ???

Speaking of such “immoral” & “unethical” way of claiming insurance, is there anyone around brave enough to share their experience with people around ???

Is anyone around technically inclined to the extent that he/she could possibly point me in the right direction ???

2006-12-11 06:36:58 · update #1

18 answers

Honesty is the best policy mate!

What is the point anyway?, even if the insurance company would reimburse you, it is not worth anything. The value would be calculated after depreciation.
What use to you is an old computer?, new ones do not cost much these days so why risk getting a blot on your record???

Wait until Xmas, who knows Santa might bring you one along!

Happy Xmas

2006-12-11 07:00:39 · answer #1 · answered by Gary H 3 · 1 0

I agree with previous posters. It's fraud and a crime. You are not just robbing the insurance company, but your fellow policyholders, and are playiing a dangerous game. You could end up with a criminal record. a place on an insurance blacklist, or your policy cover being cancelled.

Until recently, I actually worked for a company that verifies such claims - they have very experienced engineers who will carry out a thorough inspection to ensure that any damage (internal or external) is consistent with the supposed cause of the damage. Not much gets passed them. They will know whether the fault is due to a software error, wear and tear or impact. In a lot of cases where there is no visible damage it's often the user's fault, a memory issue or a virus.

It's people such as you who have made the claims process so complicated. If frauds weren't committed, more claims would be paid straight away.

2006-12-12 00:46:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You be the judge, before you meet a real one. What is the next 5 to 15 years of your life worth to you?

I am assuming it is less that $1000 if you are considering going through all of this for a $500 laptop.

You should be arrested, and will be if you proceed with this. Insurance fraud is not a good thing to have on your resume'.

2006-12-12 08:25:43 · answer #3 · answered by bearmeister34 2 · 0 0

Why is insurance fraud considered a 'victimless' crime? It's honest folk like us that end up getting it in the neck by paying higher premiums for the likes of you.

They say that for every 5 metres square of sand on a spanish beach, you'll find 1.5 rolex watches. Who takes a rolex to the beach for gods sake?!?

Do the honest thing. If you're caught out making a fraudulent claim you'll stuggle getting accepted for all types of insurance in future as you need to advise on the declaration whether you have been refused insurance in the past. Insurers share info with each other so even if you lie, you'll get caught in the end. Its not really worth it for a few hundred quid.

2006-12-11 06:52:56 · answer #4 · answered by Ecko 4 · 1 0

I am completely and utterly disgusted by people who would make a fraudulent claim against an insurance company to give them (or you in this case) you what you don't deserve. That is the #1 reason why insurance premiums are so high. You say "well if I am paying for it, I might as well use it" but what you are really saying is that "you are using it, so now you are paying it. By the way, I am an agent and if I can find out who you are, I'd turn you in to the insurance commisioner for your state!!!

2006-12-11 10:48:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, it's kinda POINTLESS. You're not going to get a NEW laptop, you're going to get another OLD laptop, rather old, at that. Unless you specifically insured it with a floater, it's not going to be covered for "oops I dropped it". If they find something that IS covered, and even IF you specifically insured it, you likely have a deductible.

The value of this could easily have depreciated into obsolescence, especially if it's older than 3 years, and it's not WORTH anything to claim, any way. Even if it hasn't, they WILL depreciate for whatever problem they find (bad wires? blown motherboard?) once they take this apart.

I just don't think it's worth the time & effort you're putting into it, all morality aside.

2006-12-11 07:13:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 0 0

This is fraud.

In reality you wont get caught, difficult to prove if your laptop stopped working through age or being dropped.

If you tell adjuster that laptop hangs since being dropped, and it does hang job done!

If your insurance is new for old, expect to receive a £300 dell in exchange for your excess cheque.

When you find out how slow it is think ' was it all worth it!'

2006-12-11 20:34:17 · answer #7 · answered by duncanjfield 2 · 0 0

All I will tell you is that Insurance Companies have "SIU" teams or special investigation units, You are likely to get discovered and it will cost a lot more than just buying a new laptop' instead you may be doing lap dances for "BIG BUBBA" at your local Jail. Enjoy and don't drop the soap.

2006-12-11 13:18:59 · answer #8 · answered by Tunka 2 · 0 0

This is so sad. You are not only attempting to commit fraud, you are trying to enlist others to commit fraud as well by helping you to do so.

I only hope that you are joking about this. Look at all the energy you have already expended on this and how much more will be necessary to continue on this ill-fated attempt.

If you are found out, which you probably will be, you may be charged with fraud and could even go to jail. Is it worth that?


2006-12-11 07:48:15 · answer #9 · answered by concernedjean 5 · 0 0

Every fraudulent insurance claim by dishonest claimants results in a higher premium for honest customers. I strongly recommend against this course of action.

2006-12-11 21:08:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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