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2006-12-11 06:35:00 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

29 answers

I don't know if you are really expecting the answer, or just defending your breed..but, this is why, and you probably would prefer not to know..
In the 6-year study published in the medical journal PEDIATRICS (Vol.97 No. 6, 891-5), Jeffrey J. Sacks, M.D. and associates reported the finding of 109 bite-related fatalities. They found that 57% of the deaths were in children under 10 years of age. 22% of the deaths involved an unrestrained dog OFF the owner's property. 18% of the deaths involved a restrained dog ON the owner's property, and 59% of the deaths involved an unrestrained dog ON the owner's property.

The researchers also found that 10% of the dog bite attacks involved sleeping infants.

The most commonly reported dog breeds involved were pit bulls (24 deaths), followed by rottweilers (16 deaths), and German shepherds (10 deaths). The authors point out that many breeds, however, are involved in the problem.
At least 25 breeds of dogs have been involved in 238
human DBRF during the past 20 years. Pit bull-type
dogs and Rottweilers were involved in more than half of
these deaths.

2006-12-11 06:46:41 · answer #1 · answered by Chetco 7 · 1 1

The same reason people are scared of an airplane crashing. There are thousands of car accidents a day. Few even make the news. But when an airplane crashes, everyone usually dies. The analogy holds true with a pit bull. There are hundreds of dog bites everyday. A poodle or terrier doesn't do much damage (like some car accidents). A rottie or a pit bull tends to do a lot of damage when they bite, including some cases of deaths. They are big dogs who have very powerful bites. They are going to cause some damage especially to children.

There is my analogy for the reason.

There is also the reason of people breeding pit bulls to be fighters. This illegal practice goes on in many a place, and furthers the stereotype. A dog is dangerous 95% of the time because of their owner. I always look at the owner first.

2006-12-11 14:43:48 · answer #2 · answered by slepinfira 1 · 2 0

"Pit Bulls attack more people than any other breed." Bite statistics actually show otherwise. More popular breeds that are generally considered to be "nice dogs" top the majority of lists. It may seem to the general public who is constantly bombarded with disturbing reports on Pit Bull attacks that this is the only breed that harms humans with any great regularity. However, the fact remains that Pit Bulls are hot news items. Dogs of all breeds and mixes bite and attack people all the time, but it is mainly the Pit Bull bites that get sensationalized. A report about the local Golden Retriever that attacks and maims a child isn't considered newsworthy. No one wants to believe that any dogs--even the fuzzy, cute, popular ones--are capable of biting. It's much easier to blow up and sensationalize a story about a vicious dog when it's a member of a breed who's reputation preceeds it. Pit Bulls are already considered the demons. All the reporters have to do is stand in front of the camera, look horrified, and say, "A Pit Bull did it".

2006-12-11 16:56:15 · answer #3 · answered by raven blackwing 6 · 0 0

Because people can be stupid, basically. There are bad people out there who get this breed and train them to be aggressive. Then, when these dogs attack . . it becomes a media circus. I am sure there are many dog attacks that never make the news bc they are by smaller dogs. No one really cares if someone is attacked by a poodle . . but a pit bull . . what a great story. Just one more example of how dangerous they are! Contrary to what most people think, Pits are not aggressive by nature, they are trained that way. So not only are these dogs continually abused, but they are then punished and get a bad rep for it. There are ins companies that will not insure you if you own a pit bull and there are shelters that automatically euthanize pits no matter how young they are. This is done not because they are dangerous, but to ensure that they are not adopted into the wrong hands. It really is sad and (obviously) makes me very angry. I hope some day this unfair assumption can be overcome . .but I think we are a long way from that.

2006-12-11 15:25:04 · answer #4 · answered by sweet_carmel_angel 3 · 1 0

I have an amazing Pit Bull Terrier. He is probably one of the best dogs I have ever had. Extremely loving, sweet, trustworthy and affectionate. I've had so many complete strangers comment on how beautiful, sweet and well behaved he is. Then they ask what breed he is and have this horrified look on their faces when I inform them. People need to get a serious grip. Why...
First of all, Pit Bull are the most popular dog in America.
There are a lot of people who should never be allowed to own a Pit Bull - some people just aren't good at it .
Any breed of dog can be made into a monster depending on how it is raised, trained, and handled.
I think more attention needs to be paid to dangerous people.
Jason Homan

2006-12-11 15:12:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because they are dangerous. Don't go getting all offended, I love all animals, even pit bulls. It's just that this particular breed is extremly strong. The problem is that the amount of strength in the jaw alone of a pit bull is so very strong that when a pit bull bites down and decides not to let go, the only way you can pry the jaws off of the victim is by sedating the dog. It is becuase of their raw strength that people use them in dog fights and breed them to be violent. And it is because of that they have the reputation of being dangerous. A lot of insurance companies will not insure your home at any price if you own a pit bull. There are plenty of sweet, loving pittys out there that have gotten a bad rep no doubt. But there is a reason for it.

2006-12-11 14:44:00 · answer #6 · answered by Goddess 4 · 1 0

I don't know. I grew up with a pit bull as a pet and she was the best dog. She never acted aggressive toward me and the most lethal thing was her tail. My Dad never had it chopped off and she would hit me with her tail when she was happy. I had friends mothers not allow them at my house because of my dog. She never bit anyone. I think aggressive dogs and pit bulls are trained to be that way. Any dog can be dangerous if they have been mistreated or they have been trained to attack. Here is a site that trains pit bulls the correct way.


2006-12-11 14:49:37 · answer #7 · answered by pumpkinhoney2 2 · 0 0

thats dumb what that other guy said about pit bulls use for fighten ? well long time ago some owners do that use their dogs to fight with others breeds for money . thats so sad seening that having other dog get killed . but any way its how the owner treat and raise their pit bulls . if you train it for protect youre home or yourself then some of them can be mean and dangerous might attack some body or harm you for thinking youre going do some thing bad . also it can happen if the dogs had been not treated good way . not only pit bulls are so harmless to people or children ? why youre planning to get a pit bull ?

2006-12-11 14:57:55 · answer #8 · answered by sk 3 · 0 1

Because they can be trained to be violent.
They as any other dog can be abused and become violent.
A jack russel terrier is much more likely to bite but a pit bulls bite is much more powerful.
My sister has had pit bulls her entire adult life, they are the sweetest dogs. She has three children that in my opinion kind of tortured the dogs. Those pit bulls would never ever harm those kids. My teddy bear looking Springer bit children before, never the pit bull. And if someone were to threaten my sis or her kids, the pit bulls would really take care of it, no doubt ending up in the news and put to sleep.

2006-12-11 14:47:20 · answer #9 · answered by Sara 5 · 1 1

i have a pit bull used to be 2 but one passed with cancer. anyways they aren't dangerous if they are raised properly. i saved both my (only one now..so sad) Pitts from fighting and the one that i still have is one of the friendliest dogs possible. but the media has it drilled into peoples minds that pit bulls are dangerous, mainly for the fact that most people who buy them do only buy them for the fighting purposes or to 'look cool'. people should learn not to trust everything that the media throws at them. and the funniest thing is ive been a victem of a pit bull bite yet i still love the breed. the dog that had bit me after i had healed from the injury, he was the one i went to first. the dog (my first pit bull named smash, the one that died a few years ago of cancer) became my best friend. ill miss him dearly but this scar on my head from when i was 18 months old will always remind me of him.

2006-12-11 20:05:28 · answer #10 · answered by Panic-Chaos 1 · 0 0

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