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A little girl who is in my cousin (who has been in my care for the past two years) preschool class brought a Bible to school Friday. She was preaching the word of God and telling people if they were going to go to heaven or hell. Unfortunately, she told my cousin (who has FAS) is going to hell because "he's a retard" It's really become an issue in my home. I feel so bad for him but more so I‘m angry at the school for allowing this. He didn't even want to go to school today because of this little girl. Apparently, she brought her Bible to school again today and did the same thing. It shocks me because the teacher does nothing and says nothing. I emailed the teacher on Friday when this happened and also talked to her this morning. She obviously is doing nothing to contain this little girl and I honestly do not know what to do.

What would you do?

Is it just me or is it wrong for a student to do this?

Should I talk with her parents?

I just don’t know what to do.

Why is Christianity’s ugly side already around even in pre-school?

2006-12-11 06:28:01 · 17 answers · asked by .vato. 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

I am Christian.

I know there is a beautiful side of God and the Bible.

Realistically, there is an ugly side that is a incorrect which causes people to judge. That is what I meant by "ugly side of Christianity."

2006-12-11 06:44:55 · update #1

Butterfly. You are illiterate. I would appreciate you not to answer any of my questions. Not only do I think that but others do to.

If you are not willing to read the question. DON'T ANSWER IT.

If YOU were Christian YOU would know to capitalize God's name when you are talking about Him.


Read: "Christianity's ugly SIDE" not Christianity is ugly.

2006-12-11 06:48:10 · update #2

17 answers

I would be upset with the school as well for not handling this issue. You have spoken to the teacher and it has not been resolved. Ask his teacher again if she has spoken to this child and/or parents about this issue. These parents need to be informed about what their daughter is saying to other children in school. If his teacher has not spoken with this child or you are not satisfied with how she handled it speak with the director. Ask that she contact the parents. If the issue is not resolved by doing this, I suggest you speak with her parents. My guess is that they will be very surprised by what she has been saying and “nip it in the bud.” She has probably been taught that people who do not believe what she believes do not go to heaven. This child has misinterpreted this into “People who are not like me do not go to heaven.” While it is wrong for her to do this, and unkind, she has not been taught properly.

It is unfortunate, but even at this age you do see “Christianity’s ugly side” and the “ugly side” of other religions. I often have children of many religions wish to bring their Bibles or religious pamphlets to school. This I stop. It’s not appropriate when the school is not a religious based program. There have been times when I have overheard children speaking of their religion. I once had a Jehovah Witness tell another child that they are not going to heaven because they are not a Witness. I immediately spoke with the child and explained that she believes differently then “John” and that “John’s” religion says he does go to heaven. At this age, a simple answer is satisfactory enough. I spoke with her family as well and it never happened again.

Do some role playing with your cousin to help better prepare him if this issue ever comes up again. Let him know that it is okay for him to tell this child not to say these things to him and that it upsets him. Show him some pictures of all different kinds of people. Explain to him that some people are blond, some people have brown hair, some people have light skin, some people have dark skin, some people are tall, and some people are short… Tell him that God made all of these people different yet He loves them all the same and that each of them will go to heaven.

If his teacher is not handling this issue, and the director is not, go and observe his preschool. If you hear this child saying these things to your cousin, speak with her or help your cousin express his feelings to her. It may help him if he has you there for some support. Hope this helps you and your cousin. Best of luck!

2006-12-11 11:44:53 · answer #1 · answered by marnonyahoo 6 · 0 1

Do you send your cousin to a Catholic or public school? Of course you know if its public school, that alone should get the kid in trouble. There are so many other things wrong, however. First of all, I have seen so many teachers do this: A parent/guardian tries to contact the teacher and they don't respond. Why? Your cousin's teacher is clearly not responding because she/he KNOWS they are wrong. You cannot tell me that a teacher who is supposed to be especially attentive because they are looking after little kids that she didn't pick up on this behavior. You have to go to the principal, but you know what you should do--apparently since this child has been harassing (very sad to think preschoolers harass) other students, you should get together with other parents of these students for strength in numbers. Then you could all go see the principal together. I know this from experience. I don't know what your principal is like, some are understanding and some don't care how wrong their teachers are--the principal will defend the teacher. (unfortunately) You must stress that the students are very much affected by these statements and recommend that a counselor talks to this Bible-toting tot! Clearly, she's too young to know what she's saying--she's getting it from her parents which is even scarier. The little girl needs help for her own sake and for your cousin's sake and everyone else who has been bothered by her. I'm sorry your little cousin had to go through this-I hate it when kids have to suffer--in all places--the classroom. It's simply unacceptable. Such horrendous behavior makes me not even want to tell people that I'm Catholic!

2006-12-11 07:30:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I think the best thing to do is teach this little "preacher" about the true Love of God. as she is in preschool she is probably to young to fully understand what she is saying. I completly understand where you are coming from. why don' you sit down with you'r cousin and explain to him that God loves every one, and that he will not go to hell for being a retard. infact I think he is very smart, just maby a late blomer (I was, through grades 2-9 I never understood a thing the teachers said, but in my own way I was smarter than the other students, I learned how to cook at a earky age. now in my last 2 years if high school I understand a lot more, and have plans for the future). just remember EVERY child is smart and you'r cousin needs to know this. beleve me I have felt the ugly side of christianity, and I think that christians should learn to follow some of their teachings, and the teachings of Christ. this preschooler who is preaching needs to be taught how to efectivly witness to others, not to insult others (for this is aginst the Bible), and to love others. maby you should find out who the parents are and explain the problem, IF they are ture christians who care about others then they will have a talk with their daughter. if you would like to email me then feel free to do so, I am a AWANA L.I.T. and every wensday night I help teach the k-2and grade class.

2006-12-11 07:16:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Answering this is hard. I am a Christian and I would be very proud of my child telling of the wonderful things that come with that. BUT... I would also most certainly have a talk with my child if it were brought to my attention that they were spewing filth to the little children in school.
Why are they allowed to bring Bibles to school, is this a religious school? Anyways the teacher must certainly be forced to act and put a stop to this. If you've already tried and had no success I would go to the principal. Ask that the parents be contacted.
I won't even attempt to try and determine whether you are or are not a Christian based on your question. What I will say is even if you are not that little boy needs to know that God loves him and that he is one of God's extra special children. I don't know what church this little girl attends but my children know that God loves and excepts people from all walks of life and that He wants us to love everyone. I'm sorry that your family is going through this.
Definitely bring it to someone's attention. and DON"T allow this to be dismissed as "children will be children" or out of the mouth of babes. It's disgusting and if it's her parents she is learning this behavior from they are bigots and all kinds of other names that good Christian folk don't repeat. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

2006-12-11 06:49:37 · answer #4 · answered by 1973kimberly 2 · 0 0

If you have exhausted all help at the school I would try talking to her parents. This needs to stop now! Is this a Christian school, or is it HeadStart or just a regular school? If it's a HeadStart school that child [believe it or not] is breaking the law, at the very least the teachers are.
I think it would be best to speak to the parents, they are probably unaware of what their daughter is doing.
Convince your cousin that he is a good boy and he's not going to hell. There is no reason for him to feel this way. Just tell him he's a good boy and he'll overcome this and probably many other things in his life. Be there for him. You are his biggest supporter and if he is in your care then you can stop it.

2006-12-11 07:16:15 · answer #5 · answered by musicpanther67 5 · 0 0

No one has the right to tell a child they are going to Hell. I would be on the phone with the Principal / Board President (whatever you have) and start raising some hell myself. HOW DARE that child be allowed to do this. For now, just tell you cousin how wonderful he is and that God loves each and every one of us. You mentioned contacting the girls parents - do you know them personally? If not, go through the school first. Good Luck and God Bless.

2006-12-11 06:56:23 · answer #6 · answered by GP 6 · 0 0

I would definately broach the subject with the girl's parents.

Explain to them your child's condition and the statement she made which was very hurtful to them.

I'm not sure if the school has a right to stop her preaching during free periods due to freedom or speech issues.

I would write a letter to either the school board or the owner of the school if it is a private institution if the parents are reluctant to curb the girl's behavior.

Talking with the other parents you mind out there are other non-Christian families who are also disturbed by this. If so a letter signed by more than one family threatening legal action for teaching their children religion in a public school should put an end to the practice.

2006-12-11 06:39:45 · answer #7 · answered by aiguyaiguy 4 · 1 0

First of all, sorry this is happening. It is shameful. No God that I know would ever condemn a child who has FAS. It makes you wonder how this little girl could come up with something like that.

I would contact the teacher again, if she fails to do anything then go to the preschool administrator/owner/whoever is in charge. If that doesn't stop it, then yes, by all means, contact the parents. Of course, you may find out that the parents believe the same thing!

If it doesn't stop I would consider removing your cousin from the school. If they don't help, then it sounds like this is not a good place to be anyway.

Good luck!

2006-12-11 06:34:06 · answer #8 · answered by momofmodi 4 · 3 1

It is wrong that the teachers are allowing this at all. Did you talk to the teachers? If they will not do anything, I would find another preschool.

My daughter was once told they she is going to hell as well because we are not christian. Obviously, thats the ugly side you are talking about and that's why religion in general is not practiced in my home.

2006-12-12 00:03:57 · answer #9 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 0

Just send your cousin to school with a copy of the Satanic "bible" and have him preach to this little girl! haha (I'm totally kidding. Can you imagine, though?)

Seriously, just talk to your cousin and let him know that what this little girl believes is wrong. Tell him God doesn't work like that; that he loves everyone and isn't judgmental like that. Talking to her and/or her parents will do not good since they sound like crazed zealots (this girl is learning this crap somewhere and I bet it's at home) and we all know you cannot reason with people like that. Since the teacher is doing nothing, you might want to talk to the principal. It's ridiculous that she can get away with that. You can't even pray in public schools anymore, so why should this girl be able to traumatize kids with her "religious" (I use that word loosely. It's more like bigotry and hatred that she's preaching) views.

I was raised in the Christian world and I still maintain the core beliefs, I just don't practice organized religion due to my pro-gay rights, pro-choice opinions. People like this girl's parents/guardians have the nerve to preach the "word of God" but, in fact, they just twist the bible around to justify their bigotry, homophobia and misogyny. And they are passing it on to their kids.

2006-12-11 07:29:53 · answer #10 · answered by Shelley L 6 · 1 1

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