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do you know any real fun but well rahter simple drinking games you feel like sharing. its always good to know different ones at partys!

2006-12-11 06:27:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits

15 answers


Fill a glass with 3-4 ounces of beer. Everyone sits/stands around the table with one finger on the glass. One person starts by counting to three, then calling out a number (preferably equal to or less than the total number of fingers on the glass), trying to guess how many fingers will remain on the glass. At the same time, everyone either takes their finger off, or leaves it on. If the number called matches the number of fingers left on the glass, that person is out. Keep going until there is one person left - that person has to drink the beer in the glass, and a new round is started.

Very simple, but very fun game.

2006-12-11 06:35:11 · answer #1 · answered by jeepdrivr 4 · 1 0

You can make any game a drinking game even snap!! Dice are good and u set a certain number like 6 and whenever you get a six you skull a shot of whatever ur drinking, or snake-eyes if ur playing with 2 dice. Any board game can be used even scrabble whoever makes a five letter word or whatever limit u set gets a shot etc. I'm not a fan of monopoly but its a long game so you could get to skull everytime you pass go or something similar. If u land in jail u get 2 skulls or shots. Of course you've got your card games eg poker best hand each time wins the shot, blackjack- everytime u win u get the shot or 2 shots for every blackjack or 21 in some countries. Use your imagination & there are plenty of games u can turn into a drinking game. Have fun but no getting girls drunk and taking advantage please..........

2016-03-29 03:25:32 · answer #2 · answered by Patricia 4 · 0 0


The deck of cards are shuffled and spread down on a table, usually in a circle. In some variations, a cup is placed in the center of the table. The play goes around the table with each player drawing one card at a time. Each card has a different action associated with it, which are listed below.

2) Screw You
Nominate someone to take 2 drinks.

3) Screw Me
Person who turned the card takes 3 drinks.

4) Touch The Floor
Last person to touch the floor takes a drink.

5) Give a drink to the person on your right

6) Give a drink to the person on your left

7) Give 'Em Seven
Person who turned the card gives out 7 drinks, which can be split up in whatever way he/she wants. For example, 3 drinks could be given out to one player and 4 to another, or all 7 drinks can be allocated to a single, unlucky player.

8) Pick A Mate
The person who turned the card and a selected "mate" take a drink.

9) Make A Toast
The person who has picked this card must make a toast and everyone should drink.

10) Categories
The drawer starts with a Category and an example and everyone in turn comes up with another example. Again, if you repeat what's already been said or take too long, you drink. For example, I (being the drawer), would say 'the category is NBA teams'. I would give the example of the Bulls, the next person might say the Celtics, and so on.'

J) Make A Rule
Person who turned the card announces a rule which all players must adhere to before drinking. Penalty for not following the rule is to take a drink.

Q) Never Have I Ever
The person who draws the card makes a factual statement beginning with the words "Never have I ever . . ." All players who the statement DOES NOT apply to must drink.

K) King's Cup
Person who turned a King-fills the King's Cup with however much beer they have left from their open beer (they then get themselves a fresh one). If he/she turned the 4th King in the deck, they must also drink the contents of the Cup. They are only allowed to take a number of attempts which is equal to the number of Kings drawn throughout the course of the game. For example, if 4 Kings were drawn, 4 attempts would be allowed.

A) Thumb master
Last person to touch the same place with their thumb as the thumb master has to take a drink

Or you can change the rules and make up your own rules for each card. Google it and you will find millions of different variations of the game.

2006-12-11 06:49:09 · answer #3 · answered by CarolinaGirl 4 · 0 0

Kings is a fun one with the cards. I play this way:
Ace- Waterfall. When an Ace is drawn, everyone has to drink their drink. Go clockwise and once the person to your right stops drinking then you can stop. You’re basically at the mercy of the person next to you because you can’t stop until they stop. You can really screw someone up who is at the end of the circle.

King- King’s cup

Queen- Questions- you can only talk in questions

Jack- Categories- Pick a topic and you go around the circle saying words or phrases that go with that topic until someone messes up (i.e. cow- milk, hamburger, spots)

10- Never have I ever- You say something and if you or other people in the circle have done it then the people who have done it have to drink

9- Rhyme- pick a word and people have to find rhyming words until there are no more then the person who can’t come up with one has to drink.

8- mate- pick someone to drink with you and you both have to take a drink

7- Heaven- last person to put their arms in the air has to drink.

6- chicks- all the girls drink

5- guys- all the guys drink

4- Floor- last person to touch the floor has to drink.

3- Me- you have to take a drink

2- you- you get to pick any person in the circle and they have to take a drink.

1- Sentences- go around adding on a word until someone messes up then they have to drink

I also like to watch movies and pick out a phrase or some words at the beginning and whenever the movie says the phrase or word then you have to drink. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean and the words we picked were pirate, Jack Sparrow and Black Pearl. Needless to say we had a lot of fun.

2006-12-11 07:52:00 · answer #4 · answered by Ms. H 6 · 0 0

Quarters but I was an alcoholic and mastered the game of bouncing a quarter into a shot glass and being able to say who took the next shot. I would allways get the first 20-30 shots then whom ever I wanted to get drunk. Then there is the game of chit all drinkers think of an animal different animals for all and you start by saying one of the drinkers animals name such as Irish Setter then the person who has picked Irishsetter says Irish Setter chit bullchit then the person who says Irish Seter says Irish Setter chit bullchit then who's chit then Irish Setterchit says anothers animal drinker try to get it going fast and a slip of the tounge means a shot must be taken.

2006-12-11 06:35:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I got this from my favorite Tv show Girlfriends

Ok, a group of friends sit around with drinks, and one person at a time says something they did, but starts the sentence of by saying "I never..." Then someone else says the same thing, and takes a drink. If a person actually never did that, too bad for them. The person or people who did, takes a drink!


One person " I never...had sex on my boss's desk on break!" Then they take a drink

Another person repeats" I never did that too" And they take a drink.

And it keeps going with someone else saying what they never did, but actually did!

Remember"I never" Means you did!

Krazy Libra

2006-12-11 06:33:01 · answer #6 · answered by krazy_libra_from_ac 5 · 0 0

classic games include, but are not limited to... King's Cup, Beer Pong, Indian Poker, Quarters, and most notably.... 'The I can drink more than you' game. You just drink more than the other players until someone pukes. Try duct taping 40s to both hands.. and everytime anyone cusses... you need to drink. its fun. but make sure you duct tape em reallly good.

2006-12-11 06:37:57 · answer #7 · answered by smizzle 2 · 0 0

Find a TV show you and your friends love and watch it.

For example, the Simpsons:

Every time Homer says "d'oh", you drink a shot.
If Apu gets robbed, everyone has to finish their drink.
If Bart gets in trouble at school, someone has to chug a beer.


2006-12-11 06:35:42 · answer #8 · answered by rouschkateer 5 · 0 0

i have a simple game that is hilarious... it s called fuzzy duck.... sit around with your friends and every one has a drink or shot (we are not heavy drinkers so we usually have wine not shots) starting clockwise everyone goes around saying fuzzy duck, at anytime anyone can say "OR DOES HE" IN which the saying goes counterclockwise around and then it is said ducky fuzz, until OR DOES HE is said again. then it goes clockwise... any stuttering hesitating or out of turn people must drink (you will be amazed what sayings come out and it s hilarious!!!! and i don't want to ruin the surprise so you will have to play)

2006-12-11 06:34:42 · answer #9 · answered by kimmeyjean 2 · 1 0

Circle of Death is always a good one- here's how to play:

You take a deck of cards and fan them out in a circle on a coffee table or other flat surface. Place a rather large cup or glass in the center of the circle. Everyone sits around the table and either rolls a die or picks a card to draw for the highest card to see who goes first.

The first person draws a card, and has to do the corresponding activity on the card( see below). The game continues in a counter-clockwise drawing order. Here is the list of activities that go with each card:
2- "2 For You"- the person has to pick two people to take a drink, or can just pick one person to take two drinks.
3- "3 For Me"- The person who drew the card has to take 3 drinks
4- "4 for Whores"- All the girls at the table have to take a drink
5- "Hand jive"- The person who drew has to come up with a funny hand gesture, and then the person to his left has to do his gesture plus add one of their own, and so on until someone messes up, and they have to take a drink.
6- "6 for *****"- All the guys at the table have to take a drink
7- "Categories"- The person who drew comes up with a category (car brands, types of candy, etc.) and names something in the category (e.g. Ford), and the person to his left has to name another thing in the category, and so on. The first person who either messes up or repeats someone else's answer has to take a drink.
8- "Sentences"- The person who drew the card starts a sentence with a word ("How"). The person to his left has to say a word that builds onto the sentence ("Many") and so on, until someone either messes up, takes too long to answer, or repeats someone else's word in a row, and that person has to take a drink.
9- "Rhyme"- The person who drew the card starts out with a word ("Shoe") and the person to his left has to say a word that rhymes ("Blue") and so on until someone messes up, and he has to take a drink.
10- "I Never..."- The person who drew has to say something he never did ("I never got it on in my parents' bedroom.") and everyone who actually HAS done whatever he said has to take a drink.
J-"Rule"- Whoever drew the Jack gets to make up a rule for game play. For instance, he could say, "Before taking a drink, you have to touch the tip of your nose to the rim of your glass, or else you'll have to take another drink." The rule he selects is in play until the next Jack is drawn.
Q-"Beer *****"- Whoever draws a Queen gets to choose any player he wants and make that person his "beer *****," meaning that every time he wants a refill, he can order that person to get up and get a drink for him. This goes on until the next Queen is drawn.
K-"King's Cup"- Upon drawing a King, everyone at the table pours a little of their drink into the big cup in the middle of the card circle. The last person to draw a King has to drink the mixture all the way down. (NOTE: For this portion of the game, have a trash can nearby just in case!!! It can be really disgusting to have to drink all those miuxed up drinks and some people don't do really well with that part.)
A-"Immunity"-If you draw an Ace, you are immune to whatever rule comes your way, INCLUDING the King's Cup at the end, so it is very valuable to have an Ace.

It is a really fun game, and I hope you like it!

2006-12-11 06:52:10 · answer #10 · answered by fizzygurrl1980 7 · 0 0

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