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why do people still feel the need to make themselves slaves to some imaginery higher power? we have solid scientific evidence as to how we have evolved. we have fossils of dinosaurs as proof. religion is nothing more than a way for those in a position of power, to control and fleece those who need to feel that there is more to life than being born, breeding then dying. how many over the years have flocked to the banner of their particular religion, and committed atrocities to those of a different belief, they say the victors of such battles wrote history, but they also write the dogma that fuels such hate. think about it, if being true to your faith causes you to blow up planes, cause genocide, and other EVIL!!!! acts. how could you be doing gods work.

2006-12-11 06:12:04 · 18 answers · asked by CRAIG G 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

It is surviving, it is getting stronger and stronger and even though you may think its not running your life, guess again.

2006-12-11 06:15:29 · answer #1 · answered by Dust in the Wind 7 · 0 1

Which is more palatable to you...? A world where things are (more or less) random and meaningless? Or, a world where everything has a plan and a purpose (even when we don't understand that purpose)? Your answer to that question tells a lot about if your are or are not prone to following a religion. To many people, religion gives them 'purpose.' While the non-religious may feel more comfortable in an uncertain world.

It is also easier to follow a leader. Religion not only provides answers, it provides someone (the clergy) who TELLS you what to do and what to believe. Someone who forgives you if you mess up and who you can go to if you are confused. Being out there 'on your own' is very hard. Anyone who has been an adult for any period of time knows that life was much easier when mommy and daddy made all of the decisions.

Its human nature and basic psychology.

2006-12-11 14:21:47 · answer #2 · answered by Wundt 7 · 2 0

It's really funny how I see all this garbage about religion being nothing but a means to controll others and make money. I controll no one and Im definitely not rolling in dough. Do you think because people like Jerry Falwell (who Im not a fan of anyway) speak out that they are controlling anyone? They arent, not me or anyone else. But what about the Almighty Richard Dawkins? Seems like the "Jesus of the Atheists" to me. You dont need miracles to convince you, a stuffy sarcastic English accent is pleanty right? And I dont think you have ever SEEN the fossil records to say they have any proof at all of evolution. Just simple changes we see all the time. Nothing spectacular. How DOES religion survive in this modern world? It does.... so it must be a miracle ;)

2006-12-11 14:19:07 · answer #3 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 1 1

Everyone is a slave to something. WE ARE ALL BORN SLAVES to sin, the lusts and evils of this world, such as pride, greed and envy. This is because we are all born selfish. We cannot free ourselves from our own selfish desires because they are our nature just like barking is to a dog. But, freedom from these bondages is possible when we decide to stop being our own God and let Jesus Christ be the Lord of our lives. Then he breaks the chains of bondage by giving us a new nature, his nature. As we mature in him, our nature becomes more like his. We begin to love others as he does. We are no longer our own god. We still have our old nature, as long as we are human, but we are changing, hopefully daily. So I guess I'd rather be a slave to Christ than to this world.

As for the DINOSAUR BONES, they are not evidence for evolution. They did not evolve; God made them. Of all the fossils that have been found and documented, you'd think that they would have some that were in-between the stages of evolution, that is, if evolution was a fact. But it's not, so there are no in-betweeners, no links. Sometimes evolutionists will use species with varying qualities, perhaps due to their environment, but they are the same species. They haven't found any links because there are no links between species. Every species reproduces after it's own kind.

We feel the need to look beyond this short existence on this planet because GOD HAS PLACED THE IDEA OF ETERNITY in the heart of every person throughout history. Animals don't think about eternity; only humans do, because it's within the spirit that God has given to us all. Then we are left with the decision to either seek him or deny him. If we truly seek him, we will find him and have eternal life. If we deny him, we can only expect death and destruction. Choose life.

I think you know that God would never want people to blow up planes in the name of religion. He doesn't want people to hate, but love their enemies. YOU ARE RIGHT! THAT IS NOT GOD'S WORK!

AS TO YOUR ORIGINAL QUESTION.....Religion by itself sucks. Jesus hated the actions of some of the so-called religious leaders of his day. They often led people away from God rather than to him by their misrepresentations of him. They taught that you had to do this or that to be right with God. But it's really all about your relationship with him. As I said earlier, when he frees you from the bondages of this world, your will and desires will become more like his, which is what he wants. Not a bunch of rules, but out of love, trust and commitment to him. We become like him.

Sorry for the book, but your question stirred up some thoughts.

2006-12-11 15:12:31 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 2 0

Beware of embracing science as a fervent religion. True freedom is not looking at the Universe through one set of myopic lens. All viewpoints have merit.

When atrocities are committed in the name of a religion, then that religion is being misrepresented.

2006-12-11 14:17:51 · answer #5 · answered by a_delphic_oracle 6 · 2 0

You are siting the extremist of religions. Also in the case of evolution its flawed as well and truthfully I refuse to believe I evolved from apes.

The problem is there is no middle road that logically explains how the world or universe was created and there never will be. You either believe one way or the other because niether can prove the other true or false.

Also many of the holy books or bibles are not books of true facts but rather a guide for morals etcs..

2006-12-11 14:27:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Faith should be (is) more than blind following of some religious doctrine. Granted, many abuse religion, but that does not mean that all people of faith are evil or foolish. Many of the claims that you are making, for rational and non-literalist Christians (often claimed as liberal) in fact give proof to their faith in a creator who gives life purpose and meaning.

I have faith in a God whom I have seen at work in my life and in the lives of many others through God's Spirit. I have faith based upon the relationship I have with the Deity that is tangible to me, yet I cannot show it to someone else.

I am called as clergy to empower others to fulfill their call of ministry by God to serve humankind in the example of Christ. This is done in the due administration of God's sacraments as a means of grace, the proclamation and sharing of the Word, and the affirmation of all (ALL) persons as persons of worth and worthy of God's love and grace.

This modern world does not detract for the work of God reaching out to creation in love and grace.

2006-12-11 14:25:49 · answer #7 · answered by rogueknight17 2 · 1 0

I think that faith systems survive because a good many people want to live forever, in some form or the other. Also, any beliver will say their diety has provided them some degree of benefice.
Charles "That Cheeky Lad"

2006-12-11 14:36:04 · answer #8 · answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7 · 0 1

those societies which have lower levels of education, won't think like you do and can use religion as a way of explaining the weather and aparent miracles.

Plus, those who are on the limit of povery / life and death, prefer to think that there is more to life than just this one. otherwise why spend your life starving and working until the day you die?

religion bonded uneducated poor civilisations, but divides rich and free thinking ones

2006-12-11 14:15:35 · answer #9 · answered by dsclimb1 5 · 0 1

Here's hoping that no religion survives. We sure could use a paradigm shift but it's not going to happen until most of the present day believers are "called home."

2006-12-11 14:24:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It can't. Science has rendered religion redundant. Religion is dead. Just look at it creating a fuss over everything it can in an attempt to drag in as many new members as it can. Say no to jesus

2006-12-11 14:16:03 · answer #11 · answered by Say no to jesus 2 · 0 1

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