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Ok,I understood from your previous answers that i had better stay out of London.Where else could I go then?
Thank you for your honesty though.

2006-12-11 04:42:20 · 137 answers · asked by Brenno 6 in Travel United Kingdom Other - United Kingdom

137 answers

I agree with C. Green, I'm a bit wary of answering too as everyone has their own individual opinion of where is nicer to live.

I live in Colchester in Essex. Yes it's a garrison town and yes Essex is supposedly notorious for slappers and chavs but it's really just an overexaggerated stereotype and I'd have to seriously disagree with it.

Everywhere has stereotypes, I see a lot of people saying that its grim up North, but in all honesty they couldn't be further from the truth. Its like everywhere, there's good bits and bad bits and a lot of regeneration going on (Manchester for example) that are making these places so much better to live.

I personally love where I live, as much as I want to travel the world, I know I'd still come back here and settle down because to me its home and its so comfortable and familiar and has so many memories. Some people might come here and think what a dump it is or something but its not special to them because they don't have the memories here that I do.

I haven't had much experience of anywhere further North than London, again nicer bits and some down right rotten bits, but at the end of the day you have to weigh up your own pro's and con's and whether you want to live in a town, a city or the countryside, whether you'll be able to get a job (lots of unemployment at the moment, me included!) and the prices you can afford to pay when you get there.

I love my country and it does have it faults, as does everywhere, but I wouldn't choose anywhere else for my home. So although I don't feel I can satisfactorily recommend one single place in the whole of the UK, I can say that I think its great that you're considering living here, as its a real compliment to our island that people think its good enough, you could choose anywhere but you're looking here.

To all the people who keep saying they want to keep foreigners out and that they're taking all the jobs etc, just think if you wanted to move to a different country how you'd feel if you got treated the same when you got there. Not very hospitable is it?

2006-12-12 22:40:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

If Barrister Girl is going to criticise Middlesbrough she had better learn to spell it correctly in the first place.

If I was going to live anywhere in the UK it would be within walking distance of the North Yorkshire moors. North Yorkshire is by far the most beautiful place on earth. Middlesbrough is such a place - per head of population Middlesbrough has an 'average' crime rate, and inward investment has meant that a lot of the previously run down areas have either been demolished, or had millions spent to improve them. Employment is at the national average also. Barrister Girl was obviously reading from a 1980's census.

2006-12-13 01:14:06 · answer #2 · answered by Phlodgeybodge 5 · 2 0

As a Londoner who lived in Yorkshire for many years, I moved up to Scotland a couple of years ago and love it.

The countryside is fantastic, the people are friendly - in shops and elsewhere you can get into a conversation with anyone, and one advantage for you would be that there is an established Italian Scots community.

If I were you, I'd try and stay a week or so in wherever I was thinking of moving, and decide beforehand whether you prefer the city, or the country, or some of both.

Then try and make contact with someone like yourself wherever you were thinking of going; ask them if it gives them what they need.

For me, Scotland is the greatest: I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Good luck! I hope you're happy wherever you end up.

2006-12-12 11:41:17 · answer #3 · answered by quicker 4 · 1 0

Come to York!

It's a great city, for history, culture, theatre, shopping, nightlife, live music, sightseeing, eating out.... the list goes on.

Oh and there's reckoned to be a different pub for every day of the year!

The best thing about it is that it's a fairly small city, so it's much more welcoming than the big cities, and it's unique too. It still manages to have everything you need (see list above). And if you really feel the need to go out partying till dawn in a big city, Leeds is less than half an hour away on the train, and it costs less than a tenner to get there.

Also, if you did want to go to London every now and then the train there only takes 2 hours.

What more can I say? It's fantastic.

Hope the world doesn't now decide to move to York, but you can!


2006-12-12 11:46:00 · answer #4 · answered by sarah 2 · 0 1

I would say manchester - not city centre though there are other nice places there.
Other than that I wouldn't bother coming over to this country as the people that already live here want to leave, the standard of living may be better than other countries but the cost of living is ridiculous and we pay too much tax and get nothing for it.
Personally I would move to Australia or somewhere like that if I could.

2006-12-12 22:50:46 · answer #5 · answered by Lisa R 2 · 1 1

Although I have to agree with a previous answer. I would stay out of the Uk at the moment, Foreigners are receiving a lot of blame at the moment, from the murder of 5 prostitutes, to causing race hate crimes and rioting.

However, should you still decide to come, Wales has a high volume of Italian descendants, due to many POW camps being set up, during the War.

I personally like my city, of Chester, which has a popular night life culture, History dating over 2000 years and a superb public transport, that can take you to most places in the Uk.

2006-12-13 02:42:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ely is nice as is Eyam (both are countryside). If you are wanting a little more upbeat but not too upbeat Harrogate is lovely. Margate is nice. Halifax is a nice area. I live in Sheffield but it's give or take if yiu will end up in a nice area here. York is beautiful and quite a lot of history there and aesthetically pleasing. Lincoln is lovely! The further North you go the cheaper the cost of living. check yiour budget for prices. www.vebra.com or www.rightmove.com will give you anestimate of prices .. other than that My tenant informed me yesterday that he is moving out of my 3 bedroomed house in Sheffield so there'll be a lovely one here where I am, with a nce cheap rent.. on a lighter note you may need to pay up to 6 mnths rent up front as you will not show on our credit berau and be classed as high risk. Take this into consideration before looking...

2006-12-12 21:38:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

oh well stay out of london?

south east london is a great place
i should know i've lived here all my life

also why do you wish to live in the uk?

for work?
then london is ok to go too the outer suburbs are ok but the further into london the more you need to watch your back
as some parts of london are rough
you can even find places in london that are just like being in the country side
everyone knows each other

kent is a good place and sussex
thats if your thinking south uk

2006-12-12 23:51:01 · answer #8 · answered by needanswers 3 · 0 1

In truth I would not come to the UK, for any reason, unless you have loads of money. It use to be a great place, now it's the pit's I was born here, and would leave today if i could.

2006-12-13 01:59:34 · answer #9 · answered by ringo711 6 · 0 0

Hard to say as do not know anything about you! I lived in London (moved there from Portugal) in 1984 and stayed until 2001. I am now in Brighton by the sea. I think London is great but expensive. If you like variety, art. music, culture, lots of varied, well paid work, etc then it is a good place. Do not know if you want city life or country life or if you want to work and what sort of work as these are all important considerations. There are places I would like to live in the UK but I know there are hardly any jobs and I would not be able to do what I like so you need to think carefully.

Also the weather is major. The north is generally colder and wetter and the south a little warmer. Again it depends what you prefer and what you want to live with.

Give us more info and I'll suggest some places....

2006-12-12 04:31:30 · answer #10 · answered by Stephanie C 3 · 1 2

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