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I've read that all these hard drugs are actually used in prescription medication, it is only the abuse of these drugs that causes problems. I think Heroin is used in pain killers and Meth is in ADHD medication? But Marijuana has no use at all, it just turns people into lazy bums.

2006-12-11 04:27:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

14 answers

Man create drugs like that not God
Remember you have free will you not a robot
and man have created all kind of drugs and diseases
and weapons

2006-12-11 04:31:53 · answer #1 · answered by Linda 7 · 0 2

Once again, there are a parade of answers from people who haven't read the most basic research.

Cocaine, heroin, meth, and soma were all made by man, not God. They are refined or manufactured products. God made marijuana (depending upon your religious beliefs).

I should add that morphine (same drug as heroin) was once prescribed by physicians with a prescription that said nothing more than "G.O.M." The pharmacists who filled the order knew what that meant -- "God's Own Medicine". The reason they called it that was because it was one medication that could offer relief from pain in an era when they didn't have a lot of good medical solutions. It was -- and is -- enormously valuable in medicine.

Just so you know - heroin is simply diacetyl morphine. It is just another form of the same morphine that is prescribed routinely to millions of patients every year. There is no good reason for it to be completely illegal while morphine is prescribed routinely.

As for your assumptions about marijuana, you are flat wrong. There is no evidence that it makes people into lazy bums. There are at least a few billionaires who openly admit smoking pot.

But it looks like you are lacking more education than you will ever get from the parade of nonsense answers you will get here. Start by reading the Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs at http://druglibrary.org/schaffer/Library/studies/cu/cumenu.htm

that is the one book to read if you read only one. When you get done, if you still have questions, let me know and I will give you some more good references.

You will note that most people will not provide a single reference to back up their opinion. Don't accept answers from people who don't have anything but an opinion. For most people, most of what they think they know about the subject is just flat wrong.

2006-12-11 14:14:05 · answer #2 · answered by Cliff Schaffer 4 · 1 0

God didn't create these, except for marijuana. Man did.

Cocaine is a chemically made drug, as is heroin. Where have you been?

Oxycontin is a DERIVATIVE of heroin, close, but not quite a match. It is used to treat major chronic pain, and yes, abuse can stem from it. Sometimes warnings aren't enough. But the abuse isn't bad enough to ban it.

I don't know about meth being in any ADHD drug.

Marijuana helps people with eating disorders, glaucoma for the eyes, and other mental health issues as well.

Perhaps some MORE unbiased reading is in order.

2006-12-11 04:38:24 · answer #3 · answered by rouschkateer 5 · 2 0

You must be a druggie looking to blame someone else for your mistakes. God would never create drugs like Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, Soma, that was all man, looking for a way to replace God in their lives. They ended up feeling worse than when they started whether they were selling or using. Weed is there like any other plant, I dont see you smoking dandelions.

2006-12-11 04:39:56 · answer #4 · answered by act as if 4 · 0 2

we made the drugs god didn't. He made the tabacco plant and shrooms(mushrooms). Most drugs come from man made products. You can make meth in you closet. Also meth wouldn't be use for someone with ADHD meth makes you irrational. People with ADHD are already like that. You need to do more research before you ask a question like that.

2006-12-11 04:38:00 · answer #5 · answered by jessi 3 · 0 0

God created them as medicinal... Botany exists to help people not hurt them.

Greed and a total and complete lack of self control is what leads to addiction.

The poppy plant is use full as a pain killer MAN decided to use it to such an extreme that the government had to step in and deem it illegal. It is a damn shame too! I believe that if man could evolve into a state of spiritual submission and utilize what God gave them without over abusing it or cultivating it for profit... then we would all benefit. But MAN is nothing more than an ignorant set of educated apes in need of a leader to guide and police them... I don't see evolution hapening any time soon so we all lose out! People should be able to grow these things and heal themselves... but can't because of the idiots who rather than control and educate themselves leave it all up to the police and the pharmaceutical companies to scrape the inner soft pulp of the birch tree, cultivate it, change it's molecular structure turn it into a chemical so they can tax it, sell it, own it, and call it Aspirin! Because you can't do any of the above to a naturally occouring substance~

Cocoa leaves When processed = (cocaine) is an excellent appetite suppressant, eases pain, cures diseases and a host of other issues but MAN had to use it to excess and abuse its natural properties and profit off addiction.

Meth, Heroin and crack however are a scurge on mankind! They are completely manmade, completely synthetic drugs designed to cause addiction and profit through that addiction... There is nothing medicinal about either of them!

***And as for Dr. Quiffy Cliffy down below... I do believe that we said the same damn thing essentially, so don't lump me in with your take on what an "Idiot" is dude... And remember... Anyone (even you) can be a genius with Google at their fingertips...

I didn't show research and miles of borning cut and paste incidentals, because I have worked in the pharmaceutical business for over 10 years I spoke from experience... So shut up and don't use this place to ameloriate yourself through generic comparison generalizations found by a simple google.

AND... anyone who says with that much conviction how "Rich people smoke pot." and use it to prove that it doesn't make you lazy... Who is lazier and more over privlidged than the rich?

Anyone who has ever smoked a joint... knows that it slows your reaction time, heart rate, causes a europhoric sence of either well being or paranoia and when used over long periods of time...can cause a person to behave in a manner that is conducive with laziness. It creates an atmosphere of false calm and a disconnected sense of well being all while it mimics the effects of smoking 20 or more cigaretts at one time with each joint or blunt! So you rest and relax and enjoy a false sense of reality while it gives you cancer at a faster rate than smoking or asbestos exposure! Rich or not... smoking it makes you an idiot!

So there~

2006-12-11 04:39:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

God didn't create drugs like cocaine, heroin, meth etc. Man discovered how to make them out of creations of God. So it is men to blame and not God.

2006-12-11 04:35:54 · answer #7 · answered by l_kur 5 · 0 0

God did not create these drugs man did and yes they are used to cure lots of different ailments but, they also can be manufactured into street drugs. Marijuana does have medicinal purposes people who have cancer or severe pain use it to increase appetite or alleviate pain.

2006-12-11 04:45:12 · answer #8 · answered by Binky 2 · 0 0

Many drugs of abuse are man-made. Some of them are derived from plants such as marijuana and coca leaves. The substances in the plants are toxins that are meant to protect them from animals, people and insects from eating them. For example, the THC that the marijuana plant produces causes those weird symptoms simply to discourage creatures from eating it again.

2006-12-11 09:44:41 · answer #9 · answered by DawnDavenport 7 · 0 0

God didnt create drugs we made them from things he created marijuana does not make you a lazy bum at all

2006-12-11 04:40:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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