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shape or ignore you? Is it because they dont like hearing the truth? or they just like hearing only one side of the story and they dont care about what the non christian thinks, feels or believes?

2006-12-11 03:13:43 · 47 answers · asked by badferret 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

MS: to your loaded and borderline hateful response i reply with this, i am an ex christian and i had severe depression when i was christian, and when i deconverted it went away so dont feed me that lie.

2006-12-11 03:20:32 · update #1

47 answers

Truth is a serious threat to religion, obviously.

In order to retain adherents, religions teach that nonbelievers are dangerous threats. Obviously that's because any serious examination of religious beliefs can lead to adherents questioning those beliefs and realizing the truth. Any religion that persists HAS TO discourage this kind of questioning.

2006-12-11 03:16:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

Why are atheists unaware of their terrible history? Do you realize that both Stalin and Mao used the ideas frequently posted by you atheists on this very stie to justify mass murder, and not just mass murder, but the most gruesome and largest amount of mass murder in the history of humanity? Both Stalin and Mao stated that religion was violent, kept people ignorant, and was used by the ruling class to control the masses. Funny that they controlled the masses, through fear, accomplished the most violence in history and generally kept people ignorant. My point is not to degrade atheism, my point is that it is intolerance that causes war and hatred. Guess what type of intolerance? The very type you are displaying now. Yeah Christians had the Crusades, witch hunts, etc, but why does that allow you to throw stones when you live in a glass house? And BTW, I have asked the same question to Christians when they call atheism violent. Look at the questions though. Guess who does it more? The atheists. I thought YOU were the "smarter" ones, I thought YOU were the ones who knew more about history? When you come on here stroking each other's ego and belittling those who have differing viewpoint, you are just showing that you are weak-minded bullies starving for attention. I know a lot a really cool, intelligent and kind atheists, and you are doing them an injustice. Now they get associated with angry bitter people who act like children. Not cool. Even your question shows the silliness of your intent. What Christian denies that the Crusades occurred? Or the Salem withc hunts? Thats right none. So the point of your qestion is? You want another apology for a wrong committed by someone else to someone else? GROW UP! Make sure you all thumbs down me, especially since you know history and facts show I am right. When debating with facts becomes too difficult, just plug you ears and hit the thumbs down.

2016-05-23 05:22:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's not so much that they don't believe its' that it is not your place. Yes Every religion has it's faults or issues that cause them to just fall on belief. In the End it will only be you in front of god not the next man next to you saying see I told you so. And even Non belief has it's faults because it is no way you can go through the world today and not say there is a higher force. everything cannot be scientifically explained. You have opinions, Hypotheses and faith, Pick one stay there and be happy with yourself. As I said it don't matter if they get upset, why do you feel it is your place to tell some one unless they getting on you nerves and trying to make you join which then they are wrong because when and if it is your turn it will be handled. And by asking you are searching. Excuse Typhus that's the Catholics Most Christians Understand that when you ask God to Forgive you you don't go back out there and sin again You change your life stlye

2006-12-11 03:29:54 · answer #3 · answered by Trini in need 1 · 0 0


I just feel that's somewhat relevent here. (Great comic in general, by the way.)

The majority of Christians that openly express their views tend to be the extremist ones who really don't follow the teachings of Christ, but follow the teachings of their individual church or group, which may skew things. Sometimes they're just personally skewed, and take everything to an extreme.

The majority of ACTUAL Christians, however, tend to just be peaceful people who are open to others and care about doing good.

At least, that's my optimistic view - I really hope that the jerky ones are the minority, because if not, they're ruining what is, in essence, a religion based on unconditional love, not hate.

I'm an ex-Christian myself, as I find the Bible to be full of mostly crap with some good ideas thrown in. I still have respect for the ideas that I find just, but I will not follow a religion based on a book which I find the majority of to be just plain wrong.

There is no real "truth" when it comes to the existence of a god, so if you're going around telling people the "truth" is that their religion is wrong, then you have some issues you need to handle yourself. It's great you got out of your depression, but if this is your way of trying to help people who you think are in a bad situation, you're going about it poorly.

2006-12-12 00:34:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What exactly is the "Truth"? Nobody on Earth knows the answer to this. This is all based on a faith system, lies or not, handed down through the centuries. I was raised Christian and have a certain level of believe, but was has destroyed more and more of my belief in all of this is the hypocritical, fanatical "Christians" that are so close-minded that they become absolute idiots. Priests molesting children, church groups protesting soldiers funerals....FUNERALS?!?! And most importantly, feeling that what they BELIEVE (optimum word here....believe) should be made into law and incorporated into everybodys life whether they want it or not.

2006-12-11 03:33:58 · answer #5 · answered by D. L. 1 · 2 0

If it is accurate then I don't get bent out of shape at all. I think all religions have good points and bad. I am a Christian, but I don't think the bible nailed it. The problem with people coming on here and talking "the truth" about christianity, is it's never the truth and its always onesided. People have these insane preconcieved notions about what all religions really stand for. People shouldn't talk about things they aren't willing to understand. If you don't agree with Christianity so what? Its not any skin off my back. When I die, I have no problem with looking down to wave at you.

2006-12-11 03:19:02 · answer #6 · answered by Chrissy 7 · 1 1

It's not necessarily a truth, it's an observation or opinion.

Modern religion has evolved as a result of this process.

However orthodox people are required to stand fast.

Tell me, how do MUSLIMS react when you tell them the truth about their religion and why do you JUST pick on Christians.

In the Muslim book they are TOLD to fight and kill all those who do not submit. That can include you if you're not a Muslim.

Christians aren't supposed to do that. They just do what you said, miffed or silent.

2006-12-11 03:46:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My experience with that situation has been that most christinas have no idea about anything concerned with their religion other than what they are told in church or suday school. Most they are conditioned to the idea that anything that doesn't jibe with what they ahve been taught, or have been told to believe is wrong, erroneous, or untrue. By ignoring certan aspects of Christian history (the Inquisitons, the Crusades, The Witch Trials, The conversions in Northern Europe and the Brittish Isles and the coloniaztion of the Americas to name just a few) they are able to continue to believe themsleves superior if they don't have to acknowledge the less reputable areas of their own history. Simply put, they didn't learn about it in church so it doesn't exist.

That's why I don't bother telling them anymore...they don't want to know...and the won't listen.

2006-12-11 03:23:50 · answer #8 · answered by kveldulf_gondlir 6 · 1 1

The Bible is truth. God is truth. What you think is "truth" is probably unfounded. The Bible NEVER EVER contradicts itself. It was written over hundreds and hundreds of years by many different people. If it wasn't truth it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the Bible to NOT contradict itself. And the Bible has NEVER been added to or changed.. That's what makes it true. Once you add something to it like the book of Morman or whatnot.. .That's when you start having problems. I think you need to do a little bit more research before you accuse Christians of having false beliefs. Becuase everyone who has set out to disprove Christianity and REALLY dug down deep to disprove it has, in the end, become a Christian and believed because you can't disprove the Bible.

2006-12-11 03:22:19 · answer #9 · answered by tstqtpie4christ 2 · 1 2

It's understandable. If a Christian denies an atheist, then all he has to deal with is a frustrated atheist. If a Christian accepts an atheist's argument, though, he's giving up the most comforting thought in his life, his meaning, and perceived immortality.
That's a lot to lose, and there's not much to gain but a hollow sense of correctness. I personally find truth to be the noblest goal of mankind, but not everyone feels that way. For those who don't, there's a lot of personal benefit to be found in the illusion.

2006-12-11 03:21:51 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 1 2

What sort of Truth is it that crushes the freedom to seek the truth? The only foes that threaten American mind are the enemies at home, and these are ignorance, superstition and incompetence.

2006-12-11 03:36:13 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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