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17 answers

I think we are getting closer. Yes there have always been wars, but it seems there are more happening than ever before. Disease and famine are widespread. The thing that really has me wondering is globalization. More than ever we look for approval from other nations before making a decision. The United Nations is in control more than ever before. It was always there to help out. Now it's usually the deciding factor. That moves us closer to a one world government. And people probably won't like what I'm about to say next but The Bible tells of a one world religion. Islam speaks of that also. Yet they are the ones that are actually trying to fulfill prophecy. We hear them say "Death to the infidels." We hear the American Al Qaeda on tape say everyone should convert to Islam or die. Yet everyone wants to say that Islam is peaceful. People are really being fooled. Who wants everyone to be fooled? Satan.

2006-12-11 02:50:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I don't know. Jesus said that we don't know the day or the hour, so we should live as though the end were coming today. People have been predicting the end times as coming soon as long as there have been Christians. The very early Christians believed it would happen in their lifetime. That's why Paul said it would be better to remain unmarried. There would be no point to marriage and children if the end were coming today or tomorrow. Whenever people have seen trouble- the fall of the Roman Empire, when chaos reigned, the ends of the milleniums (the year 1000 was expected to be the end time) the time of the plague, when whole towns were wiped out by disease, all looked like the times predicted in Revelation, and people expected the end. So I think that it is better not to try to figure out exactly when the end times will be, it could be now or a thousand years from now. Just act as though it will be tomorrow, and you will be OK.

2006-12-11 02:50:19 · answer #2 · answered by atbremser 3 · 1 3

No, I don't think so.

Generation after generation has said that THEIR time was the "end time", and we're still here.

If there was ever a time when this believe could readily be justified it was during the Black Death (plague). But we're still here.

In a few generations, there will be people certain that THEY are living in the "end times', and they will shake their heads over the idea that anyone thought we were.

That is, unless some of the "end times" believers try to bring it ABOUT in this generation. And that would be pretty sick - destroying everything to prove that they are "right".

2006-12-11 04:20:01 · answer #3 · answered by Praise Singer 6 · 2 1

properly i wish you have a Bible, i'm going to offer you some scriptures that say the failings which will take place while the time is quickly to return, & from what i've got examine & seen.. definite.. God is coming quickly.. In Matthew 24 it talks touching directly to the indicators of the top of Age.. Matthew 24:3 As Jesus replaced into sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples got here to him privately. "let us know," they reported, "while will this take place and what may be the sign of your coming and of the top of the age?" 4Jesus responded: "beware that no person deceives you. 5For many will are available in my call, claiming, 'i'm the Christ, ' and could misinform many. 6You will hear of wars and rumors of conflict, yet see to it what you at the instant are not alarmed. Such issues might desire to take place, however the top remains to return. 7Nation will upward push against usa, and kingdom against kingdom. there will be famines and earthquakes in countless places. 8All those are the start of delivery pains. 9"then you certainly would be exceeded over to be persecuted and placed to death, and you'd be hated via all international locations because of the fact of me. 10At that factor many will turn far flung from the religion and could betray and hate one yet another, 11and many fake prophets will seem and misinform many people. 12Because of the upward push of wickedness, the affection of maximum will improve chilly, 13but he who stands organization to the ned would be saved. 14And this gospel of the dominion would be preached interior the completed international as a sworn fact to all international locations, and then the top will come. ***you could examine from Matthew 24 - 25 in case you prefer to verify extra.. because of the fact theres plenty extra to be taught!!! & it gets fairly loopy stable! wish this helps you, and probably clears this confusion you have gotten! i professional spend 40 5 finding Matthew and writing all this! :p God bless! (: have a great pleased day!

2016-12-11 06:51:56 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Religious people's eagerness for these to be the "end times" is a large part of why I feel they're not qualified to participate in public policy making. We've already had the Jonestown thing, the Raelians, the Branch Davidians, and a whole slew of other end times cult disasters. It's clear from all of the "yes, these are the end times" comments that always follow this question that the "cult" aspect of religion is just one end of a spectrum, and that the problems of cults are shared (though maybe to a lesser degree) by lots of otherwise mainstream religionists.

It's exactly this kind of thing that makes me proud to be an atheist. We value life.

2006-12-11 02:55:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

If there ever was a time it was between 1916 and 1918 when the World was at War followed by a flu epidemic that killed millions.

Not since the Black Death of the Dark Ages has there been such a downfall.

And we're still here!

2006-12-11 03:21:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

People have thought we are living in the "End Times" for almost 2000 years.

Folks have stood on street corners preaching the "end is near" almost since the reported death of Jesus, thus far they have all been wrong. I don't see folks as being any closer to getting the date for the "End Times" than they were 1500 years ago.

2006-12-11 02:49:54 · answer #7 · answered by Black Dragon 5 · 5 2

There is no proof, the book of Revelations says that no one knows the time nor the hour.
Saying it's the end times is just a way for evangelists to bilk more money out of congregations.

2006-12-11 02:43:46 · answer #8 · answered by Draco Paladin 4 · 0 3

Oh definitely! I have convinced many of my friends and acquaintances that they have to concentrate all their energies into getting ready for it and dispense with other worldly activities. Thus I am now the owner of the major portion of their assets. Why should they worry about insurance, kid's education, retirement, medicines, etc. Yes, I am unburdening them so they can face the end times. If you need my help in getting ready, just e-mail me & we'll work out the details.

2006-12-11 02:46:26 · answer #9 · answered by JAT 6 · 3 2

None. All the things spoken of have been happening for all times. The only difference is the styles of weapons and the media coverage.

There have always been wars, they just haven't always had guns. There have always been earthquakes, volcanos, hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, floods, we just haven't had the global network of communication to see how often they happen.

There is nothing new under the sun, we just have a wider reach of information now to see just how bad it's always been and will continue to be.

2006-12-11 02:42:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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