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while humans exist? It has been observed that many of the other creatures on earth share some of the same characteristics as we do. Violence, gang mentality, being territorial, greed and envy. Though they are not as advanced or intelligent as humans and it seems they can co-exist much more peacefully with each other. While humans can't, the middle east is a prime example of humans not being able to co-exist because of ridiculous religious beliefs, Africa is a continent that is a prime example of people not being able to co-exist because of ignorant tribalism. Among these, there are many other places that people cannot co-exist because of ridicolous human beliefs. This makes peace on earth hard to accomplish if not impossible to achieve. So while humans roam this earth, can there ever be true peace?

2006-12-11 02:06:41 · 16 answers · asked by Enterrador 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

You mention places like The Middle East and Africa, but what about the U.S. and its influence on the violent state of affairs in the world today? Everyone is to blame, not just one country. We all play a part. I like to look at things like this from a philosophical point of view. If you want peace on Earth, you must first find peace within yourself.

2006-12-11 03:02:14 · answer #1 · answered by Optimistic 6 · 0 0

according to the bible, not until the second comming, when everything is destroyed.

so, that's a no, unfortunately. But that doesn't mean there can't be peace in families and cities.

When the antichrist comes he will bring peace and prosperity to the Middle East, most likely ending the conflicts between Israel and Palestine, and America and Iraq. Many people will trust him and then he will turn his back and go on a rampage of destruction.

2006-12-11 02:10:17 · answer #2 · answered by Doug 5 · 1 0

Good question, while animals are not so intelligent to think this way, because of their survival instincts, man can! There is surely a lot more people out there who think like you, and i am included. if we want to see the change in tomorrows world we have to make changes, and live a life exactly as we think and not be worried about what others have to say, let us be consistant in our mission, and this will help the near ones to question their beliefs which has no relavance in the real world, if in our life time we are able to plant a seed of change that is enough. Sometime in a persons life time they will surely says, so and so was right!
That is change!

2006-12-11 02:16:07 · answer #3 · answered by thachu5 5 · 0 0

There will be a FALSE peace lead by the Antichrist coming soon, and there shall begin his reign on earth, followed by the Glorious Second coming which will bring everlasting peace to all who serve GOD.

2006-12-11 02:12:47 · answer #4 · answered by TaylorProud 5 · 0 0

Man left to himself is evil.
Many blame religion but look at atheist countries, are the better? No. If one loved their neighbor as their self there would be peace. But this isn't going to happen.
We have a missionary that went to Kenya and different parts of Africa. I spoke with him and he cried when he tried to tell me the atrocities he saw from atheist people.

2006-12-11 02:16:11 · answer #5 · answered by Jeanmarie 7 · 0 0

yes, knowledge can bring this ! simple knowledge about -- when was life on earth first created. how did it grew to today's stage?..when equality arises or taught to everybody that we all are brothers and sisters -- we all came from one man and one woman, what ever we are having in this earth is for all, we are not going to take anything from this earth while we die, so no need to run behind something. simply saying we should stop the race of differenciating - dualities !

2006-12-11 02:16:43 · answer #6 · answered by mani k 2 · 0 0

Reason is the only tool that humans have at their disposal to bring about peace. No matter whether you believe or you don’t believe in god, you must use reason. Even to join and belong to an organized religion, you must use reason to decide if you accept or reject Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, or any one who has spoken with god or received his revelations. It is reason that allows us to distinguish what is good from what is bad, what is right from what is wrong, justice from injustice, and ultimately what is for or against our own life.

Animals coexist strictly by the law of natural selection. They eat each other and reproduce. The balance between these two activities allows each species to coexist with the others. When the balance is broken, which has happened a million times, entire species go extinct. (99% of all species of animals that existed on earth have become extinct!) Humans are subject to the same natural law. There is no guarantee that the human race will go on forever. It can become extinct. But aside the being hit by a comet, the biggest threat to peace is humans’ poor application of their wonderfully evolved brains. Reason, like all things in evolution, does not appear suddenly at birth. Like sexual maturity, the brain develops slowly. It takes about 18 years for the human baby to fully develop the frontal lobe (the part of the brain that allows judgment). Some of us develop faster, other slower. Yet, parents and adults are eager to provide ready-made judgments and indoctrinate their children as soon as they can understand language. Religious beliefs are taken in by children precisely because the adults impose them on their undeveloped brains. They can’t judge whether god created the universe or it was Peter Pan. If you tell them to pray to Peter Pan and they see that you and other neighbors have built the Peter Pan Church and have regular rituals there, most children, predictably, will repeat such behavior. Change the characters in the churches and you’ll see this behavior all throughout the history of mankind. Indoctrination has never helped the cause of peace.

Indoctrination, especially religious indoctrination, separates further one group from another. While reason unifies and allows people the use of the critical faculty, religious indoctrination suppresses its development and the result is irrational beliefs, superiority, intolerance, war. That which we have made sacred, becomes a further reason to fight those that do not recognize its sacredness. Indoctrination tells people that their god demands this kind of kneeling, bowing, dressing, eating, time for working, time for resting, way of marrying, or of dying. Indoctrination creates separate cultures. Once born in a culture, one feels familiarity, affinity, happy to be among his own people. When another culture threatens to subvert what is comfortable and familiar for us, we develop hatred. Is it possible for a rational mind to be free from this vicious cycle? Is it possible to see that all humans, regardless of culture, have reason in common and that reason has nothing to do with culture or religion? Reason is the tool that crosses the boundaries of culture. Why are we so good at applying reason to the solution of technical problems, and so poor at applying reason in relationship to one another? Could it be that all that religious and cultural indoctrination we receive BEFORE we develop the critical faculty actually greatly destroys our ability to relate rationally?

2006-12-11 05:13:22 · answer #7 · answered by DrEvol 7 · 0 0

a lot of human beings immediately have not got the better point human souls, yet purely the decrease point animal soul. you will discover for sure who has the animal and who has the human soul. So, in case you spot somebody with an animal soul, do no longer anticipate them to act any in yet differently than animals. have not got expectancies for those beings previous that. then you definately is in simple terms no longer upset over something that can't exist - that's a larger point of behaviour - in those beings. it is not achieveable for them except they finally become conscious that they simply have an animal soul now, and initiate artwork to enhance this point themselves. maximum won't recognize, regrettably. So have not got larger expectancies for those beings, after which you is in simple terms no longer upset for waiting for something that those beings can't do.

2016-10-05 04:20:30 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It IS possible. I hope it comes soon, but the way things are going now, it looks like it will be a while before it will happen, if it ever does.

2006-12-11 02:13:49 · answer #9 · answered by Paul H 6 · 0 0

There will only be peace when there is one human left, because if there is only one human left than that leaves no one for him/her to fight with.

2006-12-11 02:08:33 · answer #10 · answered by m_thurson 5 · 1 0

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