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I'm busy reading my bible , plz give me a brief detail about evolution.

2006-12-11 01:19:24 · 13 answers · asked by ? 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

How many of you have actually read Darwin's "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"? Not many, I believe.

Charles Darwin's went to an isolated island and observed that there were many species of birds with specializations that made them perfectly suited to their habitat. Birds who ate nuts had powerful, curved beaks, while hunting birds had strong wings & claws. His theorized that these birds had a common ancestor species, and this species evolved through natural selection into the many species that he observed on the island.

Natural selection works over millions of years. An example:
Suppose there is a species of bird on an island that feeds on nuts & berries. A gradual change in climate reduces the number of berries, so they have to eat nuts. Of course, birds with harder & more curved beaks will do better in the race for nuts. Therefore, more birds with hard beaks survive compared to birds with softer beaks. More of the genes for hard beaks is passed on to the next generation. Over hundreds of millenia, there are more and more hard-beaked birds on the island, and their beaks become harder. We come along, and call it a parrot. EVOLUTION DOESN'T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT.

Fossil records show that this process happens to all animals over millions of years. Darwin suggested that this is the process that is responsible for the millions of species of animal on Earth today. From a scientific & empirical standpoint, I can see why, at the end of the book, he discussed the possibility of humans evolving from apes. If I didn't believe in Adam & Eve, human evolution would be a very reasonable conclusion.

But still, in the end, it's just a THEORY. Theories aren't always right. There are always exceptions. The theory of relativity does not apply in quantum scales. Quantum theory fails in interplanetary scales. Theories are not perfect.

I'm a Muslim, and I think the concept of evolution is reasonable. Natural selection happens over millions of years. I think evolution is just the mechanism & that God guides the process along the way. Allahua'lam. Only God knows. I think that humans are the exception in the theory of evolution. It's just another theory, one we'll have to make do with until a better one comes along.

To answer Lion of Judah:
1. This is quoted from a Creationist publication. Of course it "disproves" evolution.
2. Nothing to do with evolution. Outdated research, in any case.
3. Nothing to do with evolution.
4. Did any of the people die of old age in your calculations?
5. Naturally-occuring granite doesn't have the polonium-214 isotope. Duh.
6. Shapes resembling a sandalprint & handprint do not make a fossil record.
7. Can't answer. Don't know much about helium.
8. Physicists cannot say for sure whether the universe is expanding or contracting. It all depends on the properties of dark matter & dark energy, which they haven't figured out yet.
9 & 10. Like I said before, evolution is just the mechanism. It still comes from God, and it's still breathtaking no matter what the mechanism is.

I think evolution & the rest of science is wonderful. God created the infinitely complicated universe for us to discover & learn about. The more we learn, the more there is to learn. Don't you see divinity in that?

2006-12-11 05:52:24 · answer #1 · answered by psychoadi 2 · 1 0

The scientific dictionary definition of evolution is "The change of allele frequencies in a population over time. This means that evolution is the fact that the percentages of genes in a population change over time. This is due factors such as mutation , natural selection and genetic drift.

Mutation is the fact that genes change do to various errors in copying, and environmental factors.

Natural selection is the fact that some allele's are favored over others leading to a increase or decrease of allele frequency over time. It is actually natural Selection which is the mechanism responsible for the increase in complexity in biological systems. Each Selection event ( out of quadrillions in history ) has the potential of transfering a single bit of information from the environment into the biological system. This is why we are so complex!

Genetic drift is the change in frequency which can occur randomly especially in small population sizes.

Examples of evolution are widespread, Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, Changes in dog breeds are just the more obvious examples.

Fundamentalists often reject modern science. The rejection of evolution is only one example of the rejection of reality by those who would take the story telling of ancient goat herders literally.

Fundamentalists often make absurd claims trying to prove their claim the earth is 6000 years old. Often this involves taking something which changes periodically and making the wrong assumption that it does not vary.

An extreme example of this type of fallacy would be taking the fact it is 40 degrees outside today and was 80 degrees outside last July and then extrapolating claiming the earth could not be more than a year or two old or we would have roasted.

Fundamentalist fallacies falling into this category include:
Decay of Earth's Magnetic Field ( the magnetic field is constantly fluctuating and reverses direction from time to time )

Or else they take something which has both inflow and outflow and only look at one of these. An example would be noting that snow falls each winter, but we are not buried in snow therefore the earth must only be a year or two old.

Fundamentalist fallacies falling into this category include:
Helium Content in Earth's Atmosphere ( they ignore helium escape )
Polonium Halos ( they ignore polonium is itself a decay product )
Population Statistics ( they actually forget people used to die much earlier )
Ocean Salt content

Most creationist fallacies fall in one of these two categories. To knowledgable people these arguments seem laughable yet they persist.

2006-12-11 01:35:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evolution is not against religion. Religion is against evolution. Evolution is a process. Religion is a belief.
Science supports and proves the veracity of evolution.
Faith and dogma prove and support religion.
Why not put down your Bible, pick up a science book, and make up your own mind when you have studied the evidence from both sides?

2006-12-11 01:48:21 · answer #3 · answered by Eso_ uk 4 · 2 0

Biological evolution is the natural process through which living things gradually change over time, replacing earlier species with new species. There is no conflict between this process created by God and true religious belief. Truth cannot conflict with truth. It is only false religious beliefs, based on mistinterpretation of the Bible, that conflicts with known scientific facts.


2006-12-11 01:27:52 · answer #4 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 0

Biological evolution is genetic change in species over time-it is a proven fact and only the mechanisms involved are theoretical. It challenges the literal interpretation of Genesis so the creationists try and discredit it by using falsehoods, flawed arguments and generally misrepresenting what evolution of species entails. Only those who are ignorant of the facts or bigotted dispute that evolution occurs.

2006-12-11 01:22:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

you have it backwards, the Bible is against evolution. Evolution has mountains of evidence accrued over the final a hundred and fifty years to assist it. This has shown that a literal interpretation of the Genesis tale is impossible. faith is against information, not any incorrect way around.

2016-10-14 11:06:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you choose to read writings other than your bible you could become educated to the fact that evolutionary theory is a concern of scientific inquiry.

It is true that it does not support the biblical story of "creation" but that is not by design.

It is Religionists who are "against" evolutionary theory not the other way

Evolutionist are "against" teaching creation or its 'offspring ideations' as
science to school pupils.

Personally, i have no objection to presenting Creationism in classes on
comparative religion or mythology but not in Science classes unless it
meets standards of scientific research.

2006-12-11 01:54:33 · answer #7 · answered by dollparty.geo 2 · 0 0

concept that embodies the belief that existing animals and plants developed by a process of gradual, continuous change from previously existing forms.

it conflicts with religion because in the bible it states that god created man, and animal the same way they appear today. evolution says it was a gradual change from smaller beings.

most scientist keep their work and religion separate. you can study one thing but believe in another.

2006-12-11 01:28:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


The introduction to Genesis and to the whole Bible ascribes everything to the living God, creating, making, acting, moving, and speaking. There is no room for evolution without a flat denial of Divine revelation. One must be true the other false. All of God’s works are good, great, wondrous, and perfect.

Man starts from nothing. He begins in helplessness, ignorance, and inexperience. All his works, therefore, proceed on the principle of evolution. This principle is only seen in human affairs: from the hut to the palace; from the canoe to the ocean liner; from the spade to the plowshare to machines. But the birds build their nests today as at the beginning. There is growth and development within man, but no passing, change, or evolution out from one into another.

For this theory or fallacy of evolution to be true there would be evident stages of evolution today. You would be able to find species in many stages of evolution in nature right now. For this theory or fallacy of evolution to be true there would be no God. And that’s exactly what evolutionists believe and are trying prove. The evolutionist bases his or her conclusions on human assumptions and reasoning, instead of on the documentary evidence of the manuscripts.


2006-12-11 01:25:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Evolution = Reason; Creationism = Superstition. They are against one another because reason will always challenge superstition.

2006-12-11 01:35:51 · answer #10 · answered by Rabble Rouser 4 · 2 0

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