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i'm going through the hardest time right now with my husband.... i have been serving the LORD and believing that GOD, will save my husband... at the same time i know he won't be saved if he doesn't want to be saved.... HE has been lying to me and cheating for the past couple of years.... he told me that he feel in love with someone and thoughs feelings he has for her can't go away... he even confessed to kissing her in front of our 6 year old son, i found out because my son told me.... i found out about so many other women..... what i'm sharing with you is only a small portion of my sorrows... i gave him all my youth and gave him 2 beautiful children... i'm 24 years old, and my husband is supporting me financially... i feel stuck to this man because he is supporting me.... but i'm going to break away from him i can't anymore... all these years of emtional, mental , verbal, and even physical abuse.... i need GOD to guide me, HOW DO THINK GOD IS LOOKING AT MY SITUATION??

2006-12-11 00:30:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Sister, I feel for you. The Good Lord knows what you're going through and you have ever right according to the Bible to divorce him, and if I was you, I would. You don't have to take that kind of treatment from anybody. I also suggest you pray and ask for guidiance, the Good Lord will hear your prays and He will answer all you have to do is be willing to listen. I'm going to pray for you and I hope everything turns out alright.

2006-12-11 00:41:15 · answer #1 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 1 1

Here's how God sees it and I'm sorry if it is offensive to you:

You made a big mistake, you went and got yourself pregnant and married way too early (if you have a 6 year old and you are 24, that means you were pregnant at 17, correct?).

Neither you nor your husband were evidently mature enough to understand what marriage is and the sacredness of it; he apparently doesn't believe in God and you did not know enough of scripture at that time to understand you were hooking yourself to a man who was unequally yoked to you.

I'm probably accurately guessing that you have no college degree, no technical school diploma, maybe not even a high school degree. Because of your past mistake, you have gotten yourself into a hole and can't seem to get yourself out; you even wonder if you have the right to get out. You have some faint idea that the Bible tells you to stay, no matter what.

So here's what I think God would want for you: get into God's Word, study it hard because you seriously need to hear from Him and that's how it's done. You get the scriptures into you so He can speak them back to you when you need it. Start with Proverbs 31, about verse 10 or so I think. Be that "wife of noble character" and let God decide if your marriage is savable. He promises many blessings for that sort of wife, so it is worth working towards.

2006-12-11 00:50:36 · answer #2 · answered by arewethereyet 7 · 0 0

I'm with that other woman - quit relying on god, you have to think for yourself. What I'm seeing here is someone who has repeatedly disrespected you, your relationship, and other women. He may change.........ten years down the road. Real change takes time, and if you think serving the lord alone (that's great and all but....) is going to make him change, your in for a lot more heartache. I have dated men like this and trust me, he's going to beg to come back, claiming he's changed. Don't believe him. No one makes a major life change within a couple months, let alone a couple years. Furthermore, he needs to be by himself for a long time to get to know himself, gain some perspective, and finally make a change. You need to find a way to get out of this relationship. I hope you have some education, or some job skills, or parents who can help you.

2006-12-11 00:46:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God see all the trials and pains you are going Thur. Remember God tells in the Bible He will not put more on us than we can stand. Now it seems like you are already there. But, God always keeps his promise with us.

I can tell you what to do. But the best answer I can give you is, don't lose faith. God will answer your pray. I will be praying with you about this matter to. One day when this battle is over with. You will look back and see How Much Strength and Knowledge you learn.

In the middle of a "storm" don't make fast decision. We make them and wish we didn't. The Bible tells us to stand still in the middle of a storm. So, be still and watch the hand of the Lord work in your life.

16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

2006-12-11 00:56:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Madame, I understand how you fel & feel sorry that your husband couldn't appreciate you & couldn't reward your years with him by being faithful. Some people just cannot change, no matter how you do. remeber Judah? He was with Chrit day & night, watched, listened, witnessed all the miracles he has done yet he betrayed Him. As long as you have tried there is nothing else you can do.

I want to assure you that God share with you your sorrow: n all their affliction he was afflicted, and the Angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them and carried them all the days of old. Isaiah 63:9

He will take good care of you , just leave. by all means He cannot agree that you loose your dignity. You may also seek counseling if you can do that.

By the way , you re very yoiung & life is till open for you. Do not get dispair. just know that God will be with you in every step you make.

2006-12-11 00:45:38 · answer #5 · answered by Theresa 3 · 0 0

god wants you to realize one of three things. one, to know that you may be married to someone who's just not a marriage material, or two, the possibility of having an open marriage. or three, getting professional marriage counseling help. when men cheat, they don't do it b/c of anything about you, but it has to do with their god-given sexual desires. in judaism, as in the old testament, boys and young men were allowed to freely fulfill their sexual desires, until they'd had their fill, even after marriage. that's how they were able to have more than one wife. 'thou shalt not commit adultery', in the classic hebrew sense meant that you better not sleep with a married man or a married woman, b/c if you do, their spouse will kick the **** out of you. many of the rules you're abound by being a christian were only meant to literally protect you from physical harm. the jews were forbidden to eat pork back in the ancient days b/c if you did, you'd definitely have died, hence god wrote "he shall be put to death"--it's not that he's telling people to kill whoever eats pork, but that the nature will kill him b/c pigs in those days carried deadly diseases. god designed pigs that way, and that's why it's in the torahs, aka, the old testament. this rule doesn't apply today since our technology enables us to eat pork and not die. and defying god's rules is ok, since "God told men to conquer the whole earth and everything in it and subdue it."

based on the above analysis, you may draw the parallel to your marriage and know what god wants you to do.

what i'm really saying is that the ultimate control is up to you. i'm not a christian, but i've read the bible more than average christians. you are in control of your god; even jesus couldn't heal those who believed that they couldn't be healed. praying is nice and all, but god really got your point (and even before you were born).

weigh in all the benefits of a divorce, and weigh in all the benefits of an open marriage, and weigh in all the benefits of staying together and getting help (if he wants to). and choose the one that seems the best in your current knowledge. and know that it's the best answer. y'know, you're only forgiven if you believe that you have a god who forgives generously. most christians i find have this crazy guilty mindset set for their own destruction and demise. believe in love. and i wish the best for you. good luck.

2006-12-11 01:00:24 · answer #6 · answered by Don't Stop 2 · 0 0

There is no God. So, pushing your religion on your husband can only cause more friction in your relationship. If you think he is lying and cheating, perhaps you should take stock of your relationship with him. You have to figure out how close you two are and why you have drifted apart. The key is not pushing your beliefs on him or praying that something happens to fix things. The key is communicating with your husband to figure out where you two still stand and what you can do to grow closer again, or possibly finally separate from him if things really have separated that much.

In the meantime, try to better yourself. Try to get more education and a better job. Learn a skill and try to get out in the world. That will make you more independent, so you won't feel like you're stuck in a bad situation. It would also give you more leverage to get him to make the situation better.

2006-12-11 00:37:05 · answer #7 · answered by nondescript 7 · 0 3

You have my symphaty. And I can't really know what God is thinking but I'll give you verses that I think He would tell you or do.
*DE 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor FORSAKE thee.
*DE 31:8 And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither FORSAKE thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.
*1st Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
*1st Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

I have a friend who shares similar problem with you and she uses her husbands support to go to school and have a job in the future so if her hubby would leave her she can stand on her own. Think about it, it's not your fault your hubby is a jerk and you certainly don't need to suffer. My heart goes out with you.
Don't forget to pray, it's our bestest weapon against anything.

2006-12-11 00:56:19 · answer #8 · answered by *♥£öVe§♥* 3 · 0 0

First,i am sorry for what you are in.When you ask your God for something,three things may happen.1.God will give you what you are asking for.2.God will give it to you but later to test your paitiance.3.God will not give you what you are asking but He will keep it and more in Paradise for you.God in Islam said "The world has many gifts,and the best gift the man can find is a good wife" like you.......

2006-12-11 00:46:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Scripturally, no one can tell you you SHOULD get a divorce.

We need to get that out there first.

Scripturally, the only reason that someone can get a divorce (and be able to get remarried) would be unfaithfulness of the other mate.

"I say to YOU that whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery.” - Matthew 19:9

Below is a small portion of an article that might help you shed light on certain areas.
If you would like the complet article and others regarding divorce you can email me at mbscsezme@yahoo.com

INFIDELITY and divorce can be very traumatic. Even though many have found reasons to reconcile with their mate and preserve their marriage, others have valid reasons to choose the God-given option of divorcing an adulterous mate. (Matthew 5:32; 19:9) For example, the safety, spirituality, and general well-being of a faithful wife and her children may be in jeopardy. She may also be concerned about being infected with a sexually transmitted disease. Or perhaps she has forgiven her spouse for committing adultery, but there is little basis for hoping that genuine trust can be restored and that she can continue living with him as her husband.

“This was the most difficult decision of my life,” admitted one distraught wife. A difficult decision, indeed—not only because the betrayal is so hurtful but also because divorce has far-reaching consequences that will affect her whole life. Therefore, whether or not a wife should divorce her unfaithful mate is a personal decision. The Biblical right of the innocent spouse to make that decision should be respected by others.

Tragically, though, many people rush into divorce without properly counting the cost. (Compare Luke 14:28.) What are some of the factors involved in the option of divorce?

If There Are Children

“Children’s needs are often forgotten or ignored by parents who are too absorbed in their own problems,” states the book Couples in Crisis. Thus, when contemplating divorce, keep in mind the spirituality and survival of your children. Many researchers note that the more amicable a divorce can be, the less the children are likely to suffer. Even under difficult circumstances, mildness will help a person ‘not to fight, but to be gentle toward all, keeping himself restrained under evil.’—2 Timothy 2:24, 25.

If one chooses to divorce, it should be borne in mind that the husband and wife—not the children—are getting divorced. The children still need both Mom and Dad. Of course, there may be extreme circumstances, such as when the child is in danger of suffering child abuse. But religious or personal differences should not be used to deprive children of the benefit of having two parents.

Also to be taken into account are the fragile emotions of young children and their need for ample reassurance, love, and affection. “This continuity of love,” states one book, “will provide both a background and a foundation for them to deal with the new situation.” In addition, giving attention to their daily spiritual needs can help them maintain stability.—Deuteronomy 6:6, 7; Matthew 4:4.

Finances and Legal Proceedings

Divorce inevitably robs each spouse of a certain amount of income and property, some comforts, and maybe a much loved home. Since an individual may have to handle increased expenditure with a reduced income, it is wise to draw up a realistic budget according to financial priorities. The urge to compensate for losses and hurt feelings by spending more or incurring debt should be avoided.

If a decision is made to divorce, it is also necessary to resolve with one’s spouse how joint accounts will be handled. To prevent misuse of funds in a joint bank account, for example, it may be wise to ask the bank manager to require both spouses’ signatures for withdrawals until each has his own account.

It is also prudent to keep accurate records of income and expenses, in preparation for negotiating a maintenance settlement. Also, in many countries it is a legal requirement that people inform the tax authorities of their changed circumstances.

In addition, most people benefit from consulting a legal professional—one who has specific experience in divorce issues. Some countries allow mediators or conciliators to help couples cooperate to reach mutually acceptable and peaceful agreements, which are then ratified by a court of law. Especially where children are involved, many parents prefer to use the services of a professional who is not adversarial. Rather than win at all costs, the parents aim to minimize conflict and hurt. Certain material gains are simply not worth what it would cost emotionally and financially to get them.

2006-12-11 00:45:01 · answer #10 · answered by Livin In Myrtle Beach SC 3 · 0 0

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