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10 answers

Sexuality has nothing to do with religion, except for when religious fundamentalists of various persuasions (Islamic and Christian in particular) try to jam it down other people's throats.

2006-12-11 00:12:31 · answer #1 · answered by Mark P 5 · 0 1

Homo-sexuals are motivated by neither god nor the devil. The idea that anyone is motivated by god or the devil is ridiculous (though people are certainly motivated by their belief in god or the devil). And I will explain why from both a theistic and atheistic point of view.
Let me start with the atheistic point of view.... Most people desire foods containing salt, sugar and fat. But these things are very unhealthy for you in large quantities. Regardless, many people consume foods high in these elements. Is a person's desire for salt, sugar or fat motivated by god or the devil? Neither of course! It is motivated by our genetic make-up. Humans are genetically engineered to desire these things because they are necessary for our survival. However, the human race has many variations in its genetic code and thus some people crave these elements more than others. In some cases, when these elements are easily attainable and the person has a particular weakness for food cravings (both genetic and psychological). A
person may significantly shorten his or her life by consuming large quantities of these substances. Now getting to my point, just as a person's desire for certain foods is not motivated by spiritual forces, neither is one's desire for a man or a woman motived by the powers of good and evil. It's genetic my friend!

Now for the theistic point of view.... If there is a god, he gave us free will for a reason. The reason is so that we can make decisions and learn something on our own. I'm sorry if this disappoints some people, but god is strictly hands off in this universe. If our actions were motivated by divine powers, then there would be no free will. If there is no free will, then we are all pawns and we can't be held accountable for our actions. If we aren't accountable for our own actions, then we aren't learning anything and there is no point for our existence other than for some egocentic, insecure super-powerful being to get off on playing a game he already knows the outcome to. This scenerio doesn't make a whole lot of sense. So, the devil hasn't made anyone do anything in this world and god hasn't made anyone do anything either. So, unless people help each other, then you, me and everyone else are entirely on their own. If there is a god, he established the rules when he set everything into motion. The laws of physics and our genetic make-up set the boundaries of what we can do. The rest is up to us. So choose wisely my friend.

Finally, you might be wondering why some people are genetically coded to be homo-sexual when this seems so be superficially counter to reproduction and thus human survival. The key word is "superficially". Since humans have mastered agriculture and nearly killed off all natural predators, the world population is rising at an alarming rate. Our planet can only support so many lifeforms. If there weren't counter-balances to population growth---disease (such as casued by overeating), war, famine, homosexuality, birth control, etc.--then humans would soon be starving and wading through their own filth (which we nearly are anyway). You should thank homo-sexuals for carrying a heavy burden and being one of the most benign forms of population control.
And I'm not homo-sexual in case you were wondering ;)
Hope this was helpful to someone.

2006-12-11 09:20:43 · answer #2 · answered by Jeremy B 1 · 0 0

Neither. They are motivated by lust and the denial of what the purpose is that the body was designed to do. It goes against natural function. I know they say it is natural as animals do it all the time. I think that is a weak argument as animals also eat their young and their sexual partners or at least hurt them severely. Does that mean we should do it? Animals have multiple partners in nature as well. Does that mean we have to follow their example? Of course as with any sin, it is forgivable. And I would never condemn one to Hell as that will be between them and God. Also what they do in their own houses is their own business and I would prefer not to hear about anyone's sexual relations, homosexual or heterosexual.

2006-12-11 08:13:33 · answer #3 · answered by mortgagegirl101 6 · 0 0

My father gave me this to think about. The Devil is using the words in the Bible to split up people in several churches. My dad is Episcopalian. In 2001, I think it was when there was a Gay Bishop ordained. The episcopal church split with people that accepted it, and people that thought it was completely against the churches doctrines. The Devil is causing these splits to weaken the power of churches to spread the real message of God that He loves you no matter what you do, what you wear, and who you love. God forgives all, and If people Call themselves Christians following Jesus. Then why are they reading and following the laws and commandments that were written by the Jews in the Old Testament. If you follow the ways of Jesus his life and lessons are in the New Testament. The Torah/Old testament is the book used by the Jewish faith, and most of them don't believe that Jesus is God son. And yet, you could think that I wanted your minds to be split.

How about we let people live as they want, and don't worry if they are going to hell or not. Don't worry if this will make God mad. And live our lives as we want. God will judge us when we are dead, and nobody should judge us while we are still alive.

May Matthew Shepard rest in peace, and the people that murdered him burn forever in the pits of hell.

2006-12-11 08:30:43 · answer #4 · answered by anniwhoozle 2 · 1 0

The devil. I can say that with confidence because before I got saved 7 years ago, I was gay. Homosexuality is an abomination to God. I love the gay person and so does God, but He hates what they do.

They are blinded by Satan who deceives them into thinking they were made that way.

2006-12-11 08:12:51 · answer #5 · answered by ccc4jesus 4 · 1 0

It seems you read neither bible nor qur'an. In no were in the words of God same-sexuals has been blessed. In the bible one of the causes that make God to set fire on Sodoma and Gomora was same-sexuals. So it is obvious that it is against God wishes. It is evil spirits that drive one into same-sexuals

2006-12-11 08:23:51 · answer #6 · answered by Mama A 1 · 0 1

God doesn't motivate using sin.

2006-12-11 08:13:36 · answer #7 · answered by RB 7 · 1 0

You cannot justify sin. They are motivated by their own decisions, lusts, desires, they are not "going to hell" if they are believers, but they are not perfectly in line with his will.

2006-12-11 08:09:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Human desires...

2006-12-11 08:13:13 · answer #9 · answered by babo1dm 6 · 1 0

I think they're motivated by enjoying bunghole or titties and vagina.I enjoy titties and vagina, not everyone does. That's alright, more titties and vagina for me.

2006-12-11 08:12:56 · answer #10 · answered by enslavementality 3 · 0 1

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