First of all, i am a woman. So please do not shoot me for this answer! I understand your dilema, what you need to understand is that it is all mental. Men are visually stimulated, more than we are, and women are emotionally stimulated. I guess the best answer for you, is that be content that it is a magazine, and not another woman. It's not a form of disrespect, it's just a piece of of glossy paper and it can not hurt you. Just trust that your man is being faithful. Honestly would you rather him look at the mag or be out with other women.
Best of Luck & God Bless
2006-12-10 17:59:47
answer #1
answered by da realest 3
Men are visually stimulated. They can really LOOK at a girly mag. Don't worry - a LOT of guys do it. It's a guy thing. And you're right - almost always they ARE in a satisfying and happy relationship with their gf/or wife!
One time I bought one for a guy and pasted a picture of my face over some of the women in the mag. He thought it was very funny - and appreciated my openess about the whole thing.
2006-12-10 17:51:30
answer #2
answered by liddabet 6
Guys are "visual", that is why they like looking at girls and the magazines. But as they get older and are in a satisfying relationship I would think that the magazine use should decline. Some guys like to act macho and may do it for that reason. Some have a problem. When the magazines get in the way of the relationship I would be concerned.
2006-12-10 17:51:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
insecurities, the girly mags are like a source. Just like your cosmo we have our FHM and Maxim. They in a way help to let us know sometimes because even in the best relationship the significant other still shows signs and acts ways we just dont understand. Also tips, we will take to this magazine for insight. Not to mention some guys just like reading them, they have good articles and funny stories.
2006-12-10 17:54:45
answer #4
answered by D J 1
Tell me one thing.. Why this 'girly' mags are printed and for whom? It is just being fun and pleasure of guys' eyes and needs when their gf are not around. It does not relate with satisfying and happy relationship with their gf.
2006-12-10 17:54:48
answer #5
answered by aramaiya 3
Guys are visual beings, not irrationally emotional. For many of us, the girly mags (as you call them) are visual turn ons, nothing else. They do NOT substitute for our partners. In some respects they can (repeat can, not always with all men) make us want you more, because you are real. . . they are just a picture, that's all.
2006-12-10 18:00:17
answer #6
answered by snddupree 5
It doesnt matter how many times a day a guy gets it, he will always turn to alone time with 'girly' mags. Its in our blood. We are visual creatures and we like to feel. Sometimes we like to visualize with someone other than who we are with...thats just in out cant change it...and all guys do it.
2006-12-10 17:51:15
answer #7
answered by behr28 5
Its a natural part of a mans life to fantasize and in doing so to venture into " girly magazines" Today's porn industry. Although like all things its addictive and needs to be done in moderation, its part of growing, learning and becoming sexually acquainted. Its the same reason you read cosmo. We are interested too.
Hope This Helps
Merry Christmas
-Gary Somers
2006-12-10 17:51:22
answer #8
answered by imgarysomers 2
?? They are not satisfied, looking at the articles, or it could be they want to find out if you will do anything they see in those mags. I am sure there are more reason, but can't think of them at the moment.
2006-12-10 17:51:01
answer #9
answered by Magus 4
In our lifetime, most of us live in several places, get a new/different car every 5 to 10 years, get new/different clothes, hairstyles, jobs, pets, etc.
We're free to vacation anywhere we want or can afford.
We get our choice of any sport we want to watch or participate in.
We enjoy four seasons a year before one of them gets old and stale.
Each day we get to choose what we want to eat or drink and it's usually something different every day.
We get to choose what we want to watch on TV or listen to on the radio.
We get to enjoy all that is mentioned above and more ***BUT*** we are expected to be with the same woman and not look at another for the rest of our lives. I hope that answers it for you.
2006-12-10 18:04:13
answer #10
answered by Big Dick McGee 4