Don't let your boyfriend make you do something drastic like that. Get into shape for you not for anyone else. Not eating for a week is extremely unhealthy and it will make you feel tired and run down. You'd be better off drinking a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and have a small dinner and you should see results in a week. Good luck to you!! =)
2006-12-10 17:27:26
answer #1
answered by ? 6
You'll actually lose more weight (and less likely to black out periodically) if you at the VERY LEAST eat breakfast each day.
When your body gets hungry, it slows down metabolism to conserve calories. By at least eating one meal a day (best being breakfast), you can atleast keep up your metabolism to burn off weight.
If you're really determined to lose weight by not eating or even exercising, you should get protein shakes to drink in the afternoon along with breakfast. Its honestly a bad idea to just not eat, but if you're determined to go that method, do it reasonably.
Realistically, to get a flat stomach you will atleast need to work out a little... whether its walking for half an hour a day, or for specifically the abs, get one of those "core secrets" balls and do crunches for 10 minutes every other day. The generic ones work just as well and only run about $20. Just a thought for real.
Not to sound like the paranoid guy about starving yourself, but if you get "used" to not eating you can easily develop an eating disorder such as Anorexia. Then (and this is from a guy's point of view of what makes a girl attractive) you'll just look like a skeleton. Ask ANYONE... that's not attractive at all but with an ED, you don't see it the way everyone else does.
Just some advice. Good luck!
2006-12-10 17:36:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i'd say dump the boyf. Tht would get rid of excess weight. Seriously. starving is the worst thing you can do. I lost 3 kgs this week by eating helathily and not having carbs after 5. I don't like excercise either but i've been doing 50 situps a day all week and can really see the difference. Starving yourself will just make your body store any food you do give it. the weight will pile on instantly and be harder to shift. I know it sounds silly, but the best way is diet and excercise
2006-12-10 22:29:37
answer #3
answered by fel t 3
This is really a rather pointless exercise unless you do it for some vision quest spiritual reason. It's not worthwhile to set your body on starvation mode, so that when you start eating again, it is even harder to control yourself than it was before.
If you believe fasting (not starving; fasting) can help you gain control over your eating habits, it would be most effective for no more than 24 hours at a time. And drink plenty of water at least, or tea or juice if you will allow yourself, and spend the time meditating on your True Will and just what self-control means.
Remember that the problems are not about numbers of pounds, but the overall good health and firm tone of your body. Exercise is something you may hate doing because you have not found one you enjoy. Work on that. Try out different activities like dancing and games, and try to at least develop the habit of walking, and running if you can, often enough to get your body in shape while you just get your chores and daily activities done. Make it a longer and longer stretch you are willing to walk before you hop on a bus or get in a car. Get used to doing things in an energetic way, whatever you are doing.
To gain intelligent, conscious control over your body's well-being is an important step in most spiritual pathways, and in my opinion, far easier than the "learn by mistakes" method that has made me morbidly obese at the age of 59. Let me serve as your bad example and don't let your body get out of control.
And your boyfriend could help instead of nagging. Persuade him to take you dancing, or get him involved in a hot game of volleyball. And tell him not to buy you food you should not eat.
2006-12-10 17:39:34
answer #4
answered by auntb93again 7
No stupid comments? But this is a stupid question. You want to starve yourself because your boyfriend is telling you to lose weight? So basically, what you are telling me is that your boyfriend controls you? That you do whatever he says? That you don't have enough selfworth to tell your boyfriend to take a hike if he doesn't "approve" of you appearence? Honey, get a grip. You are putting your body through hell by not eatting for someone who doesn't love you AS YOU ARE. If he doesn't love you enough now to accept you and your body as is, he never will. He will just find other reasons to nitpick at you. Don't be a pushover. Tell him to get lost.
And as for wanting a flat stomach? Not going to happen WITHOUT exercise. You said you are chubby. So that is extra skin around your belly. Even losing weight isn't going to tighten those muscles enough to give you flat abs. You will need to work on it. Try pilates. It's fun, easy to follow and it works.
2006-12-10 17:29:56
answer #5
answered by kcarp73 3
Starving yourself to lose weight is never good for you. Once you are back on food, no matter how small the amount, your body will hold onto everything and you will gain back everything you have lost, and then some.
The best way to lose weight is to eat breakfast in the mornings, eat small meals during the day. Take out all junk food, fried foods, fast food, soda. ect. Eat more fruits and veggies. Eat less starch (bread, pasta).
For exercise you could walk around for 30 minutes. You could go to the mall and window shop, or walk around the block for 30 minutes. You will see results.
Either way, whatever you choose, best of luck to you.
2006-12-10 17:37:26
answer #6
answered by Kikyo 5
You can really mess up your metabolism by doing that since as soon as you start to eat again your body will store most of it as fat just to self preserve!
Ditch the bf - he sounds like a jerk [if you don't think you are fat YOU AREN'T --- woman are hardest on themselves right??] - then join a fitness class you will like, don't eat bread or carbs - go high protein and fruit/veggies and a little whole grain bread. Drink 10 glasses of water a day to make sure you are hydrated. Get really hot to spite him, and so you won't be "chubby" :) And then find yourself an absolute sweetheart !!!
Not eating for a week also can cause you to go into shock [low blood sugar], dizzy spells [really unsafe if you are driving!!] and generally be really bad for your health.
2006-12-10 17:27:22
answer #7
answered by PinkPrincessNerd 3
You ask for no stupid comments yet you ask the stupidest question, no offense.
You want to lose weight, then exercise. You don't like exercising? It's your only option next to drugs like methamphetamine or liposuction.
Since you're going to be doing something unhealthy anyways, I tell you what jog every morning for 45 minutes on an empty stomach for a week then come back on here and tell us how much you have lost.
2006-12-10 17:50:26
answer #8
answered by ashur211 2
It sounds like you are doing this for emotional reasons. Maybe you are hoping for a guilty response from your bf. He makes you feel bad about your weight, so now you want him to feel bad.
I'll tell you one thing though, if you starve yourself you will be sorry in the long run. You'll lose muscle mass mostly and very little fat. You'll end up technically being fatter, rather than slimmer. It's not worth it, no guy is. Just find a new bf or lose weight the healthy way.
Take care : )
2006-12-10 17:30:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Don't do it you will get sick or after the week want to and then eat ever thing in site.Never starve yourself especially for a UN caring ,cold hearted boyfriend.Just eat foods that are good for you and no processed foods or fatty foods for a week and take a walk around the block .When you want to munch on something go get fruit of raw veggies and a drink or something sugar free.Not pop.Get him up off the couch to walk with you .
2006-12-10 17:33:04
answer #10
answered by canadarikki 2