I think that if you are old enough and mature enough to do what it takes to get pregnant, you should be old enough and mature enough to give birth. If you are not old enough or mature enough to to take care of a baby, then you shouldn't be doing what it takes to make a baby. Children do not ask to be brought into this world and we have to take the responsibility for our actions. Either don't do the deed or use birth control.
2006-12-10 15:28:45
answer #1
answered by mom of 2 5
Well this is a very simple answer to your question for me. I am a muslim and believe that abortion is wrong and should only be performed if the mother or unborn child is at risk of serious health problems or possible death. But to perform an abortion for selfish reasons is definitely wrong.
After having my daughter, my husband and I moved back to the USA (we were in an Asian muslim country) our daughter was three months old and we had very little money as well as no income. My husband was looking and looking for work and at that time we were losing all hope of financial survival. (Because no one wants to hire an immigrant who has no work experience in that country.) At this same time I found out that I was pregnant again! It was such a big shock for us and we were so scared as we were hardly supporting ourselves and didn't have enough money in our pocket to buy formula after the next month. But God has a plan for everything and God provided for us. Within one week from that day that we confirmed the pregnancy, my husband was blessed with a career (not just a job) and we knew then that everything would be just fine. We have the best health care, a decent savings, though not a large income but sufficient for our needs. I had worried then that we would not be able to financially support this child but I learned that God provides. And now that I think of it, I believe it was a test of faith.
Sometimes I feel worried about how to be a good mother of two when they will be so close in age and I may not be able to give them full attention. But when I look down at my daughter sleeping in her baby bed, all the doubt and worries of the world disappear. She is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. When I touch my tummy and feel the new life inside of me, I realize that this is another little blessing. If I were to lose the unborn child or my daughter, I would be more than devastated. They are a part of me. It is so hard to explain to someone who is childless but when you become a mother and have that connection it is impossible to willingly harm it. And any person who does this electively (for selfish reasons) is truly alien to me.
So if you are pregnant and at the point that you are considering this, please seek another option. There are good people who want to adopt children or you may actually be a better parent to the child than you think. But you should never think for one minute that it isn't convenient to you because all children are a precious gift from God.
2006-12-10 18:26:36
answer #2
answered by Mom_of_two 5
Wow, you really wanted to stir the pot didn't you! I volunteer for a not-for-profit called The Pregnancy Care Center. I am also a Christian. Therefore, the short answer would be that I am against abortion, and that I believe that abortion is killing a baby...however, there's more to it than just that. I have personally met and counselled with so many women and girls that have had abortions and it breaks my heart. These ladies are all hurting so much...even if they believe in the right to choose, and believe that life doesn't begin in the womb. Many are haunted by dreams, others just look/feel empty but they don't know why.
We can encourage women that have made a poor decision, are in turmoil, financially, relationally or emotionally, or, heaven forbid, have been taken advantage of to not hurt themselves further by making such an irrevokable decision. Giving a baby up to people that cannot conceive on their own may be the hardest and most rewarding decision a person in that position could make. I could go on and on, but I won't.
May I suggest the book "Startling Beauty" by Heather Gemmen to anyone searching for answers.
2006-12-10 16:23:47
answer #3
answered by Lacta-intactivist Mama! 3
to me all the pro-choice arguments are weak. ill state the pro-choice theory then my argument against it...
"its just a zygote, no more then cancer cells, not a human":
well actually its a human zygote. there are 46 chromosomes that make us human and the second the sperm and egg are combined the 'zygote' has those exact 46 chromes that make us human.
"Three things make us human persons: the ability to think, a moral sense, and our physical appearance. The zygote exhibits none of these.”:
So your saying that 'people' like Hitler were not human because he had no morals? Bush isn't human because (according to some people) he lacks common thinking abilities? Thats the same as; 1) walking into a mental ward and saying anyone that thinks its morally right to kill themselves or others are no longer human (yea that‘ll help the crazies get saner); 2)going in to a brain trauma unit and saying your going to kick anyone that can't count to10 any more out of the hospital bc there’s no animals allowed in a human hospital except for seeing eye dogs; 3) or going to a amputee and saying that anyone that doesn’t have 2 legs, 2 arms, and 10 toes & fingers are now officially snakes or deformed lizards.
“It’s the woman’s body, not the governments”:
well if you followed my above statement that the 46 chromosomes that makes that little bugger in your tummy a human, killing it not in self defense or fear of your life means you killed a human being for no reason which is murder. I do believe the gov’t gets a say in murder don’t they? (rhetorical question, don’t bother)
"why should a person thats raped or subjected to incest have to have a child":
several reasons against this one...
1) only about 1% of real rape victims get pregnant(i say real rape bc in states where you can only get an abortion bc of rape all you have to do is say it was rape and no one investigates the rape, they just sign a paper and off to the butcher you go)
2) only about another 6% get pregnant thru incest
3) adoption
4) for those that say adoption is a fluke - If from the very beginning of pregnancy you contact an agency your child will be adopted. there are people on waiting lists for as long as five years that wait for a woman thats pregnant and will have the baby so it can be adopted. The adoptive parents will often pay for your housing, food, and doctors visits as well.
"would you put a 12 or 14 year old girl thru this?":
yes. women have menstruations as an effect of puberty for a reason, its their body telling them that they can bare children. if the body couldn't handle it she wouldn't have gotten her period yet. And of course the adoption argument from above.
“You are ignoring the part where a girl is emotionally ready at a young age“:
Emotions don't count or the women getting abortions wouldn't be getting abortions after they see ultrasounds of the children’s emotions as they’re moving away from the needles or struggling to swim away & survive after the doctor uses that salt solution or cuts off limbs.
no money to have the child:
single women can get welfare if they have a child, not to mention that almost all pro-life organizations have money from charities that will help single mothers. and lets not for get the adoption argument from above.
Of course I have medical exceptions that may kill the mother and baby like cardiac disease of grade III or IV, severe kidney disease, severe (especially uncontrolled) Type I diabetes, that type of thing. It is more common (though rare) for an unpredictable complication of pregnancy to occur which could be life-threatening, such as eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. These aren't predictable though, and hopefully with good prenatal care will never happen.
2006-12-11 10:55:48
answer #4
answered by TJ815 4
Everyday someone askes this. I just dont see why a person cant search for this question and see what people post. As for me my opinion is that everyone has the right to do what they want with their body. If a woman wants to have a abortion then she should.
2006-12-11 04:45:30
answer #5
answered by Lo 4
How do you put a price on a life ? What if you are terminally ill and pregnant, would you put your unborn child through a bout of painful treatments just for the sake of a few peoples opinions knowing that child could be worse off in the long run ? If a young child is sexually exploited or raped, would you expect that child to be able to have and raise a child with the same type of mentality and awareness mature aged people do ? If you knew your longlife wife or partner were carrying another mans baby, how would you truly feel ? .. At the end of the day if you end up in a situation that you can't handle you have nobody to blame but yourself. Pregnancy is not a game and abortion is not a forefit .. but I do think it is a choice which can only be left to the descretion of those involved. Is it not your opinion that matters ..
2006-12-10 16:26:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am for abortion. Every woman has the right to choose. It is their body and they can do whatever they want with it so why should we worry about it.
What if you were raped and got pregnant would you have an abortion? I would
What if your life were in danger because of the pregnancy and the doctor told you -you would die if you remained pregnant then would you want to die or get an abortion? I would have an abortion because i would not want to leave my son motherless.
What if the fetus was born with a horrible defect/disease? Would you want a baby to suffer a horrible life? I would not want to do that.
What if a 12 year old girl was pregnant? I think she should have an abortion because she is too young.
To people that are against abortion if any of the above happened to you then you want to get an abortion?
I think that people that are so dead set against abortion if any of the above happened to them they shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion.
Abortion is not murder, it's only a medical procedure.
2006-12-10 15:34:25
answer #7
answered by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7
Depends on the situation and the age of the fetus, If its medically necessary to save someones life then there's not much of a choice there. The heart starts beating about what 3 wks I think, that's a life. If you simply don't want the baby, please consider the many people who cant have kids that would be able to provide a good loving home. Late term abortion is just cruel and is murder. Just my opinion.
2006-12-10 15:40:34
answer #8
answered by Armywife 2
against it. simply because i know a lot of people who are unable to have children, who would die to parent children. women are unfortunately allowed to have abortions, but should really consider how hundreds of couples are waiting to adopt. if a woman wants to have an abortion because of rape or being unable to raise a child financially or other wise, they should carry the baby full term and give the baby up for adoption. no matter what, a living, bouncing, happy baby is much better than being sucked out by a vaccuum. however, if the woman is high risk, meaning that having the baby is potentially life threatening, i totally understand needing an abortion.
2006-12-10 15:32:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I am against it. The idea of it sickens and saddens me. Society is at a point that value of an inmates life seems to rank higher than that of the unborn, elderly and the disabled.... Who's next????
Anyways, just to add a different voice to the discussion, I copied this statement from Gianna Jesson, a girl who was aborted, but lived! She is an amazing girl who I saw speak at church once. I recommend her book to everyone. Aborted and lived to tell about it. http://www.amazon.com/Gianna-Aborted-Lived-Tell-About/dp/1561794155
Gianna Jessen
Testimony of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen before the Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on April 22, 1996.
My name is Gianna Jessen. I am 19 years of age. I am originally from California, but now reside in Franklin, Tennessee. I am adopted. I have cerebral palsy. My biological mother was 17 years old and seven and one-half months pregnant when she made the decision to have a saline abortion. I am the person she aborted. I lived instead of died.
Fortunately for me the abortionist was not in the clinic when I arrived alive, instead of dead, at 6:00 a.m. on the morning of April 6, 1977. I was early, my death was not expected to be seen until about 9 a.m., when he would probably be arriving for his office hours. I am sure I would not be here today if the abortionist would have been in the clinic as his job is to take life, not sustain it. Some have said I am a "botched abortion", a result of a job not well done.
There were many witnesses to my entry into this world. My biological mother and other young girls in the clinic, who also awaited the death of their babies, were the first to greet me. I am told this was a hysterical moment. Next was a staff nurse who apparently called emergency medical services and had me transferred to a hospital.
I remained in the hospital for almost three months. There was not much hope for me in the beginning. I weighed only two pounds. Today, babies smaller than I was have survived.
A doctor once said I had a great will to live and that I fought for my life. I eventually was able to leave the hospital and be placed in foster care. I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a result of the abortion.
My foster mother was told that it was doubtful that I would ever crawl or walk. I could not sit up independently. Through the prayers and dedication of my foster mother, and later many other people, I eventually learned to sit up, crawl, then stand. I walked with leg braces and a walker shortly before I turned age four. I was legally adopted by my foster mother's daughter, Diana De Paul, a few months after I began to walk. The Department of Social Services would not release me any earlier for adoption.
I have continued in physical therapy for my disability, and after a total of four surgeries, I can now walk without assistance. It is not always easy. Sometimes I fall, but I have learned how to fall gracefully after falling 19 years.
I am happy to be alive. I almost died. Every day I thank God for life. I do not consider myself a by-product of conception, a clump of tissue, or any other of the titles given to a child in the womb. I do not consider any person conceived to be any of those things.
I have met other survivors of abortion. They are all thankful for life. Only a few months ago I met another saline abortion survivor. Her name is Sarah. She is two years old. Sarah also has cerebral palsy, but her diagnosis is not good. She is blind and has severe seizures. The abortionist, besides injecting the mother with saline, also injects the baby victims. Sarah was injected in the head. I saw the place on her head where this was done. When I speak, I speak not only for myself, but for the other survivors, like Sarah, and also for those who cannot yet speak ...
Today, a baby is a baby when convenient. It is tissue or otherwise when the time is not right. A baby is a baby when miscarriage takes place at two, three, four months. A baby is called a tissue or clumps of cells when an abortion takes place at two, three, four months. Why is that? I see no difference. What are you seeing? Many close there eyes...
The best thing I can show you to defend life is my life. It has been a great gift. Killing is not the answer to any question or situation. Show me how it is the answer.
There is a quote which is etched into the high ceilings of one of our state's capitol buildings. The quote says, "Whatever is morally wrong, is not politically correct." Abortion is morally wrong. Our country is shedding the blood of the innocent. America is killing its future.
All life is valuable. All life is a gift from our Creator. We must receive and cherish the gifts we are given. We must honor the right to life.
2006-12-10 19:57:54
answer #10
answered by scottnkris819 2
I don't have a religeon but I do belive in Destiny, things happen for a reason. my friend and her BF used to do drugs but when she got pregnant at 16 they totally changed for good she's been clean for almost a year know and so has her BF and they actually look happy. if she would've had an abortion she probably would be dead from an overdose or still on the stuff
2006-12-10 15:31:07
answer #11
answered by juliesan 3