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I have a good bit of stomach fat that I would love to lose. I was a fat kid/teenager but lost pretty much all the weight since reaching my 20s. For the past many years i've been a healthy BMI and sometime am told that i'm on the skinny side. However, I still have stomach fat that I just can't get rid of. I do regular excercise at the gym, cycling, swimming, rowing etc but it just won't shift. I don't eat bad foods excessively. Is it possible this fat is just unloseable? Has anyone got any ideas on how i could lose it?

2006-12-10 11:00:49 · 25 answers · asked by anonymousB 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

Well first off. thanks for all the replies. Suppose the first thing I should say is that i'm actually a man. Lot of yis seem to think i'm a woman :D To comment on some of the answers. I definitely have a stomach fat. Not a whole load but enough to seriously annoy me. I have no problem doing excercise to get rid of it but i'm just worried that i'll get too thin elsewhere before losing it all. Resistance training is an option I suppose but with work and all it's very hard to commit. Running and swimming are the only things I feel motivated to do after work.

2006-12-11 05:59:22 · update #1

25 answers

I knew someone that was not fat,.. but her stumock got on her nerves and she wanted to flurt with people at a gym or whatever the exercise place should be called.

So she got rid of a little sag she wanted to get rid of in her arms and went bonkers working on her stumock.

She kept working on it at home,.. just working and working. She started getting so mad because she was gaining a little weight and her stumock was getting larger and harder to work with.

She just kept going at it.

Well she was whineing,... I noticed her arms gained some muscle and that's why they didn't sag any more. But she was so md at her belly,.. she showed me it and was haveing a fit,....

..... she had gained a 6/Six-Pack...

She thought the 6/Six-Pack was FAT! The image planted in people's heads are screwed up. Pictures are air brushed and stretched in pictures,.. even celabraties.

You need someone dead honest but not insane to look at you and tell you what your dealing with,.. let them feel it or whatever. Go bug a Doctor,.. let them tell you what it is. Doctors are good at telling you things like if it's Tissue and can give you things to get rid of it.

Don't ask the people on HERE,.. they feed their 2 month olds rice because they think they need to diet and they think their under 2 year old is gaining weight and therefore fat,.. not by appearence but... just get relistic they aren't going to be 6-10 pounds for the first 5 years of their life and people on here think that some how. Besides we can't see you.

2006-12-10 11:17:53 · answer #1 · answered by sailortinkitty 6 · 1 0

You are still overeating especially too many simple refined carbs. You are still not exercising enough on a regular basis. You are still not doing enough resistance training on a regular basis. You are still not drinking enough water on a daily basis. You are still overemotional, too stressed about too many issues.

Clean it up in these different areas and you should easily drop the baby fat, but don't overdo it. A woman should look like a woman, not like a man. You're supposed to have some curves; not a six pack and ripply manly pecs!

2006-12-10 11:08:13 · answer #2 · answered by OU812 5 · 0 0

I've lost 5 kilos in my first week. It's my 10th day and I have included salad with some protein (eg. egg/ lean chicken) as you suggested. After 4 years of trying, the fat is finally coming off. It truly feels like magic!

Get started today!

2016-05-18 21:37:23 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Eat 5 6 small meals a day instead of 3

2015-12-15 20:34:44 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

whatever you do don't go through surgry. just do it the old fashion way. try doing some sit-ups every night. do sit-ups until that you are tired and you will gradually gain strength. what ever you do don't quit for a night though.

Or do polities i have used polities before and it works but i like the old fashioned way to.

2006-12-10 11:09:36 · answer #5 · answered by blondebeauty 4 · 1 0

keep fitness accessories in the living room

2017-04-01 12:58:26 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

get casual for 4 days a study shows that people take 491 more steps and burn 25 more calories on days they wear jeans to work

2016-04-26 06:54:34 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

turn dinner into a healthy lunch the next day by wrapping your lean leftovers in a whole wheat wrap add a little dijon mustard or curry powder for added flavor

2016-07-04 03:10:25 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

if you are not losing the fat then you are still eating to much or exercising to little. Combine cardio with strength training and maybe it will get rid of some of the fat. Have liposuction if all else fails

2006-12-10 11:02:52 · answer #9 · answered by xocharlixo 3 · 0 2

Eat foods that bur more fat

2016-05-26 16:45:07 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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