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alright, i like this guy, his really cute and wel not even cute I'll say H O T! Well me and him are going out and i was wondering iam not a virgin, and i really like him i've been dating him for a week, how long should i wait to have sex with him ?

2006-12-10 07:24:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

13 answers

If you wait for marriage it will be so much better. The relationship will be about more than sex. Anyway you don't have to do the actual deed to be intimate.

2006-12-10 07:30:42 · answer #1 · answered by pnutallergymom 3 · 1 0

Dearest Nailpolish,

Good for you that you are not wanting to waste your sexual experiences with just a boyfriend!! You stated you are not a virgin, so I am guessing that the previous sexual relationship was not "the love of a lifetime" and the sex has now become nothing special. That was wasted love.

I know you want your new boyfriend to know how special he is to you and you want to be special to him as well. It doesn't hurt to let him know that having sex has crossed your mind....but in the same breath, you need to tell hme that he is SO SPECIAL to you, you have decided to wait until you are in a committed relationship (i.e., married).

Earlier answers pointed out that sex is for marriage. It is. There is a reason for this. God made sex to be a POWERFUL relationship enhancement. If you use sex prior to marriage, you can never be certain if it's the sex you love, or the person. You need to have a clear head when choosing a life mate. THAT's WHY we are telling you to wait. Sex is fun. Sex is fabulous, but sex can cause you to see things that are not there ("Oh! He's perfect for me!!" - when he isn't perfect at all for you).

Mistakes in this area cost you a lot of time and self respect. We would like to keep you from making those mistakes, if at all possible, because we don't want you to lose your self respect or time in a relationship that will ultimately go nowhere.

Think carefully, act cautiously, and guard your heart and love to give to the right, HOT, guy. Spending time with him in different circumstances will let you know if he is the right one. You'll be glad you waited then.

Good luck, Precious. :)

2006-12-10 07:57:15 · answer #2 · answered by Peanut 4 · 0 0

You should wait a lot longer. More like including months and not weeks. Until you know him better.

2006-12-10 07:27:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd wait until you guys are married or when you both feel that you guys love each other and are ready to take that step.

So basically, you should wait for months.

2006-12-10 07:29:28 · answer #4 · answered by Banana Hero [sic] 7 · 1 0

There is no set time. When the time is right, it will be apparent. Sorry but you cannot run your life running to a schedule. But do not be too keen. Good luck xx

2006-12-10 07:29:11 · answer #5 · answered by d1ckdeckard 3 · 0 0

You shouldn't have sex until you're married! I guess if you're over eighteen its your call, but its just wrong to do that if you're seventeen or younger.

2006-12-10 07:28:02 · answer #6 · answered by Cayleen O 3 · 1 0

You'll know when the time is right, follow your instincts.

2006-12-10 07:26:43 · answer #7 · answered by grandm 6 · 0 0

Please wait until you are married. God intended this act for married couples, and the original plan was for us to multiply the earth. not to have fun. Please pray about it and see what GOD'S word has to say about it . GOD bless you

2006-12-10 07:34:05 · answer #8 · answered by JESUS freak 2 · 1 0

please! don't have sex with someone unless your married!
God intended sex for marriage...it's a gift for married couples to enjoy...and people in this world think it's for fun! UGH!

2006-12-10 07:28:28 · answer #9 · answered by choco-rill33 1 · 1 0

girl ... wait! wait until youre married coz it will be worth it!!!!

2006-12-10 07:27:42 · answer #10 · answered by Becca H 2 · 1 0

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