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oh, and no i am not ugly or fat,,,im just not allowed to have a boyfriend or any relationships until im married.

2006-12-10 07:23:34 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

26 answers

yes its normal... Is making yourself easy going to make it better.

Don't waist your first time on anyone either. Your first will always be your first. It will either be your greatest moment in your life or the worst.

Don't give it up to anyone till you find the right person.

2006-12-10 07:29:06 · answer #1 · answered by FIRE § 4 · 0 0

Hi, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. It simply shows you had a correct up bringing, and are a person of strong character. The only thing I see wrong here is that you can't have sex till you are married. To become married you need to be in a relationship otherwise you won't get married and therefore die a very lonely lady with ten cats, and no life. The best thing here to prevent this is to get involved with someone or to start dating random people. Now this doesn't mean that you must sleep with the first guy you date. Then your mission is pointless. Odds are you won't marry him. He is either going to break your heart or you will break his. This cycle could go on for a while. It is called the dating game very pointless but it exsists. Like they tell me every pot has it's lid. There is someone out there for everyone. I believe anyone or everyone is that someone. A real relationship takes a lot of work and effort. You must learn your partner and understand your partner and suport your partner no matter what. This could be difficult because you may have different beliefs and ways of life. There is so much to know when it comes to mature relationships.
I thought my last relationship was going to work, but I felt she was not mature enough to handle a real relationship so I needed to end it.

Anyway you need to date to find your man, but don't give up your virginity just to please him. When you think you are ready then go for it. If he leaves because he aint getting any then he is not the one. If he sticks around you may have a winner.

2006-12-10 07:44:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lady, There is nothing wrong with being a virgin, but don't wait too long like me a male 35 still a virgin. Your only young once. Who said you can't have a boyfriend? How are you suppose to get married if can't have a boyfriend? It takes a relationship to create a boyfriend into a marriage. Unless your are East Asian or some country where they practices parents chooses their kids' mates for marriage.

2006-12-10 07:34:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a HUGE difference between having sex and having a relationship.

Being a virgin until you are married is a great gift to your future husband! But unless you live in a culture where they arrange marriages, I do not understand how you will find a husband without dating or having male (boy) Friends. I assume that you must be living at home and are being supported by your parents. Otherwise, how could they have any control this way?
Are you focusing on a career or school right now? If so, that is good at only 24. It sounds to me that you need to be having honest discussions with your parents about marriage, sex and your future. They only have your best future in mind.

2006-12-10 07:33:40 · answer #4 · answered by Gater 2 · 0 0

I dono... I really think that there is a major problem. Well at 24 most of the gurls are getting married. There are having kids, fun and family. What I am thinking that you are blowing up the best age to start a family. Use common sence to understand a problem... If you are 24 now, and you won't meet a guy who likes you, don't you think you will live your life for nothing....

just get it over with...

2006-12-10 07:30:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was a 19 year old virgin until recently.
What may seem "normal" to other people may not seem "normal" to you and vice versa.
Sex is a personal decision, no one should judge you for not losing your virginity because it's your business and no one else's.
Congratulations, it sounds like you have amazing self control.
I would much rather be a virgin than someone who has slept with tons of people.

2006-12-10 07:28:41 · answer #6 · answered by Desiree 5 · 0 0

so how do ur parents expect you to get married if you cvan't ahvea bf or relationships befroe you do ....you need to expierience relationships nd you deff need to talk to thema bout it...24 they can not control you you need to eb the adult that you are and stand up for yourself and this si coming frmo a highschooler nd losing ur virginitry it used to be to me that i needed to yea im still young (14) and it will happen when it's supposed to happen dont rush it just because everyone else isn't a virgin doesn't mean you have to do the same be urself dont follow what other ppl do you have to feeel comfortab;e with your body too

2006-12-10 07:27:32 · answer #7 · answered by nickiejh 3 · 0 0

Whether or not it's normal, which by the way means "common" is by no means, important. You should be proud that you've maintained as long as you have. People can get the fear that they have to have sex sooner or later or they'll be missing out, but that mentality is of pure ingnorance. Keep holding out for Mr. Right.

2006-12-10 07:27:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was a virgin until 28 and I got married.... You are just in a select group what are waiting to get married.... The first time should be special....

2006-12-10 07:26:56 · answer #9 · answered by JohnS 4 · 0 0

at the start, all of us lose hair known! From 50-one hundred fifty strands an afternoon is carefully regular. in case you hair is skinny, that's in all possibility genetic and not plenty you're able to do approximately it. As for the "feeling" of your hair, interestingly such as you're able to desire to deep condition a pair circumstances a week and use a styling product made for at as quickly as irons to guard it. you additionally can desire a hair decrease. lots of circumstances chop up ends will make your hair sense like straw and stressful to brush with the aid of. a rapid trim will placed some existence lower back into your hair. solid success to you.

2016-12-30 05:39:10 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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