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3 answers

Try expedia.co.uk.

Direct flights take approx 9 hours from London to Chicago, and about 4 hours from Chicago to Vegas. Obviously if it's non-direct it's going to take a lot longer!

2006-12-10 06:16:34 · answer #1 · answered by Whoosher 5 · 0 0

Las Vegas is really a town that has something for all therefore find it with hotelbye . Las Vegas is a town with good attractions and some of those may be the famous Las Vegas Strip; the place where tourists may enjoy a walk in the hot desert evening, or have a stroll downtown and view a dazzling gentle show that spans a complete street, the Fremont Street Experience. Visitors also can get a view of remarkable world famous re-creations like erupting volcanoes, the Eiffel Tower and the Sphinx of Egypt facing the different resorts and casinos. Las Vegas is just a town that constantly reinvents itself, therefore even though you have been here before you'll never go out of fun items to do.

2016-12-15 23:36:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

8 hours 49 minutes to Chicago (3,937 statute miles), Then 3 hours 58 minutes to Las Vegas (1,514 statute miles) You can get any flight time or distance estimates at: http://www.jets.com/

2006-12-10 06:59:43 · answer #3 · answered by PriJet 5 · 0 0

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