If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five minutes. I do not want to talk you out of your bad feelings. I am a health professional and someone who knows what it is like to be in pain.
I don’t know who you are. I only know that for the moment, you’re reading it, and that is good. I can assume that you are here because you are troubled and considering ending your life. If it were possible, I would prefer to be there with you at this moment, to sit with you and talk, face to face and heart to heart. But since that is not possible, we will have to make do with this.
I have known a lot of people who have wanted to kill themselves, so I have some small idea of what you might be feeling. I know that you might not be up to reading a long book, so I am going to keep this short. While we are together here for the next five minutes, I have five simple, practical things I would like to share with you. I won’t argue with you about whether you should kill yourself. But I assume that if you are thinking about it, you feel pretty bad.
Well, you’re still reading, and that’s very good. I’d like to ask you to stay with me. I hope it means that you’re at least a tiny bit unsure, somewhere deep inside, about whether or not you really will end your life. Often people feel that, even in the deepest darkness of despair. Being unsure about dying is okay and normal. The fact that you are still alive at this minute means you are still a little bit unsure. It means that even while you want to die, at the same time some part of you still wants to live. So let’s hang on to that, and keep going for a few more minutes.
“Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain.”
That’s all it’s about. You are not a bad person, or crazy, or weak, or flawed, because you feel suicidal. It doesn’t even mean that you really want to die - it only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now. If I start piling weights on your shoulders, you will eventually collapse if I add enough weights... no matter how much you want to remain standing. Willpower has nothing to do with it. Of course you would cheer yourself up, if you could.
Don’t accept it if someone tells you, “that’s not enough to be suicidal about.” There are many kinds of pain that may lead to suicide. Whether or not the pain is bearable may differ from person to person. What might be bearable to someone else, may not be bearable to you. The point at which the pain becomes unbearable depends on what kinds of coping resources you have. Individuals vary greatly in their capacity to withstand pain.
When pain exceeds pain-coping resources, suicidal feelings are the result. Suicide is neither wrong nor right; it is not a defect of character; it is morally neutral. It is simply an imbalance of pain versus coping resources.
You can survive suicidal feelings if you do either of two things: (1) find a way to reduce your pain, or (2) find a way to increase your coping resources. Both are possible.
Now I want to tell you five things to think about.
1 You need to hear that people do get through this -- even people who feel as badly as you are feeling now. Statistically, there is a very good chance that you are going to live. I hope that this information gives you some sense of hope.
2 Give yourself some distance. Say to yourself, “I will wait 24 hours before I do anything.” Or a week. Remember that feelings and actions are two different things - just because you feel like killing yourself, doesn’t mean that you have to actually do it right this minute. Put some distance between your suicidal feelings and suicidal action. Even if it’s just 24 hours. You have already done it for 5 minutes, just by reading this page. You can do it for another 5 minutes by continuing to read this page. Keep going, and realize that while you still feel suicidal, you are not, at this moment, acting on it. That is very encouraging to me, and I hope it is to you.
3 People often turn to suicide because they are seeking relief from pain. Remember that relief is a feeling. And you have to be alive to feel it. You will not feel the relief you so desperately seek, if you are dead.
4 Some people will react badly to your suicidal feelings, either because they are frightened, or angry; they may actually increase your pain instead of helping you, despite their intentions, by saying or doing thoughtless things. You have to understand that their bad reactions are about their fears, not about you.
But there are people out there who can be with you in this horrible time, and will not judge you, or argue with you, or send you to a hospital, or try to talk you out of how badly you feel. They will simply care for you. Find one of them. Now. Use your 24 hours, or your week, and tell someone what’s going on with you. It is okay to ask for help. Try:
Send an anonymous e-mail to The Samaritans
Call 1-800-SUICIDE in the U.S.
Teenagers, call Covenant House NineLine, 1-800-999-9999
Look in the front of your phone book for a crisis line
Call a psychotherapist
Carefully choose a friend or a minister or rabbi, someone who is likely to listen
But don’t give yourself the additional burden of trying to deal with this alone. Just talking about how you got to where you are, releases an awful lot of the pressure, and it might be just the additional coping resource you need to regain your balance.
5 Suicidal feelings are, in and of themselves, traumatic. After they subside, you need to continue caring for yourself. Therapy is a really good idea. So are the various self-help groups available both in your community and on the Internet.
Well, it’s been a few minutes and you’re still with me. I’m really glad.
Since you have made it this far, you deserve a reward. I think you should reward yourself by giving yourself a gift. The gift you will give yourself is a coping resource. Remember, back up near the top of the page, I said that the idea is to make sure you have more coping resources than you have pain. So I'll give you another coping resource, or two, or ten...! until they out number your sources of pain.
Now, while this page may have given you some small relief, the best coping resource I can give you is another human being to talk with. If you find someone who wants to listen, and tell them how you are feeling and how you got to this point, you will have increased your coping resources by one. Hopefully the first person you choose won’t be the last. There are a lot of people out there who really want to hear from you. It’s time to start looking around for one of them.
2006-12-09 13:12:42
answer #1
answered by ladylamp 2
Your parents won't get mad at you for telling someone how you feel. If they do, so what? It's better to express your feelings than to repress them and let them get worse. I feel hopeless and just generally feel like I could die tomorrow and nobody would care a lot of the time, I might as well just be a disposable camera. I think if anything, your parents would be a little more worried and probably more affectionate. Just tell someone, even if it is the yahoo answer board.
2006-12-09 11:17:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are depressed my friend. What you are going through is normal life. I get a lot of questions from people like you through my website http://www.attackanxiety.com about this topic. My advice is to hold on... there is help and talking to your parents will not make them mad. Your doctors can help you and have you smiling again in no time. But you have to relax and trust that help is there. Let them help you.
Depression is a mood disorder that causes you to feel sad or hopeless for an extended period of time. More than just a bout of "the blues" or temporary feelings of grief or low energy, depression can have a significant impact on your enjoyment of life, your work, your health, and the people you care about.
Depression affects people differently. Some feel down for extended periods of time; for others the feelings of depression come and go. If you have short episodes of mild depression, you may be able to continue to work and take care of daily activities. However, if you do not seek some form of treatment for your depression, you are at risk for getting more depressed or becoming physically ill. In severe cases, depression can cause people to become incapable of communicating, unable to do routine activities, or suicidal. In these cases, it is essential to seek medical attention.
People with depression may be reluctant to seek help because they feel that it is a sign of personal weakness or a character flaw or that they should be able to "pull out of it" on their own. We now know that depression, like other medical conditions, has a chemical and biological basis. Treatment for depression is safe and usually effective even for severely depressed people.
I hope this helps and I wish you well on your journey to wellness.
2006-12-09 11:18:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Tell the doctors/counselors how you REALLY feel. They should not tell your parents if you ask them.
Parents who "get mad" at you for what you for feeling lonely and hopeless need counseling more than you do.
Good luck, dear.
2006-12-09 11:55:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Use to not anymore. There's so much to see and do, even if the world is so screwed up. I tend to try and not think about it. I've come this far within the last 2yrs. since my last relapse.
Yes, it's a struggle in such unforgiving world that seems to be getting colder each day. But we must prevail and remain strong hearted and willed!
Your not alone your here reaching out to others like myself to guide you and help you, hopefully.
2006-12-09 12:50:03
answer #5
answered by One Hand One Heart 2
If you don't want to tell your parents, you should at least talk to someone. Try calling some kind of hotline where you can talk to an actual person. Also, I'm sure that there is an online community where you can talk to people who know what your going through. I wish I could help more.
2006-12-09 11:10:52
answer #6
answered by confused 1
Call A Suicide Hotline
Call to Survive
National Suicide Hotlines USA
United States of America
Toll-Free / 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
1-800-SUICIDE* 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433* 1-800-273-8255
1-800-799-4TTY (4889)
Deaf Hotline
Save 1-800-SUICIDE !!
2006-12-09 11:23:12
answer #7
answered by Sancira 7
you need to tell someone your depressed if you take that offensivly im sorry i am too but they will or should get you put on antidepressants they worked for my sister dont take you life it will be a mistake
2006-12-09 12:19:32
answer #8
answered by eaw_mkj 2
Your parents should know about your loneliness, so they can do something about it, but they get mad at you? they shouldn't! they should see your sadness and you have to show it to them so they can help you overcome that sadness. Keep on consulting that doctor of yours so he will keep on giving information to your parents, You have to keep P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E.!! =)
2006-12-09 11:15:26
answer #9
answered by tintanboi 3
here, you can have the last answer i got, i dont need it......
99999About Me
Member since: August 13, 2006
Total points: 900 (Level 2)
Points earned this week: 120
Total answers: 343
Best answers: 12 (3% of Total)
Never miss Heaven for the world.
In the Beginning God created heavens and earth.
God gives you air to breathe and sunshine to enjoy.
God gives you water to drink and food to eat.
God gives you a wonderful body and sound mind, to live.
God loves you, and you are precious to Him.
Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation.
Jesus’ love is boundless and everlasting.
We have the hope of Heaven through Jesus.
Life therefore has fantastic and glorious future!
(Digestion of above can even prevent depression and suicidal thoughts.)
Bible, the guide to Heaven, the handbook for living.
2006-12-09 11:02:47
answer #10
answered by nodumgys 7
dont give up live up
think up
be smart.be wealthy
have a life and enjoy being who u r
dont let god think he waisted his time creating you
i know he wouldnt want you to go.
2006-12-09 11:06:20
answer #11
answered by t_thode 2