There is really no need to waste your money on fads and programs.
If you make a few life style changes you should be able to lose the weight within a reasonable time frame. This is a system that has worked well for me and several friends have also been successful with it.
1. Eat three nutritious meals and three snacks everyday. Cut out junk food. You probably need about 1500 to 1800 calories a day. Many people make the mistake of not eating enough when they try to lose weight and then become discouraged.
2. Drink lots of water - at least 8 big glasses as day. Lots of water is essential. Stop drinking soda and other drinks with useless calories. Eat fresh fruit instead of fruit juices - the juices are very high in calories.
3. Begin a simple weight lifting program at home or at a gym. Ordinary household items (tins of soup, for example) can actually serve as weights for beginners. Buy yourself a good weight lifting book for women. Actually the "dummies" series of books has done a rather good one.
4. Walk, walk, walk. Buy yourself a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day.
5. Record everything you eat and all your exercise to make sure you have a "calorie deficit". Two of the sites I've included will help you do that. Basically buring more calories than you take in leads to weight loss. You need a deficit of 3500 calories to lose one pound.
6. If you drive, do less of it and park at the back of the parking lot instead of close to the door. Always use stairs - never the elevator or escalator.
7. A mini stepper is an easy piece to equipment to have at home and gives great results. I bought mine at a second hand store for $4. even if you use it for a minute or two several times a day it can make a big difference.
I hope these thoughts help. You can do this. Good luck with it.
2006-12-09 10:59:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I found the book to be very informative and easy to read.
I've lost 17 pounds in 12 days, I'm just concerned that I'm losing too much weight, too quickly. I will admit I haven't followed the guide exactly. I'm not sticking perfectly to the listed foods and meal plans (but mostly) and doing very little exercise, but the weight keeps flying off.
It clearly works and if I'd followed it exactly I think it would scare the living daylights out of me because of the amount that I'd lose. So thanks again for the information. I've never purchased anything like this before because they are usually full of trash, but 3WD has been a pleasant surprise.
Get started today!
2016-05-14 23:40:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am utterly lazy -- and I'm forty nine -- I misplaced among 50-60 lbs via shopping weight watcher cookbooks (I didn't pay money for conferences) --- no longer most effective did I no longer get hungry --- I used to be first-rate and felt well. It IS rough within the starting --- if you get beyond the primary week, you'll do it. I've kepi it off for five YEARS now and it is plenty tougher to drop some pounds at my age than your age. They have potent recipes and it real works. Look for low or no fats CAN consume as much as five-6 occasions an afternoon on a diabetic vitamin too that is ALSO totally healthful and LOSE WEIGHT.
2016-09-03 09:22:29
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Losing weight is a simple equation, it just takes will and desire to do so.You need to be burning more calories than you are consuming. Which means you NEED an exercise program. Cardio with weight training is the best way to go. But anything cardio like running, walking, biking, rollerblading, aerobics or dance are great ways to burn calories.
You need to burn around 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat. So cut the calories. Keep a food diary sometimes we really do not realize what and how much we are consuming until we see it in black and white. Try to stay with a higher amount of protein intake and cut the carbs. That is one of the fastest ways to lose weight. Cut out all the junk foods especially the sweets. Drink lots of water, it will not only flush your system but make you feel full.
2006-12-09 11:34:54
answer #4
answered by TritanBear 6
1. Fried foods are garbage. Potato chips, French fries and onion rings are pregnant with saturated fat and calories, yet they contain zero healthy or muscle-promoting nutrients. If you're on a fat-loss plan, simply eliminate fried foods. That alone will allow you to shed lard quickly
2. Drink a glass of skim milk as soon as you wake up. Some quick protein before you even step into the shower will energize you and end those morning cravings for Egg McMuffins and pastry.
3. Do 2 minutes of pushups every morning. It's tough to exercise as soon as you roll out of bed, but you can burn off 21 calories a day--2 1/2 pounds in a year.
4. Toss a quart of water in your briefcase. Water helps you burn calories--96 calories just by carrying a bottle while you walk for 20 minutes. Serve it over ice in your office and your body will burn 31 calories warming it to 98.6. Then there's the aerobic effect of all those bathroom runs.
5. Want to look better naked? Try drinking half as much alcohol. Alcohol contains calories. You may drink like a fish, but booze isn't water. Even a light beer has more than 100 calories. Booze makes you store fat. Your body sees alcohol as a poison, and tries desperately to get rid of it. Your liver stops processing all other calories until it has dealt with the alcohol. So anything else you eat during the time you're drinking is more likely to end up as fat. Alcohol also lowers testosterone. With more abdominal fat, testosterone drops.
more in this site
2006-12-09 10:51:28
answer #5
answered by micho 7
Eat half your usual meals. Balance your weekly diet with vegetables, fruit, fish, chicken, beef.
Walk for ten minutes before and after your meal. Exercise ten push ups, ten sit ups, ten squat kicks, ten jumping jacks, that is almost complete body workout I used three times a week. Chin ups are optional.
Power climb the stairs, and don't add midday, midnight, or any in between snacks to your habits. Drink six 6 ounce glasses of water a day. And drink two 6 ounce glasses of water for each cup of coffee or caffeinated drinks. Minimize your caffeine intake to the mornings to no more then 3 cups or two soda's. before midday.
No more after two in the afternoon.
I had a hospital tested instant, I was 246 when I started and in three weeks I was 175 lbs.
I did run the entire course I walked at the end of my trial system. Without training for running.
Of course; if you want to take 2 and 1/2 months, that's up to you.
2006-12-09 10:57:35
answer #6
answered by d4d9er 5
oh my god that was a big jump
well the ONLY way to lose wieght guarantedd is:
-dont eat beyond ur limit...often even when we are full we tend to continue eating...thats not a good idea..
-stop eating junk food and oily greasy increases fat and cholesterol.
-eat lots of fruits and veggies..they're good for u and taste good
-drink sufficient amounts of water bc all metabolic processes in ur body require water so more water speeds metabolism
-exercise-u dont have to go to the gymor nething...just walk for thrity minutes everyday (besides how much u normally walk)
stay consistent! losing weight is all about will power. if u want ur old self back real bad this is the only way to go...keep in mind that unhealthy approaches will only hurt u!!
2006-12-09 11:00:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Drink lots of water, avoid carbs, like potato's, bread, cookies, you get the idea. Also avoid alcohol. Eat early in the day, don't eat after 6pm if you can! Also walking is great, or if you have stairs at work, take them rather than the elevator. I wouldn't waste my money on a program. Just a sensible diet and some sort of exercise should do it!
Best of luck to you!!
2006-12-09 10:57:28
answer #8
answered by oracle1 3
Stand up and walk atleast 5 mins after evry 2 hours while working
2016-04-09 22:18:37
answer #9
answered by Kenny 3
Try running or biking to work everyday, and stocking your fridge from an organic health food store. Find a physial hobby.
2006-12-09 10:50:54
answer #10
answered by Matt 1