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long story short: i got drunk last night, started acting like a crude ***, and got kneed in the nuts for it. by a woman no less. it was bad. first time its ever happened to me., too - never even hit the bar on my bike. looking back, i feel like a fool because i feel like i realy over blew it. like, i made it obvious i couldn't handle it. i couldn't help it, but i feel i lke i acted like a baby.

so whats the norm?

2006-12-09 06:48:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

9 answers

The only time you act like it is bad is when its fake and for comedic value...I have taken my fair number of shots to the balls (none better than the dreaded self induced ball shot by the way) and I just act like nothing happened...you man it out...it will go away...

2006-12-09 06:54:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Taking a shot to the nuts is shockingly PAINFUL, as you now know. How painful and your reaction depends, of course, on how hard you get hit. Dropping like a sack of potatos and rolling around in pain is not unusual. No matter your reaction, women will never appreciate how much it hurts and your buddies will always remind you of that time you got kneed in the nuts.
Try not to drink that much again.

2006-12-09 07:13:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know why, but bouncing on your heels makes the tunnel vision go away faster and helps you breathe.

Me, when I take a shot to the doo-dads, I want to go home and go to bed.

2006-12-09 06:54:34 · answer #3 · answered by lmcbuilder 3 · 0 0

Tehy usually cry or do the same. They are usually over emotional. I mean, it really hurts. If you kick them 2 hard, the even throw up!

2006-12-09 06:52:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

every guy i have known that i have actually witnessed get hit in the balls, over reacted.. i'm suprised they didn't start crying like babies.. so yeah i'm sure your reaction was the same as any other guy out there.. sorry to hear that, that had to happen to your precious balls.. did you want someone to kiss them and make them better??...lol =) good luck and best wishes to you and your balls! =)

2006-12-09 06:56:28 · answer #5 · answered by ~broken~ 3 · 1 1

Well, you must have done something pretty bad to get that!! I guess if it hurts--it hurts!! Maybe you did act like a baby--next time--will you be more careful?

2006-12-09 06:51:53 · answer #6 · answered by smeezleme 5 · 0 1

most guys fall over. sometimes they drop to their knees. whatever they do, they don't stay standing upright. sometimes they cry. if they try to get up too fast, they throw up. it's good for a laugh.

2006-12-09 06:55:40 · answer #7 · answered by kate 4 · 0 0

Hey don't feel bad im sure that was painful, you did what you had to do.

2006-12-09 06:52:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Three words: ON-MY-KNEE'S

2006-12-09 06:51:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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