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This is the most profound, most insightful message to Muslims I've seen.
The paper stated today that some Muslim doctor is saying we are profiling him because he has been checked three times while getting on an airplane.

(A Letter From An American Airlines Pilot) This well spoken man, who is a pilot with American Airlines, says what is in his heart beautifully....read, absorb and pass on....it's time to get answers from those who claim their terrorist members do not represent them. Why are their leaders not LOUDLY AND FIERCELY AND CONTINUOUSLY condemning their visible murderous brethren?

"You Worry Me," an Editorial by an American Airlines Pilot-Truth!


By American Airlines Pilot - Captain John Maniscalco "I've been trying to say this since 9-11 but you worry me. I wish you didn't. I wish when I walked down the streets of this country that I love, that your color and culture still blended with the beautiful human landscape we enjoy in this country. But you don't blend in anymore. I notice you, and it worries me.
I notice you because I can't help it anymore. People from your homelands, professing to be Muslims, have been attacking and killing my fellow citizens and our friends for more than 20 years now. I don't fully understand their grievances and hate but I know that nothing can justify the inhumanity of their attacks. On September 11, nineteen ARAB-MUSLIMS hijacked four jetliners in my country. They cut the throats of women in front of children and brutally stabbed to death others. They took control of those planes and crashed them into buildings killing thousands of proud fathers, loving sons, wise grandparents, elegant daughters, best friends, favorite coaches, fearless public servants, and children's mothers.
The Palestinians Celebrated, the Iraqis were overjoyed as was most of the Arab world. So I notice you now. I don't want to be worried. I don't want to be consumed by the same rage and hate and prejudice that have destroyed the soul of these terrorists. But I need your help. As a rational American, trying to protect my country and family in an irrational and unsafe world, I must know how to tell the difference between you, and the Arab/Muslim terrorist.
How do I differentiate between the true Arab/Muslim-Americans and the Arab/Muslims in our communities who are attending our schools, enjoying our parks, and living in OUR communities under the protection of OUR constitution, while they plot the next attack that will slaughter these same good neighbors and children? The events of September 11th changed the answer. It is not my responsibility to determine which of you embraces our great country, with ALL of its religions, with ALL of its different citizens, with all of its faults. It is time for every Arab/Muslim in this country to determine it for me.
I want to know, I demand to know, and I have a right to know whether or not you love America. Do you pledge allegiance to its flag? Do you proudly display it in front of your house, or on your car?

Your Muslim leaders in this nation should be flooding the media at this time with hard facts on your faith, and what hard actions you are taking as a community and as a religion to protect the United States of America. Please, no more benign overtures of regret for the death of the innocent because I worry about who you regard as innocent. No more benign overtures of condemnation for the unprovoked attacks because I worry about what is unprovoked to you. I am not interested in any more sympathy...I am only interested in action. What will you do for America - our great country -- at this time of crisis, at this time of war?

I want to see Arab-Muslims waving the AMERICAN flag in the streets.

I want to hear you chanting "Allah Bless America” I want to see young Arab/Muslim men enlisting in the military. I want to see a commitment of money, time, and emotion to the victims of this butchering and to this nation as a whole. The FBI has a list of over 400 people they want to talk to regarding the WTC attack. Many of these people live and socialize in Muslim communities. You know them. You know where they are. Hand them over to us, now! But I have seen little even approaching this sort of action. Instead I have seen an already closed and secretive community close even tighter. You have disappeared from the streets.

You have posted armed security guards at your facilities. You have threatened lawsuits. You have screamed for protection from reprisals.

The very few Arab/Muslim representatives that HAVE appeared in the media were defensive and equivocating. They seemed more concerned with making sure that the United States proves who was responsible before taking action. They seemed more concerned with protecting their fellow Muslims from violence directed towards them in the United States and abroad than they did with supporting our country and denouncing "leaders" like Khadafi, Hussein, Farrakhan, and Arafat.

If the true teachings of Islam proclaim tolerance and peace and love for all people then I want chapter and verse from the Koran and statements from popular Muslim leaders to back it up. What good is it if the teachings in the Koran are good and pure and true when your "leaders" are teaching fanatical interpretations, terrorism, and intolerance?

It matters little how good Islam SHOULD BE if large numbers of the world's Muslims interpret the teachings of Mohammed incorrectly and adhere to a degenerative form of the religion. A form that has been demonstrated to us over and over again. A form whose structure is built upon a foundation of violence, death, and suicide. A form whose members are recruited from the prisons around the world. A form whose members (some as young as five years old) are seen day after day, week in and week out, year after year, marching in the streets around the world, burning effigies of our presidents, burning the American flag, shooting weapons into the air. A form whose members convert from a peaceful religion, only to take up arms against the great United States of America, the country of their birth. A form whose rules are so twisted, that their traveling members refuse to show their faces at airport security checkpoints, in the name of Islam.

Do you and your fellow Muslims hate us because our women proudly show their faces in public rather than cover up like a shameful whore? Do you and your fellow Muslims hate us because we drink wine with dinner, or celebrate Christmas? Do you and you fellow Muslims hate us because we have befriended Israel, the ONLY FRIENDLY CIVILIZED SOCIETY in the Muslim/Arab area, that thinks and acts like most Americans.

And if you and your fellow Muslims hate us, then why in the world are you even here? Are you here to take our money? Are you here to undermine our peace and stability? Are you here to destroy us? If so, I want you to leave. I want you to go back to your desert sandpit where women are treated like rats and dogs. I want you to take your religion, your friends, and your family back to your Islamic extremists, and STAY THERE! We will NEVER give in to your influence, your retarded mentality, your twisted, violent, intolerant religion.

We will NEVER allow the attacks o f September 11, or any others for that matter, to take away that which is so precious to us: Our rights under the greatest constitution in the world. I want to know where every Arab/ Muslim in this country stands and I think it is my right and the right of every true citizen of this country to demand it. A right paid for by the blood of thousands of my brothers and sisters who died protecting the very institution that is protecting you and your family. I am pleading with you to let me know. I want you here as my brother, my neighbor, my friend, as a fellow American. But there can be no gray areas or ambivalence regarding your allegiance and it is up to YOU, to show ME, where YOU stand." "Until then .. You worry me." *********************************************************************************

Well said!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-09 04:15:32 · 8 answers · asked by shizbomb WMD 5 in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

8 answers

Very well said.

I'm sure you will get hate responses for this but I think it puts things in perspective. It is unfortunate that innocent people have to suffer for the acts of others but that is the world we live in. If I were to go to a Muslim county I would suffer more security checks than this person was complaining about and a lot more intolerance.

I am Canadian, but I just want to say GOD BLESS AMERICA! You are the champions of freedom and while you aren't perfect, there aren't many other nationalities I would rather have leading the world; certainly none in the Arab world.

2006-12-09 04:30:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

OK, so I read it.
In my heart there is much that I agree with in that letter, but there is also much that is fundamentaly wrong.
It is so typically "American" to think that if you don't "look like an American" then it is your responsibiity to "Prove you are an American".
This guy won't take any responsibility to figure out who amongst the "Arab-Muslim-American" population are true, blue Americans, so why should it be the responsibility of those true blue "Arab-Muslim-Americans" to swear allegiance to the American Flag, over & over again, just to put to rest the minds of every other American that they aren't either murderous terrorists, or are harbouring them?

I am a peace loving Canadian citizen who loves The United States, & am a frequent visitor to America. Most citizens of the Untited States are thoughtful, hardworking, honest people, but it could be argued that even the most "American Looking" among you can turn out to either be a pedophile, terrorist, serial killer, armed hold-up suspect, or dishonest crook. So if I adopted the kind of thinking that you seem to support, then would it be fair to say that when every American who comes up to visit Canada, (and many do) that he or she be expected to prove their intentions while here, so that I don't have to worry that I might get my head blown off by an angry gun toting American?

There are plenty of dishonest people in this world who will betray our trust over & over again, but when we use prejudice, & profiling to try to identify who those people are, then we create more victims of the terrorists by our own well intended actions.

The Afgani, & Iraqui people are already suffering from the actions of a very few evil terrorists. So now you propose that "Arab-Muslims" who have already pledged an oath to America must suffer as well. If the terrorists happened to look exactly like you, wouldn't you be horribly insulted, & saddened if the rest of America suddenly doubted your humanity, & your allegiance to your own country?

After a history of war, intollerance, slavery, injustice. I think Americans as a whole still have much to learn about true democracy, & humanity.

Instead of fearing every man woman or child who looks to you like he or she may be a terrorist, wouldn't it be better to embrace those who choose to live in your country the same way you would any other person who is lucky enough to look like a typical American? That way we could all better learn to trust one another, instead of reacting hysterically, & showing our intollerance based solely on fear & fear alone.

In case it's important for you to know, I am a 2nd generation Canadian born PILOT, from an Anglo-Saxon heritage, & have several relatives in my family who are American citizens. I thank God that they look like your every day run-of-the-mill American.

2006-12-09 05:25:24 · answer #2 · answered by No More 7 · 0 0

Back within the day they were not looking to indoctrinate folks like they do now so the films had been extra practical. The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far are well examples of the way the Germans had been dealt with as good rounded characters. Another first-class film approximately the german aspect is The Eagle Has Landed approximately a german try to assassinate Churchill.

2016-09-03 09:36:15 · answer #3 · answered by bachinski 4 · 0 0

Muslims should be treated with care at first, but should never be hated. Once you get to know a person well, you know how to tell the difference.

A Proud Latino

2006-12-09 04:26:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am a Muslim, so Am I directly a terrorist? Point is though it was the doctor's falt to even talk about those normal prosegeres it isn't fair to practice racisim against Muslim.

And americans are not the makers of freedom. They are one in the worst as the only thing they do is create war, I am Iraqi.

2006-12-09 05:03:12 · answer #5 · answered by aviationalyours 2 · 3 3


2006-12-09 05:27:25 · answer #6 · answered by zskip62 5 · 1 0

You never tell if a Muslims is a good guy till you have done a Autopsy

2006-12-09 11:35:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well said!

2006-12-09 04:40:54 · answer #8 · answered by libby 2 · 0 0

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