Having a dog is healthy for you as well. For instance if you have highblood pressure. The act of petting the dog has a relaxing affect that will lower it. This is true if you had a stressful day. It's also wonderful to come home and be the recipient of a greeting as though you were the most important person in the world.
2006-12-09 00:17:20
answer #1
answered by GrnApl 6
Whenever i look at my dog, Sergeant, there is always an inquring look on his face. It's like he pretends to be so lonely whenever he is in his chain. But the instant i release him at night in the garden, he starts running, smelling and jumping at us...And at night while i surf the net, he will enter the room and find my hand and try to fit his head in my arms so i could give him a pat...awww, what a sweet dog
2006-12-09 08:07:40
answer #2
answered by nozmiat 3
you can tell them all your secrets , hopes , fears , anything @ all & your secret will be safe . They will love you no matter what . They really are awesome . Just look @ what they can train dogs to do . They can search & rescue , search for drugs , stop a criminal in their tracks , they can even be your eyes . I've even seeen them jump out of helicopters into freezing cold water for rescues on animal planet .
2006-12-09 08:33:51
answer #3
answered by Feather 1
They also make a great burglar alarm that won`t shut off with the clip of a wire.
2006-12-09 08:05:34
answer #4
answered by bill a 5
The dog always loves you no matter what.
2006-12-09 08:04:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am a dog. People just like my presence. They feel happy around me. I like it when they wash me. Sorry about the poop the other day.
2006-12-09 08:05:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
after a long, hard day at work its great to see him thundering down the hallway to greet me at the door. he's always happy to see me even if he knows he got in to the garbage that day.
2006-12-09 08:11:18
answer #7
answered by cami 4
I like big dogs. I know that hes not going to let anyone in my house when I'm not there.
2006-12-09 08:05:09
answer #8
answered by Dr Dee 7
you said it all~~~no matter how bad the day is, he's there for you!! you'll always have a friend in your dog...
2006-12-09 20:41:20
answer #9
answered by beachcomber_06 3
the best thing about my dog is how hard she makes me laugh.
2006-12-09 08:06:56
answer #10
answered by {hippy}[dreamer] 4