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2006-12-08 21:47:22 · 14 answers · asked by BushSupporter 2 in Politics & Government Military

14 answers

War makes both losers!

2006-12-08 21:48:58 · answer #1 · answered by mwa 3 · 1 3

It depends on what you mean by winner.

The US military under Bush failed to commit adequate resources to ensure post victory security and the situation there is now critically unstable. This is simply an extension of the chaos that resulted from the initial military victory...

Iran has something like three times the population of Iraq and is a much larger country... so extrapolating from the Iraqi experience, the US would need to commit something in the range of 1.5 million troups (based on General Kinseki's original estimate that 500,000 would be needed in Iraq - Bush administration fired him... he was right... the current situation proves that).

The US doesn't have 1.5 million troups...

In an outright fight - with proper dedication and use of all US option - yes militarily the US would win - and end up fighting an insurgency far worse than what is happening in Iraq.

But barring the us of tactical nuclear weapons - I doubt anything would intimidate an Iranian insurgency... so in the long term - politically, financially and socially - the US would lose.

War ceased to be a viable means of foreign policy shortly after WWII concluded. The US involvement in Korea and Vietnam demonstrated this quite effectively - technically the Koreans are still at war, and we lost in Vietnam.

For the cost of what the US has invested in the war to date, in lives, material and money - we could simply have bought the damned country... I believe the current estimate is that the war will have cost the US $2,000,000,000 - thats 2 Trillion dollars...

Just my .01


2006-12-09 06:09:30 · answer #2 · answered by delicateharmony 5 · 2 0

The US would win.

Even now. With the US Military spread out as thin as it is the US Military would still win.

The reason ??

US Air Force !!
US Navy !!

Air Superiority is a SOB !!
THere is no need for a Soldier or Marine to set foot into IRAN until after the USAF and USN bombed Iran into Oblivion !! That and Tomahawk missles. The US could and would ensure that
1: The US had total air supremacy
2: IRAN had no Command and Control Infrastructure
3: IRAN had no capability to manufacture war.
4: IRAN had no mass consolidation of troops.

Afterwards the US would be able to send in troops and hold key positions.

Would the US be able to walk around in IRAN without fear of terrorist attacks ?? NO !!! That would require the US to just Carpet Bomb the entire Country of IRAN and kill every living thing in IRAN which the US will not do. But as far as the War ?? The US would win hands down. The Iranian military would not be able to stand and fight.

As for the comparisons to Korea and Viet Nam...
The US Military gave an extremely good accounting of itself in battle. It was because of the Politicians that prevented the US Military from winning.

Viet Nam: The US military was prevented from sending troops into North Viet Nam. The US Military was kept in South Viet Nam to defend.

2006-12-09 09:20:02 · answer #3 · answered by JohnRingold 4 · 1 1

Those of you who think this would be easy and a walkover for the US Army are sorely mistaken. Just because Iran is in the middle east doesn't make their army completely pathetic: this is not Iraq we're talking about. Iran has a professional armed forces of more than 500,000 personnel.

Consider how difficult it has been for the US Army to succeed in Iraq and Afghanistan, both countries without much organised resistance. Add to that, the USA is already bogged down in those two countries - and reaching the point of over-stretch - you have a situation which the US wouldn't like too much. Blind patriotism isn't really a military solution, guys.

2006-12-09 06:00:38 · answer #4 · answered by TC 3 · 4 1

The US would easily prevail. However, the carnage would be massive. During the war with Iraq, Iranians frequently overran the Iraqis with men who were not even armed. The Iraqis could not kill them fast enough to stem the tide.
The Iranians are suicidal fanatics. The bleeding heart liberals of the world would not be able to tolerate reports of millions of lives lost, if there were a war. So, It ain't gonna happen.

2006-12-09 05:56:00 · answer #5 · answered by regerugged 7 · 0 0

That my dear friend is a good question. If your talking now..They would. The reason for that is that our troops are spread so thin now we couldn't invade Iran. They are more fantic then Iraq and more of a religious country.
If you talk of the US military being at a peace time era, then we would, but then you have to remember the Iran/Iraqi war. It lasted 8 yrs. Neither side won. And neither country had a problem in sending in all the males..men and children..
All in all we would win.

2006-12-09 08:22:52 · answer #6 · answered by hoosiernumber1daddy 2 · 0 0

lol...not even gonna think about Iranian military being melted off the battlefield this early.
C'mon. We could contract about 4 or 5 bike gangs to go over to do that. Just give them air-support.
Iran's army looks like long rows of tinkerbells all clustered together.
Have you seen their gay looking color-guards?

2006-12-09 05:55:05 · answer #7 · answered by Diadem 4 · 0 0

The Armies of every country and disciplined and committed. Only the armory and weaponry make the difference in striking capabilities.

2006-12-09 05:56:06 · answer #8 · answered by Seagull 6 · 0 1

US Army. One shouldn't look at war now as a clash of armies, though. Iran will surely use civilian fighters (terrorists) to attack soldiers as well as civilians, which complicates things. But as far as armies go, the US is the best.

2006-12-09 05:52:43 · answer #9 · answered by Darcia 3 · 2 2

The U.S. It may not look that way now, but if they really wanted to, they could pave Iraq. The U.S. has nukes, better air power, etc. The U.S. needs to get out of Iraq, but some of the Iraqis don't want us to leave for fear of an escalation of the sectarian violence. Its a mess.

2006-12-09 08:07:48 · answer #10 · answered by Paul H 6 · 0 1

Do you know what happened last time USA sent their troop to Iran?
USA might have superior firepower but has inferior man-power

2006-12-09 07:14:14 · answer #11 · answered by Jomtien C 4 · 0 0

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