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I will go from SJU (San Juan) to YYZ (Toronto) with a connecting flight in ORD (Chicago). From SJU to ORD, I will fly with United Airlines and from ORD to YYZ with American Airlines. I was checking American's website a while ago and I noticed they had my full itinerary. I am pretty sure I should have to check in twice (and get my luggage in ORD too) but I was wondering if since they already know my itinerary, is it possible to only check in once at SJU and get both of my boarding passes? I don't really get how it all works as it will be my first time flying alone. Thank you.

2006-12-08 14:27:23 · 5 answers · asked by Alida 2 in Travel Air Travel

5 answers

Usually you will have to check in with both airlines separately. Some airlines are associated enough that you will check in for both at once (not sure about those two) But you can get your bag checked all the way. Bring your full itinerary with you (something you should do anyway) and when you check your bag, verify the bag is checked all the way.

But you're going to Toronto - you have to pass through customs. You might have to go through customs in Chicago (in which case you have to get your luggage there) but I believe you go through customs in Canada both times - at least I did. Either way your bag should be checked to YYZ

2006-12-08 14:39:19 · answer #1 · answered by apuleuis 5 · 0 0

You have to check in in San Juan and in Chicago-If you don't check in then they could assume that you aren't there and they could leave without you. I am Reservation Agent for an airline and I get these questions all the time.

2006-12-08 14:43:09 · answer #2 · answered by Krissy 1 · 0 0

That is correct, check in with UAL at San Juan, then with AAL at Chicago. That way your baggae can be processed through the airline and your boarding pass will be valid.

2006-12-08 14:35:20 · answer #3 · answered by YourGuardianAngel 2 · 0 0

did you e book via the comparable employer, or did you e book one flight and then bypass into the different airline? If the comparable agent or airline, they do it once you verify in and the pc shows your very final trip spot. in case you booked one and then seperately the different, i might call the two or the two airways and ask them what they are able to grant

2016-10-14 07:42:24 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

When you check in for your first flight, ask at the ticket counter. They will be able to tell you whether your bags are checked through, or if you will have to pick them up and re-check for the second flight.

2006-12-08 14:37:46 · answer #5 · answered by kittenpie 3 · 0 0

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