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i mean the war in iraq,helping isreal to kill palestine people ,and destroying their lives..and other wars they've done wat do u think guy and girls?

2006-12-07 22:37:20 · 21 answers · asked by someone 3 in Politics & Government Military

i mean the war in iraq,helping isreal to kill palestine people ,and destroying their lives..and other wars they've done wat do u think guy and girls?
and i want to say that isreal came to palestine and throw its ppl out of their homes and destroyed it and killed them and put them in jail for years then when palestians started to defend them selves whol the world became against them ..and thats not fair and they got a little help of some countries but wat help isreal the most to kill palestinians is america and they started the war in iraq and took sadam as an alibi ,why to kill the ppl of an ediot who made the prblem kill him not the whole ppl...and who will ask for proof of me..well..come and live their then start calling me names...i know that maybe all of u will be against me but io jst wanted to say it ,,to let some ppl know the dam truth who they won't confes

2006-12-08 08:29:23 · update #1

21 answers

You know what I find funny? everyone is so anti America until they need our help fighting their wars. then they love us and theyre our best friends.

2006-12-07 23:22:53 · answer #1 · answered by Dani 7 · 4 0

I sure hope that you are not an American saying this stuff. Helping Israel kill Palestinians ??? Who is strapping bombs on themselves ? Who is shooting mortars and rockets on a daily basis ? Who's country is starving their citizens because they refuse to acknowledge Israels existence ? Who brags about the extermination of all Jews? As far as Iraq, Their former leader is in trial right now for killing hundreds of thousand of Iraqi citizens.
You need just a little touch of reality put into your comments. We Americans don't always agree on the tactics of war, but, as a majority you will never make us think that all the good that our country does does not out weigh the few mistakes that we have made. The Jewish State was given to the Jewish people because they too needed a home. They have since built a great country. It is a shame that the Palestinian people cannot be allowed the same without trying to destroy Israel. One would think that these two people would have more in common and live together in peace. Then again, Islamic hatred towards Jews far out weigh peace.

2006-12-07 23:15:29 · answer #2 · answered by meathead 5 · 4 0

America bashing is a sport in the world. It always amuses that people constantly latch onto the perceived ills, but never balance that sentiment with the good. You may not like the war or our support of Israel, but you should not ignore certain facts in the plus column.

1) America sends more foreign aid to the world than any other country.
2) America is usually the first to respond to any crisis in the world with volunteers and relief aid.
3) America along with NATO is the first called upon by the UN to send troops in support of peace keeping actions undertaken.
4) America leads the world in standing against international terrorism.

So the conclusion is no I am not with you. I believe America does more than it's fair share of good in the world and I do not believe that the bad outweighs that good. It is easy to pick a couple of things you do not like to use an indictment, but it is dishonest to make these claims without considering the whole as well as the history of all actions undertaken.

2006-12-07 22:56:52 · answer #3 · answered by Bryan 7 · 6 0

America may appear to be making a few wrong decisions by some of the worlds population but not all.
They have helped a lot of countries in their time of need even sending monetary help to countries who back stab them.
You mention America helping Israel to kill Palestinians, but you say nothing of the countries who are helping the Iraqui terrorists behind the world scene.
Who are killing innocent victims law abiding citizens who just want to live their lives in peace as the Israelis do.
Under a fair system of government.
There is a much bigger picture than America and Israel .
Take care!

2006-12-07 22:51:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

OK, You sound like a raghead to me so here goes. The US is a free country because of my brothers and I. We are the service men and women of the armed forces. As service members we have no political ties while the uniform is on. The president is our Commander-in-Chief. I've done 2 tours in Iraq already and am willing to do another. I do not impose my will on others as I am part of a FREE nation. But, if you try to force your will on to me or murder my fellow citizens just so you can make a political or relegious statement. Your still in the dark ages. Civilized people don't have to use force, we use non-violent ways to communicate. You want to stay in the dark ages? Meet me on the streets of Baghdad at high noon, you bring your Koran and I'll arrange a meeting between you and your Alah.

2006-12-08 00:23:10 · answer #5 · answered by American Soldier 1 · 2 0

Not me. If it wasn't for the USA, German would be the main language in Europe, and Japanese would be the main language in Asia and the Pacific. Maybe you should find out about some of the attrocities the Japanese and Germans carried out in the 1930s and 1940s before you berate the US Government.

Oh, and by the way, can you help me with this question: Is the freedom of speech on the internet an American idea or not?

2006-12-07 22:57:19 · answer #6 · answered by Bad bus driving wolf 6 · 6 0

Wars the United States of America has been involved in:

Revolutionary War: Freed USA from grip of Britain.

War of 1812: Again waged against Britain to keep our freedom.

Civil War: North vs. South. Freed slaves and ended slavery.

Spanish American war:Freed Phillipines and Cuba.

WW1:Helped the free world conquer the Germans from conquering Europe.

WW2: Same as above, but also defeated Japan brought on by a sneak attack(protecting ourselves and our freedoms).

Korean War: Helped South repel North after North invades South. Helps keep South free from Communist rule..

Vietnam: Tries to help spread of Communism. We could have won had the politicians not run the war.

Gulf War: Frees Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.

Yugoslavia: Along with UN peacekeepers, attempts to keep factions from genociding the others.

Somalia: Attempts to help starving Somali citizens.

Afghanistan/Iraq: Frees Afghanistan from al Queda and Taliban rule. Remove Saddam Huessien from power in Iraq and are currently helping to install a democratic government and helping train police and troops so they can take care of themselves.

Various other small conflicts. Most helping smaller countries that had been invaded by someone else.

Billions of dollars in aid to other countries. Usually first to respond to a crisis.

Provides military equipment to Israel so the can protect themselves and their freedoms. Everyone else tries to wipe them off the face of the planet so we help them. Palestine, Lebanon, always bring Israel upon themselves. Israel never attacks anyone unprovoked.

I serve with men and women who choose to serve our great country and to protect our way of life. None of us want to die. Nobody wants to die. But we raised our right hand and swore before God, or whoever/whatever we believed in (freedom of religion) that we would defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic. We lay down our lives when the time comes for you to say such blasphemus things.

Above you will notice the word freedom appear many times. Take note. That is what America stands for.



Pursuit of Happiness

2006-12-08 02:53:32 · answer #7 · answered by Joe 2 · 1 0

If we don't protect ourselves, we are just saying attack us we don't care..... They still mean business... they hate us for what we have, they hate us for letting women be free to were victoria's secret on tv and let men view this.... if any man is caught looking in a store like that; they kill them; they think we are evil and we should die.... maybe you should dig a little deeper... even God in the old testament allowed men women and children to be slaughtered... he knew that if he didn't allow it that even the children would grow up with hate....

Joe and just for your information the Civil War wasn't just about ending slavery... The north hated the south trading with China without taxing them.... I hate when people say the Civil War was just about slavery.... ya'll should read more... get educated.

2006-12-08 03:38:04 · answer #8 · answered by daisyduke_205 3 · 0 0

People Like you ROSEY are the hate mongers. YOU are the ones spreading all of the hate, Bashing the office of the President and of course calling everyone that disagrees with your SHALLOW philosophy. WE live in the greatest Country in the world but people like you do nothing productive to make it a better place. We all have differences but we can agree to disagree. Not people like you. If I believe that homosexuality is a sin and is wrong, you call out names like "homophobes" and "religious fanatic". Homophobes= being afraid of homosexuals. Well I don't fear homosexuals and I'm not a fanatic. I just disagree with you. So stop spreading your hate for conservatives and your hate for our country and be glad you don't live in Sudan.

2006-12-08 00:03:57 · answer #9 · answered by gibsonplayersg 1 · 2 0

im not behind ur back... see people like u piss me off. u have done no reaserch u just think the war is wrong... well leme tell u something..... 1) ur a jack off for not supporting our troops 2) america took out a very very evil man 3) isreal is a mess but at least there taking a bunch of the terrorist off us 4) know what ur talking about b4 u post this god........

2006-12-07 22:45:58 · answer #10 · answered by question man 911 4 · 6 0

America is not "wrong", but our present administration is insane, misguided, and corrupt. But we trust our system of government, and things will right themselves. The 2006 elections were evidence that our checks and balances still work.

The Baker-Hamilton commission has correctly pointed out, for instance, that the Iraq war is a failure and that we need to renew an initiative for peace in Israel. Bush now has no choice but to follow their advice.

2006-12-07 23:36:41 · answer #11 · answered by Mark P 5 · 0 2

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