have our military snipers setup and start shooting them once they come over the border. when they see hector head explode. I bet they will turn tail and head back to Mexico. then do like Vlad the impaler. cut their heads off and place them on a pike in the ground at the border to warn others we ain't going to put up with it no more. building a fence does nothing. as kids how many times you jump your neighbors fence?
you don't want them coming in . then start killing them when they cross. soon they will get the hint they are not welcomed.
2006-12-07 14:18:55
answer #1
answered by Jecht 4
Do like the man said, push for immigration enforcement full-bore for a couple years, prove that it can actually be done, then
start working on conditional amnesty for those remaining in the USA that've been in the country for over 10 years and haven't been caught. But, also put a fixed date on that, so that there's no incentive in the future for people to try that, 'grandfather clause' etc.
The world has changed, population numbers around the world, including in america, have increased drastically, just in the last 40 years. In-filling the country with as many people as feel like coming probably isn't the best answer we can come up with.
2006-12-07 23:08:39
answer #2
answered by gokart121 6
Work on massive technical and corporate aid to Mexico.
If the economy there wasn't such corrupt sh*te with no chance at all for the poor, they wouldn't be coming over here in droves.
We can 'tighten border security' all we want, it'll never keep people out. All it will do is force them to think of more elaborate plans - especially like paying criminals to smuggle them. Hey! That's what we need. More money to the criminals!
I know it sounds like a crazy plan - "where is the Get Tough Attitude that everyone finds so satisfying?"
Well, consider this analogy: smart people don't combat health problems by waiting until they become symptomatic, then fighting the symptoms. They try to find out what is causing it and fight that instead.
Or try this: you can put on all the body armor you want - somebody will just shoot through the cracks or find a better gun. Makes more sense to try and figure out how not to get shot at in the first place, eh?
2006-12-07 22:50:07
answer #3
answered by CSlave 2
You can't drain your basement till you stop the leaks. You can't have an immigration policy unless you can control immigration and you can't control immigration unless you control your borders.
1. Get control of borders and use the military if necessary.
2. Cut off all federal funding to states and cities that harbor illegals.
3. Export illegals.
4. Remove immigration caps from all countries but enforce immigration rules. eg. Immigrants must have a means of support and a sponser who will be responsible for them until they become citizens.
5. Temporary workers must have a job, the employer will serve as sponser. If they don't wish to be citizens they can work, but employer is responsible and will be deported if they are not employed.
2006-12-07 22:14:49
answer #4
answered by Roadkill 6
1 Back round check on all people who enter the US Going back 20 years
2.If they have any type of criminal history you can't get in US any reason.
3. Have to have someway of supporting self.
4. Must read write and understand English language
5. Must be able to pass competency test reading writing math etc.
6.Must be automatic willing be be able to fight for this country and be drafted.
6.Any illegal entry to the state will constitute deportation forever.
There are others who did it legal they can too.Imprisoned in US until flown back home If come back again imprisoned in US.
7. Large fence at all our borders including Canada Mexico and Florida
9. Must have some trade or skill to come here.
10. Must be healthy to come here. To stop spread of disease.
My husband has seen some awful things from immigrants because they were not address for the sickness in there country That are normal eradicated here.
In Italy there very thorough about this took us 8 years for back round check. health and otherwise before we would be selected to go.
I don't mean to sound so harsh just that we have to be selective of people who come here honest hard working no illness That they don't expect to kick back once they get here and not work .
This should go for all immigrants who want to come
2006-12-07 22:26:30
answer #5
answered by dianehaggart 5
Beef up the borders, but also
give out more working visas than we do now. After an immigrant has honestly worked for a certain amount of years, they get the chance to become a citizen.
2006-12-07 22:21:41
answer #6
answered by bbrenpbr 2
ok - here comes those thumb downs...
I would find a way to make the border more secure, the fence isn't going to do this, and I don't know honestly what makeing the border more secure would entail.
But along with making the border more secure, I would also losen up some of the requirements that their is to get here. That is part of the problem with people coming here illegally. In alot of the poor countries, the requirements are very ahrd to obtain - unless you are rich, and then, why would they need to come here (speaking for the illegal immigrants who come here to work to provide for their family), or they are very old, and don't need to come here. Those who need it most have the hardest time getting it. (and I know this because I have had to deal with the US Embassy in other countries, and I have seen their requirements and what not)
As for those that are here, I am all for implementing a program based on the length of time that they have been here, and contingent on no criminal backgrounds. I think that for those that are here illegally, then they should have a 6-8 month window in which to apply, from the date of passing the law and after that time then they may not apply (which means that those that make a rush for the border still don't qualify for this program)
Also I think that if they can not pass a proficency test of reading/writing/understanding/speaking English, then they have to take mandatory classes to be able to learn that as well, until they are able to pass the proficency test.
5+ years, able to apply for work permit, then for a green card. When you send in the application then you have to pay a fine of $5000, as well as the application fee.
2-5 years, able to apply for a work permit, having to pay a fine of $3000 as well as the application fee, and with the possibility of applying for a green card after 7 years.
2 or less years then you are given 6-8 months from the time that the law goes into effect (until the date you may no longer apply) to be able to continue working, to save money so that when they do need to leave, they have a cushion that they are able to maybe take that money and improve their life in their ome country. For example, working those 6 months and making $10,000 and then taking that money and purchase land/ build a house (I know that $10,000 isn't always enough to buy land and build a house, this is just an example) so that they have a way to make income by renting out that house, or buying animals and other items so that they wont starve (they can breed the animals and so forth)
2006-12-07 23:16:24
answer #7
answered by jensantosleon 3
First - STOP/ Or slow to a trickle all people from Muslim countries from coming into the U.S. legally. As there are terrorist coming here LEGALLY every day, being let in by our own Govt.( sleeper cells). Do you think that if you have 2 muslims sitting next to each other that you could tell which was the terrorist? And neither can our Govt.
Then -- OPEN the Mexican border/ or even make Mexico part of the U.S. But the U.S. Govt. should then monitor airports in Mexico, so as not to receive any muslims from other countries. We could work something out with the Mexican govt. for them to let us do that if we would open the border.
At least that would cut way down on us getting our country blowed up every few years.
This is just a few suggestions, not a complete plan.
Right now there are hundreds of thousands of Muslim sleeper cells coming to the U.S LEGALLY, being invited to our country every day by our own govt.
Why don't we get our priorities straight.
----An All American born citizen
2006-12-09 12:06:52
answer #8
answered by mscano35 1
Enforcement to start with, and of all immigration laws, that along with border control. Only after doing these, would I even think about immigration reform.
2006-12-07 22:41:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I would carry out Bushes plan to build a fence along the border, increase border security, and add infared cameras. This is a major issue. Yes it costs a lot of money to build the fence but its costing a lot more to pay to educate them, give them healthcare benefits, and welfare.
No one here likes to pay taxes, me included, but i realize that they are necessary. I would just rather have my tax dollars going to making our country safer instead of paying for each of the 15,000,000 illegal immigrants to live here
2006-12-07 22:12:27
answer #10
answered by THEBurgerKing 4