Drink plenty of water, but be sure that it is not from your tap-use spring water. Next, you need proper supplementation because the foods today, even the right ones, do not have the same nutrition that your parents enjoyed. As time goes by the soil is si depleted that there are few minerals and supplements in the foods that we buy. You need a good multi vitamin, Calcium-500mg or better a day, vit C-500mg or better, vit E-400mcg or better. You need these with your multi vitamin because it does not have enough in it for a good daily balance. Now if you really want to get serious you will purchase a juicer-Jack La Lannes is the best for your money-about 100 dollars. It comes with a booklet that explains all about juicing. Juicing allows your body to obsolve about 90% of the nutrition of those things that you juice, as opposed to 2-18% when you eat the same items. You must also eat fruits and vegetables for their fiber, since it is vital to your digestive system and juicing does not provide any. Stay away from refined sugar, white bread, white flour. Use honey, unrefined brown sugar and whole wheat bread. Another very important thing is to read the ingredient labels on all the products you buy- the longer that list, the worst is that item. Not all things that are called natural are so. Watch for those bad ingredients that I mentioned here. This is just a start, excercise regularly, don't smoke, and keep your drinking to one drink per day-red wine is good for you, but not more than two glasses per day. Also avoid anger-this secreets poisons into your body that can be very harmful over time...OK now, lets get going. Good health to you....KECK
2006-12-07 13:27:54
answer #1
answered by Tneciter 3
DO not try any pills. Don't mess with your health. Diet pills can affect your heart and do some serious damage.
The moviestar diet is a scam. There is no good diet if it says it is fast. You gain it all back and double. Be wise please.
Go to www.sparkpeople.com
It is a healthy way to lose weight.
You type in how much you want to lose and by when etc...and they plan out your meals so you can achieve your goal. They have a calorie counter and everything. Plus they give you a fitness plan according to what type of exercising you like to do. The exercises can be done at home or you can choose from walking or jogging. Whatever your preferences are. It is free with support from the members and a real neat site. I'm quite impressed.
God Bless!
2006-12-09 13:49:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Good for you!
Begin by buying fresh fruits and veggies at the organic stand. Buy only lean meats like white meat chicken, lamb, and also fish. Salmon (wild if possible) is very good for you. Increase fiber found in whole grains, legumes and fruits and veggies. Steam or lightly boil veggies, don't cook out all the goodness. Dark green and red veggies have the most nutrients for you.
Take out fatty foods, junk foods, sodas, limit alcohol and caffiene. Eat three meals a day, be sure to have a good breakfast since that is the first meal of the day and gets you moving. Snacks should be healthy too. Apples with a teaspoon of organic peanut butter, soy butter or almond butter is great. A handful or almonds. Popcorn with much butter or salt.
It is very important you read labels. Limit salt and sugar on everything. Note fat content, the ingredients, and calories.
Read publications dedicated to healthy eating, some are free in health food stores. Be sure to take a multi daily suppliment too.
2006-12-07 13:09:58
answer #3
answered by MadforMAC 7
Making the decision to change some of your lifestyle choices to healthier ones will make a big difference in the quality of your life to come!
Set some goals for your health and find a 'buddy' who will help you to stick to those goals. If you can afford it, check out a coach-- someone who can guide you through the process, help you to design the lifestyle that you really really want.
Start small. Don't try to take on too much at once. When you go grocery shopping, pick out the fruit and vegetables that you really enjoy, and maybe one fruit or vegetable that you haven't tried. Get a book or two from the library-- pick ones that focus on preparing healthy food. Cut back on the 'white' stuff like white flour, white sugar, and dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream) and eggs and meat.
You might enjoy this video by Paul Nison who grew up in New York City and ate the usual SAD way (Standard American Diet) until health problems really drove him to make other nutritional choices. Go here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=221362955412797330
All the best!
Certified Comprehensive Coach
Moderator for My Monday Miracles
2006-12-07 13:18:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Educate yourself. One of my favorite books, which may still be in print, is "Fit for Life" by Harvey Diamond. Also, John Robbins, the would-not-be-heir to the Baskin-Robbins family ice cream business, has written some wonderful books about diet and lifestyle, including "Diet for a New America," and his latest, "Healthy at 100" (I think that's the title). My former husband, Robin Hur, did some of the original research on longevity and wrote a book, published in 1975, called "Food Reform: Our Desperate Need." His research was used by Nathan Pritikin, John Robbins, John MacDougal, Harvey Diamond, and others. You don't have to become a vegetarian, but you might want to eat more fruits and vegetables, for starters. And it's important to CUT OUT certain things: cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, including prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs, unless you are being treated by a medical doctor. I hope this information helps.
2006-12-07 13:07:05
answer #5
answered by elizamidd 1
Well, I'm 32 and I'm doing sort of the same thing that you're about to do. I've come to the conclusion that basically we have to change our entire lifestyle - and that means most importantly the food choices that we make and if we're going to stop being lazy and start exercising (my goodness, it hurts me just to say that word)!! What I've started doing when I go to the grocery store is getting ALL healthy food and NO junk food (because if it's in the house, I'll eat it). Spend most of your time in the produce and fruit sections of the store. Start searching for healthy recipes online. I've found hundreds of wonderful, yet healthy recipes online. I hope this helps and good luck to you!!!
2006-12-07 13:13:39
answer #6
answered by Lori H 1
There's lots of things you can do to be healthy- eating healthy, eating what you like and what's good for your body at the same time, exercising etc.
Since you wanna start new, I suggest you pop a look at this site www.realage.com
Go through the questionaire to find out your body biological age, or sign up for their daily tips on keeping healthy. It's great!
The daily tips help me to keep healthy, cos instead of dumping it all on myself like a major mission, it helps me to slowly attain one small goal each day towards becoming a healhier person.
Good Luck to You!
Knowing and Doing are 2 different things, get Doing!
2006-12-07 13:10:02
answer #7
answered by Bugsy Q 2
green tea is amazingly good for you. drinking a cup is like eating a serving of vegetables because of the natural antioxidants. i would drink 4 cups a day. it also boosts you metabolism and fights cancer cells.
2006-12-07 13:06:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hi, Do you want to lose weight & tone up or build strength & muscle mass or do you just need to gain weight? I can help you! I am a personal trainer, bodybuilder & life coach with 25 years experience. Please contact me at dcprice1@shaw.ca Thanks.
neXgen bodysculpting
2006-12-07 16:29:03
answer #9
answered by apple_sass_7 1
just exersize a lot
2006-12-07 13:00:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous