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when you buy a car, or an outfit, or a new pair of shoes or something, don't you want it to look nice ? I don't get why it's so wrong to want someone that is attractive, do you? Yes, it important who they are on the inside, but what if they are cute AND have a great personality? it's just like a car: when you look for a car, sure you want one that runs well (personality), but wouldn't you prefer one that looks good, too? I would. This is how I feel about finding a mate. I want someone who's physically as well as internally attractive. Wouldn't you agree?

2006-12-07 06:46:36 · 5 answers · asked by Yvette S 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

there's a huge difference between something that is purely materialistic versus purely human, wouldn't you agree?

2006-12-07 06:48:54 · answer #1 · answered by Tek ~aka~Legs! 7 · 1 0

You have a lot to learn if you are comparing sexual attraction to a car. Relationships and cars are two seperate things. However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be with someone you are attracted to. The only reason people say what is important is in the inside is simply because there is more to building a relationship than just looks. A word of advice: don't let your mate know your analogy about the car.

2006-12-07 15:01:23 · answer #2 · answered by christina r 2 · 0 0

a car has few uses- it needs to get you from one place to another. Hopefully it will be able to do this for a number of years before you discard it for another. Do you really want a mate that is only good for a few things, which you will later discard for something else? This is a terrible comparison. A mate is someone who must evolve and grow with you. And speaking of evolution- over time you can grow attracted to a person. You can also change thier appearance pretty easily

2006-12-07 14:51:29 · answer #3 · answered by smm 6 · 0 0

well obviously u would want the best of both worlds. who doesn't. but when you don't or arent likely going to get both qualities in one guy or car or whatever then you would choose to look for someone with the best personality cuz that goes the distance. so when someone says you shouldn't base finding a mate on looks is because looks don't last long. but personality is for life. or at least for many many good years.

2006-12-07 14:50:32 · answer #4 · answered by 2dogs 3 · 1 0

Cars, outfits, and shoes don't talk back.

2006-12-07 14:57:44 · answer #5 · answered by gntolng 4 · 0 0

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