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O.K. here is the thing. My husband teases me and his friends do that I am a nypho. I don't like to be called that I admit I have a high sex drive - I want to have sex daily and multiple times. I love to be sexual and try new things and experiment constantly. My husband says that I should have been a guy with my sex drive. Does he not appreciate this? I sometimes feel taken for granted because he turns me down a lot more than obviously I do. Should I stop giving it to him so frequently like my gfs tell me and just use my "toys" or enjoy my sex life with my husband???? I am 31, have 3 kids and have always had a fairly agressive healthy sex drive

2006-12-07 06:42:26 · 42 answers · asked by ? 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

42 answers

Nope. I'd kill for a woman with your sex drive.
Tell your husband that he's a lucky man and to stop making fun of you. You have nothing to be ashamed or embarrased about. If anything, it should be him that's embarrased because he can't keep up with you. Good luck, and if you have a sister......lol.
Just kidding.

2006-12-07 06:48:54 · answer #1 · answered by jirstan2 4 · 1 0

You need some help...you are weird. I just looked at all of your questions. You have asked this same question over the last 4 months like 10 times. And then your other questions were not much different. I was really interested in the fact that you came in here once saying that a Dr was touching you inappropriatly, then 4 more questions reflected around how you wanted your Dr, or should you tell your Dr that you want him. You talk about married men wanting you, or how you want to explore other men while you are married.
Do I think you are a nympho? Not really....more like a Hypercondriac, or maybe you suffer from a personality disorder where you think that you are just wanted by everyone. I think that you come on here with a question like this, just so you can have guys like in answer #1 tell you that you can come there. You like attention. I feel sorry for your husband. Does he know you come on here and talk like this? How sad!

But...thanks for the 2 points.

2006-12-07 06:55:22 · answer #2 · answered by PROUD wife of a soldier in Iraq 2 · 0 1

hehehe I know exactly what u mean, I've been nympho myself but I'm trying to change. But remember: being nympho is NOT a bad thing unless it's messin' with your life. Don't do the same mystake as I did- I've been cheating on my bf, because I thought he can't please me. But then he found out, and I realized I need to change. Now I'm a good girl and sex is not a priority in my life anymore. But since u got a husband, I think it's okay, and u r 31 so u should know what u doin- I'm only 18 and I was dumb to let sex become such a big part of my life.

2006-12-07 06:49:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Personally I think that there is always one of the partners that isn;t into sex as much as the other. But I do think that you are a nympho. My husband to the contrar would just love that I be like that. He is always wanting it and I just get so frustrate cause I don't want it as often as he does. If you can't get it from your husband and he doesn't mind that you use your "toys" and that is what will keep the both of you happy, then go for it!
Good Luck !

2006-12-07 06:48:22 · answer #4 · answered by cowgirl! 2 · 1 0

Should be the husbands job. But if you know he seriously tired then maybe you should respect that since all people don't have the sex drive that you do. Then only use your toys as replacements. Gee, you are doing good after 3 kids lol. I have one and one on the way and I have been married for less than a year and I am bummed. Lol.

2006-12-07 06:47:07 · answer #5 · answered by i have a taste for waffles 3 · 1 0

Let me ask you this: is your sex drive substituting for something else? Is it enhancing or detracting from your life?

Some people really like chocolate and eat it every day. Nothing wrong with that.
Some people eat so much they don't eat other healthier things, they get fat and sick.

Do you see the parallel? Nothing wrong with a healthy sex drive, but is it pushing other things out of your life, things which need to be there? Are you satisfied sexually or are you only satisfied when having sex? Do you see the difference? The first is good, but in the second case you are addicted.

2006-12-07 06:46:33 · answer #6 · answered by snowgoose8 2 · 1 0

Nympho? Probably not. Rarely will you find a marriage or relationship where both parties have the exact same sex drive. Seems like there's always one that wants/needs it more than the other. But that's part of what good relationships are all about, learning to adapt to each others needs.

2006-12-07 06:48:05 · answer #7 · answered by luckyaz128 6 · 1 0

I don't like the term nympho because to me it refrences a woman who not only has a lot of sex but does it with multiple partners. I think having a healthy sexual drive is fine! It's hard if the spouse isn't always compatible but in time this may actually decrease for you. As we get older our bodies start to change and make new decisions! This will all catch up with you but for now, you're at your peak and you obviously don't mind wanting it as much as you do so I think that's fine! My only suggestion is that you talk to your husband and ask him to refrain from discussing the bedroom talk with his friends. If he must, then he should refer to you as his "sexually healthy wife"... not a nympho.

2006-12-07 06:47:11 · answer #8 · answered by Dr. Kat 5 · 1 0

You are a highly sexed person - nothing is wrong with that, so am I. If he doesn't want to do it all the time then use your toys sometimes. Try and not ask him for sex and he will be wondering what's the matter. Sooner or later he will be the one acting like a nympho.

2006-12-07 06:47:13 · answer #9 · answered by RACQUEL 7 · 1 0

You are openly discussing this personal matter to strangers, you are asking the question and you admit to the sex part I would say that you gave three very persuasive definitive answers that yes. Sex is sex if it is an act of fleshly self gain. making love with a partner to express love and intamcy is quite different. Yes, if you carve sex...it is not about the sex...you have unresloved issues and you are covering up mental health or emotional problems with sex. It is the same as a drug addict, alcoholic, gambler etc. Get help now.

2006-12-07 06:47:20 · answer #10 · answered by Shayna 6 · 0 1

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