I have no respect for that either. But it goes same with men who go to female strip clubs. I wish those strip clubs didnt even exist.
2006-12-07 06:44:39
answer #1
answered by yournotalone 6
I think it's wrong for a man or a woman to go to a strip club, and I think it's wrong that strip clubs even exist. They are degrading to both sexes. The most popular ones seem to be those with female dancers, and this only encourages the objectification of women. I don't see the point to them, either. What's the point of the arousal? It's not like the dancers can "finish" the work for their clients.
2006-12-07 06:50:01
answer #2
answered by Persephone 6
It's not weird, a lot of guys don't like going to strip clubs. I'm one of them. I am far from reserved, but I just don't get the same level of enjoyment out of going to strip club that some other friends of mine get. It's a waste of money if you ask me. You pay to get in, drinks are super expensive and you have to usually buy at least 2 drinks, you have to tip all night, spend loads on lapdances. It's just not worth it to me because I don't get anything out of it. I know these women don't like me, they're not interested in me, they're just pretending and performing to get my money. I would prefer to spend my time with a person who is actually interested in me and get it on with a real woman who really wants me, not just whatever money I have in my pocket.
2016-05-23 04:07:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Personally I have never been but I think it would be fun! There is such a cool factor for guysto go and hang out with their buddies and look at naked women, I think its a funny stupid girl-bonding thing, but not sexual. If I ever was asked to go, I certainly wouldn't spend money on lapdances!!
2006-12-07 06:50:09
answer #4
answered by yankeeadrienne 2
well you should not worry and not player hate. its not up to you to judge anyone of what they do worry about you if a women does it so what because im sure of my self if you was a man and you seen this nice beatuiful girl and you and her started being friends and she was a stripper and you got to see her for free you would not be mad. and you are a women the samething. worry about you you are not in charge you cant and never solve it so leave it up to god and let those do what ever they want its them that will pay happy holidays
2006-12-07 06:50:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
the same thing that we think of when men go to female strip clubs...don't be silly
2006-12-07 06:45:28
answer #6
answered by The Key Master 4
Well either the women are desperate or just want to go out and have fun. It is harmless.
2006-12-07 06:46:08
answer #7
answered by wyattj23 3
First of all, I don't think they're abnormal.
I have no problem with it. Guys are nice to look at. What about it makes you disrespect them?
2006-12-07 06:45:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i don't think anything is wrong with it. i personally dont have a need to see men walking and dancing around in thongs. it's gross. But nothing is wrong with it, it's just for fun.
2006-12-07 06:44:44
answer #9
answered by loveable_1_4u2002 1
i think women shouldn't do it because it is more like a man thing than a woman thing. personally i think those women might have an addiction to nudity, porn or maybe they might even gay. i think it is inappropriate, disgusting,and even disgrace full.
2006-12-07 06:54:37
answer #10
answered by ivelisse 5