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It have been a while but not forgotten, the world trade center, and yet upto now the criminals are not arrested, why did the American military focus on Iraq (it is not your WAR)

2006-12-06 23:37:43 · 22 answers · asked by civilestimator 2 in Politics & Government Military

22 answers

Liven in the land of own your own hunger
Listen to the man who roam the loan wonder
Pacifist learn to pass on fisticuffs
Forget the bluffs clear your eyes you've been lied to
By a nation that ill buy and deprive you
Of your so called rights well here come the lights
Ask yourself this question the lesson part one
People shouldn't doubt my son
How can a man turn fifteen million into nine billion dollars?

Well! Here's some facts you won't hear on the radio
911's no joke so let me say it slow

"The controlled demolition of the world trade center complex was impart a cover up for the ENRON scandal"

Aw dam uncle sam you can't handle
spark'n a flame for the fame of twelve candles
Pacifist learn to pass on fisticuffs
Forget the bluffs clear your eyes you've been lied to
By a nation that ill buy and deprive you
Of your so called rights well here come the lights
Pump'n bar bells until my arm's swell
To shake with a firm grip let the perm rip
Cuz the day I flip that's.. total destruction
Bombs at the junction of cultural survival spirit revival
Now is the time take a look in your Bible
or holy Koran the moment is on
Not even a cracker man I'm a halfrican
Roots more blacker than their whole faction
Gather'n souls cuz its time to take action.
Pacifist learn to pass on fisticuffs
Forget the bluffs clear your eyes you've been blinded
By a tyrant who's criminal minded
Indigenous home land mulatto my motto … **** the system Got the preachers son for a drummer me sister she want a hummer gonna start a revolution do under with dumb n dumber right about now shinen the reason just love and rhym'n scream'n **** the system
If you didn't know I'm the one that's gonna bring the walls down
Been around the world since I bailed from Paul's town
hell bound hell no I'm not goin society's the one that's gonna reap what its sow'n
say it loud now … **** the system never bow down
I'll probably get shoot by the CIA but that's ok when they kill me ill come back as a martyr in a day scream'n **** the system!
**** the system
This democracy's a mockery
..the system
This democracy's a mockery
..the system
This democracy's a mockery
..the system
This democracy's a mockery I see the white devil inside me he's try n to rob me of my sanity I plan to be more than just a modern day slave in this land of the free stolen home of the brave.
What's free? For the man to tax me takes it out my check and he don't even ask me
cuz their try n to fund a war they need more weapons once the core hits the shore there's no contest n **** bush both the old and the young for try n to do the middle east the way the west was won.
Got em Liven in the land of own your own hunger
Listen to the man who roam the loan wonder
Pacifist learn to pass on fisticuffs
Forget the bluffs clear your eyes you've been lied to
By a nation that ill buy and deprive you
Of your so called rights well here come the lights
Get up stand up and join the fight…….

2006-12-07 00:20:28 · answer #1 · answered by Cap Tin 1 · 0 0

Because at the time US intellligence sources said Sadam had weapons of mass destruction and it was strongly feared he would use them against the US. All of the Democrat office holders had seen the intelligence, believed it was true and supported the attack. Nowdays they say Bush lied, but things were a lot different then. Once there the US wanted to do reconstruction due to all the damage done so they could leave Iraq in good shape. But insurgents kept popping up and fighting with US soldiers. The US wanted to help Iraq get their own army so they could protect themselves. But this was harder said than done. Now we are hoping the Iraqi troops are ready so that the US can leave.

By the way, we have plenty of our own oil and don't need Iraq's.

2006-12-06 23:58:56 · answer #2 · answered by JudiBug 5 · 0 0

Maybe because, to sum up, despite the fact that there were no mass weapons in Iraq, and not the slightest evidence that Saddam Hussein was connected to Al-Qaida - not mentioning french warnings that the cure could be worse than the disease -, Bush and his bunch of oh-so-clever neocons advisors decided unashamed to use the 11th september tragedy as an opportunity and pretext to take control of Iraq and its oil by establishing a kind of puppet state.

Whether this brilliant strategy will be successful is still debated. HAHAHA!!!

2006-12-07 07:15:30 · answer #3 · answered by rokaille 1 · 0 0

We know who attacked us.We also know who was already marked for death by the world and who was a major funder of terror.We know that the Islamofacists will not use an army in uniform if they can use terror(there history is full of this same tactic) that they can distance their governments and leaders from while demoralizing us.It is a much larger thing than you are able to grasp because if you did you would have to do something.

2006-12-06 23:51:48 · answer #4 · answered by Tommy G. 5 · 2 0

The us invaded iraq dur to the policy after 9/11 bush didnt word it right but the policy was bassicly

"If you harbor terrorists or weapons a terrorist can use (WMD's) well attack the shnitzel outta u" we attacked iraq fist and most likley well attack iran next since they harbor and aid The La La Hezzbolah guys

2006-12-07 10:49:50 · answer #5 · answered by Army__Strong 2 · 0 0

havent figured that on out yet either, The un inspector in iraq sent intelligence that said they had no WMDs and the bush admin, reported that they did, and Iraq and had no ties with Osama Bin...read the 911 commission report, but why we went to war, i geuss oil or bushs need to impress his dad.....his rich republican friends who got the contracts to rebuild iraq?

BTW do not go to the link a couple lines up it is disgusting george bush

2006-12-06 23:55:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This question is really getting old and you folks need new material. I don't know whether to compare you to broken records or just refer to you as being dumb as a box of rocks.

"upto now the criminals are not arrested" Over 2/3rds of the leadership of Al-Queda have been detained or are now dead. As for the "criminals" who actually took part in what happened on 9/11. Hard to arrest someone when they are dead.

As for Iraq, Saddam, terrorist activities and potential weapons of mass destruction.

Now get over it and move on.

2006-12-06 23:52:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Iraq and bi Laden are two different situations. The terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center killed themselves. THAT'S why the American government can't prosecute them. Saddam Hussein of Iraq was allied with Osama bin Laden to do terroristic acts against the West and he had to be taken down.

2006-12-06 23:47:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Because like most wars, this war is not about the propaganda that they claim it to be about. It's about money and power for US corporations and about having US forces startegically placed on either side or IRAN. I'm a repubilcan US citizen and I'm ashamed of this war too.

I was all for Afghanistan, but the Iraq thing wasn't about terrorists, it was clever timing to gain popular support to alterior motives.

2006-12-06 23:42:11 · answer #9 · answered by Norm 3 · 2 3

Because one particular politican believed people will not change their commander-in-chief when their nation is at war ,thus securing a second term in office.

2006-12-07 01:35:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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