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(non-believers need not answer)
I am asking seriously as a Christian.
I KNOW no one knows but, I just wanted to get some of your theroys
Ill ask God when I see Him and find out for sure. ;-)

2006-12-06 19:05:17 · 9 answers · asked by ? 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

'Nothing just is without a reason why it is. Everything that is has some adequate or sufficient reason why it is. This is called "Principle of Sufficient Reason".

We use it every day, in common sense and in science as well as in philosophy and theology. If we saw a squirrel suddenly appear on an empty table, we would not blandly say, "Hi, squirrel. You came from nowhere, didn't you?" No, we would look for a cause, assuming there has to be one. Did the squirrel fall from the ceiling? Did someone put it there when we weren't looking? If there seems to be no physical cause, we look for a psychological cause: perhaps someone hypnotized us. As a last resort, we look for a supernatural cause, a miracle. But there must be some cause. We never deny the Principle of Sufficient Reason itself. No one believes the Pop Theory: that things just pop into existence for no reason at all.

Now the whole universe is a vast, interlocking chain of things that come into existence. Each of these things must therefore have a cause. My parents caused me, my grandparents caused them, et cetera. But it is not that simple. You and I would not be here without billions of causes.

But does the universe as a whole have a cause? Is there a first cause, an uncaused cause, a transcendent cause of the whole chain of causes? If not, then there is an infinite regress of causes, with no first link in the great cosmic chain. If so, then there is an eternal, necessary, independent, self-explanatory being with nothing above it, before it, or supporting it. It would have to explain itself as well as everything else, for if it needed something else as its explanation, its reason, its cause, then it would not be the first and uncaused cause. Such a being would have to be God, of course. If we can prove there is such a first cause, we will have proved there is a God.

Why must there be a first cause? Because if there isn't, then the whole universe is unexplained, and we have violated our Principle of Sufficient Reason for everything. If there is no first cause, each particular thing in the universe is explained in the short run, or proximately, by some other thing, but nothing is explained in the long run, or ultimately, and the universe as a whole is not explained. Everyone and everything says in turn, "Don't look to me for the final explanation. I'm just an instrument. Something else caused me." If that's all there is, then we have an endless passing of the buck. God is the one who says, "The buck stops here."

If there is no first cause, then the universe is like a great chain with many links; each link is held up by the link above it, but the whole chain is held up by nothing. If there is no first cause, then the universe is like a railroad train moving without an engine. Each car's motion is explained proximately by the motion of the car in front of it: the caboose moves because the boxcar pulls it, the boxcar moves because the cattle car pulls it, et cetera. But there is no engine to pull the first car and the whole train. That would be impossible, of course. But that is what the universe is like if there is no first cause: impossible.

St. Thomas Aquinas said best; "There must also be a first cause of perfection or goodness or value. We rank things as more or less perfect or good or valuable. Unless this ranking is false and meaningless, unless souls don't really have any more perfection than slugs, there must be a real standard of perfection to make such a hierarchy possible, for a thing is ranked higher on the hierarchy of perfection only insofar as it is closer to the standard, the ideal, the most perfect. Unless there is a most-perfect being to be that real standard of perfection, all our value judgments are meaningless and impossible. Such a most-perfect being, or real ideal standard of perfection, is another description of God."'

2006-12-06 19:21:00 · answer #1 · answered by Michelle_My_Belle 4 · 1 0

A Pharaoh in Egypt name Akenatun was the first to believe in one God (monotheist). Some even believe that Moses was this Pharaoh (read 'Secrets of the lost ark'). So monotheism came from him but more likely discovered by him since God has always been.

2006-12-07 03:09:50 · answer #2 · answered by hockey 2 · 1 0

The god that created the cosmos and earth and life and mankind is actually an imperfect demiurge, which is the reason why we see so much imperfection. This demiurge is created by the perfect God that is beyond, but we don't know of this God, and this God is not concerned with us. The demiurge is all we got.

2006-12-07 03:11:25 · answer #3 · answered by Scythian1950 7 · 1 0

But if I see God and ask him, will I get the same answer?

2006-12-07 03:41:54 · answer #4 · answered by The professor 4 · 0 0

OK, write some thing on your hand and bring hand closet to your eyes, can you see what u have written on the hand?
if some one slept u on face, can u show the pain u feel? so the God is same. Who is not visible but every where my dear.

2006-12-07 03:14:40 · answer #5 · answered by zafar memon 1 · 0 2

Rational thinking has collected a series of scientific about the universe whose result is highly thought-provoking____ which has been summarized in the following words:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”.

This result is based on such an authentic calculation that we can not find any room to criticize it in rational terms. Through irrational terms, of course, one can criticize it as much as he desires.

Strange is the fact that this calculation brings forth, detailed answers of all the questions, which arise, in human mind, about existence of God.

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”

means that there is a Creator of all the things of universe.

1.Who is this Creator?
2.How like is this Creator?
3.Where is this Creator?

These are the questions to be answered in detail.

Each creature is identifiable within its particular creaturely limits and the creatures of the universe are countless. And___ they are all alike on the one side and different from each other on the other side. So, we come to the following three important attributes of their Creator, automatically:-

1.The Creator owns infinite knowledge & all-encompassing creativity.
2.Harmony, Balance, Style and System of Creation reveal that the Creator is the All-Alone Owner of the Nature & the Almightiness.
3.The Creator is Unseen Omnipotent and nothing is alike the Creator. And, the Creator can never be considered as a limited, conceivable and physically approachable thing.

Nothing is alike the Creator means that everything of this universe is a creaturely thing. And____ the word of “thing” itself determines the boundaries of a creature & encircles its material or immaterial existence. While the Creator of this infinite & inapprehensible universe___ is free from all sorts of creaturely limits. So, non of the reckoning, is there, which may declare the Creator as a thing. And____ to declare the Creator as a thing is totally an irrational declaration, equal to the denial of Creator.

Besides that, the Creator can be believed as Creator of everything, only in that case, when nothing should, predominantly, be alike the Creator. No other rational way is there, to believe the Creator as the Creator. We can not consider the Creator as a person or a thing or a creature and, at the same time, as a Creator of everything every person and every creature. Such an approach will be, altogether, an irrational approach, rather, an absurd approach.

A thing or a person, or a concept or a consideration, all in all; are in fact the limited pictures of our understanding. While every understandable thing is a limited and encircled thing. Which can never be considered as a creator of anything.

Appropriate way of belief in God is that, God should not be considered in terms of things as nothing of the whole series of things___ is alike God. That is why that God is termed as Super-natural and Super-physical. And, such a terminology is completely correct, as we can not determine that how-like is God. Nor we can say that such and such thing is alike God.

To pronounce God’s glory in proper terms, we should not say, “God is not a thing”. Instead, we should say, “Nothing is alike God”. Delicate difference of the both sentences is a particularly notice-worthy. If we say that:

“God is not a thing”

then, the intellect (which is accustomed to perceive things) will say that God is nothing and God is not existing. Whereas God is existing here and there everywhere. So, when we say that:

“Nothing is alike God”

then, it is automatically declared that God is the beyond of everything and God is not a thing. God is very much existing but God is not perceivable by human intellect.

To believe in God in rational terms, we should positively know that what is a thing. Such knowledge will enable us to know the Creator, with reference to God’s created things, conveniently.

Everything, according to the most modern knowledge, is perceived on account of its reality based organic order and composition. And____ the organic order and composition of a thing, are determined under some particular rules and regulations. That is why that a thing remains different from the other thing and it remains specific representative of it’s own kind. An apple remains apple___ a mango remains mango___ a flower remains flower___ and a thorn remains a thorn. And___ they are never exchanged with each other, at any stage of their development inspite of their atmospheric and biological similarity.

Here___ the intellect is highly amazed that how-like are these working rules and regulations, which do not let the things go beyond their organic limits. Wherefrom have these rules & regulations come including their regulative force, which remains always intact and is never decayed by the passage of time. Are these rules and regulations alive? Of course, they are alive, as it is evident from their creative working. But who has given them such a strange & marvelous life? These are the questions, entailing in certain other questions, for which, human intellect has no answer at all.

The only and the alone answer in this regard is that, some Ordainer of these rules & regulations is definitely alive and existing. Who is the All-Alone Creator of everything including it’s order and composition or its characteristics. But rest assured that even the commonplace creature, is not encompass-able by human intellect in real terms. So, how the Creator can be encompassed by the human intellect.

Presence of countless creatures with their living characteristics, however, makes us understand that the Creature is very much existing and present, everywhere, quiet close to the creatures. But the Creator is not checked by any border or limit or by some organism, as every organism, itself, is a sort of limitation. So, the Creator is the Absolute & the Infinite and nothing is alike the Creator. And nothing can be ever alike the Creator as everything is limited by certain organism. Whereas the Creator is the Ordainer of every organism. The Creator is not an organism at all.

Existence of the universe and it’s marvelous chain of complexed systems___ working in highly delicate fractions and frequencies___ are the ever-sounding witnesses of the existence of their Creator. Who is existing everywhere but is not an object of existence like a thing. As nothing of the existing or non-existing things can be alike the Creator. So, men, of intellect should positively pay heed, to the revealed information___ coming from the beyond of this universe.

The latest scientific result that:

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”

is very much harmonized with the revealed truth that

“Nothing is alike the Creator (God)”

The former is not only harmonized with the latter, rather, it is rationally leading every modern information and scientific calculation of the day, to its actual and the ultimate destination. The truth springs out automatically when we join these two sentences together.

So, whenever we say that:
“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”,

then, it will be automatically decided that there is some Creator of everything. Likewise whenever we say that:
“Nothing is alike the Creator”,
then, it will be also automatically decided, that the Creator is free from every sort of organism and the Creator is Absolute and Infinite, in absolute & infinite terms as the Creator is Holy.

In presence of this vast and inapprehensible universe, we can not deny the presence of it’s Creator. Who is not encompass-able by human intellect, as the Creator is the Super-natural and the Super-physical. So we can not declare the created things as God.

If everything had been God and God had been everything, then, the revealed verdict would have not been like that:
“Nothing is alike the Creator (God)”.

Therefore, none of the things of universe, material or immaterial, solid or liquid, bright or dark, open or hidden, physical or metaphysical, partial or the whole, including the life and death, and the beginning and the end and so on____ can be declared as God or image of God___ as the creature can never be alike God.

In the other words, we cannot make any image or imagination of God. So those___ who worship any image or imagination of God____ they do not worship God___ instead they worship an idol___ made by their own intellect.

To make some image or imagination of God, is not possible and permissible on account of the fact and the verdict that “nothing is alike god”. No soil, no stone, no wood and no metal can ever be or become alike God. None of these things can give us any idea or information, about God. We can not take the idols and images___ even as some signs or signals____ pointing to God. Such an act will be the misuse of intellect and a tremendous injustice. Intellect is ordained to believe the Unseen God in the light of the testimony of heart and that is the faith in reality.

No painter can paint any image of God and no philosopher can develop any imagination of God. That is why that to deal with the most important matter of the belief in God____ Prophets were sent by God. If they had not come then we would have been lead astray____ definitely____ on account of our material thinking.

Brain can not encompass the Creator, even, after consumption of its whole potential.

Albert Einstein has declared the universe as inapprehensible on account of its infinity. As such, he has pointed out the limits of the brain.

We can utter the word of God, Eishwar, Jehovah or Allah, as a name of the Creator. But we can not treat it, as the name, which can encompass the real existence of Creator.

Space____ is the name of a thing, which declares the space as a thing. It is the name of such a thing, which encircles the material objects but itself is like an immaterial state. In the same way God is a name but it does not declare God as a thing. And____ it is a specific name for the Creator of everything. The Creator is not a thing and nothing is alike the Creator.

2006-12-07 03:09:43 · answer #6 · answered by ibn adam 4 · 1 1

Dreamed up by someone who saw something that he did not understand.

2006-12-07 03:07:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

your imagination
But Christians will say, "He has always been, he is not bound by time since he rules time"

2006-12-07 03:07:02 · answer #8 · answered by nick h h 2 · 0 1

I think San Francisco, because when I met him he seemed... kind of.... NO OFFENSE but... he seemed kinda camp to me.

2006-12-07 03:14:24 · answer #9 · answered by the_punch_bag 3 · 1 1

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