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3 answers

In olden days, spiritual illusions were experienced noticed and reported. But modern education does not accept these experiences. They say that it is a psychological problem or magic. If we are taken to a dark jungle in the midnight and told that we can see ghosts there for sure, we may really see them but later if we are asked to explain how the ghost looked like, we describe the illusion as the figure in our mind that was formed as children while hearing ghost stories. Some see them black some white some yellow and so on.
Actually we should be able to visualise only God as a super natural being, nothing else is superior to man. Man is above all the other creations in every respect. (Even ghosts if there are!),
In this world we are living as if we are in a dark mountain cave.
We do not know really what is outside. We are like blind and it doesnot matter if we never emerge out of this cave, in our life time.
But sensible people are seeking a way out and they can well imagine, that there is beauty, kindness etc etc about 100 adjectives of only ONE God. They do not scare us about dreadful things around.
Only blind people inside the cave do not even know what is light and they are carrying on, with evil thoughts in their minds. These people make life difficult for themselves and for others. We should not believe them. Truth is beautiful.

2006-12-07 02:17:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't think there's any such thing!

Merry Christmas!!!!

2006-12-07 02:52:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

what all u know and what all i know is actually WE THINK WE KNOW. nobody knows anything.. got it....

2006-12-07 03:05:15 · answer #3 · answered by thirdeyeind 1 · 0 0

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