Split ends are where the ends of your hair physically split. They happen when your hair gets old, dry, and/or damaged. Once you have them, the only way to get rid of them is to snip them off (preferably by a hairdresser!). To prevent them, make sure you get regular trims at the salon and wash and condition your hair every other day.
2006-12-06 12:39:34
answer #1
answered by I run... 3
Split ends are basically a strand of hair splitting in two.
But here is a more exact description.
Similar to skin, hair is made up of layers. The outer layer, or cuticle, consists of dead cells lying on top of one another like tiles on a roof. This protects the middle layer, or cortex, which is composed of long, coiled proteins that make up the bulk of the hair. A split end occurs when the protective cuticle is worn away on the tip of a strand, allowing the fibers of the cortex to unravel and the hair to split lengthwise.
2006-12-06 12:37:45
answer #2
answered by T.hilla 2
split ends are when the ends of your hairs are split into two. ( like one hair is split in two). and it can cause your hair not to grow. it can be caused by your hair being exposed to the weather or alot of heat during the day. they can be cured by useing split end treatment shamppoo, it will say, "For split ends" on the bottle. and that will make them go away. you can also get rid of them by trimming the ends of your hair every once in a while. split ends make the ends if your hair look dried out and frizzy.
2006-12-06 12:44:38
answer #3
answered by lillian w 2
slipt ends are the end tips of you hair and it has 2 split ends or even more than two like 3. you can get them if you heat you hair too much or youve been exposed to the sun too much.
2006-12-06 12:36:20
answer #4
answered by Thrills 5
split ends are where your hair is not all the same length
p.s. split ends are BAD
2006-12-06 12:41:10
answer #5
answered by mary_tebyano 1
if your talking about hair, its just where the hair gets really damaged and the ends split.
2006-12-06 12:38:38
answer #6
answered by Bri 3
split ends are when pieces of dry hair split at the tip. sometimes, it can be gross and bumpy, and sometimes, it's barely noticable. the only way to get rid of them is to either pull them apart or trim them off.
2006-12-06 12:37:40
answer #7
answered by Kari 3
its where one peice of hair goes in to two pieces at the end and it only happenes to ppl with realy bad hair
2006-12-06 12:39:02
answer #8
answered by brigid r 1
hey try dipping you hair in a tiny bit of oil and conditioner. i tryed it and it worked! don't die your hair tho it will make slitends worse.
2006-12-06 12:40:47
answer #9
answered by GuNthEr'S_girl►♦♠ 2
what she just said,.........
2006-12-06 12:40:59
answer #10
answered by The King 6