If you keep doing that your hair is going to fall off, you need to just let it be natural for a couple months or years and afterwards you could bleach it again and make a nice hair cut everybody would love that new you.:)
2006-12-06 11:47:43
answer #1
answered by babylove 2
you should be able to if you bleach it first. Just dying it blonde won't do anything unless your hair is light first. Or you can get stuff that washes all of the dye out of your hair first, it's called "color strip" or something like that, and it just takes all the chemicals out so you're left with your natural color. You can get it at any drug store. Hope this helps :)
2006-12-06 11:46:11
answer #2
answered by Baby J 3
Well shug, my natural hair color is ebony black (maybe a little darker). I finally lightened it my hair with BW White powder mixed with a Revlon or Clairol Creme Developper at 40 strength. It works GREAT, just put it under a clear cap so you can watch your hair lighten, or it will go wayyy tooo light. After you lighten it you can dye it whatever color blonde you wish to finish the job.
2006-12-06 12:11:37
answer #3
answered by klnichollsrn 2
Yeah, but you'll have to keep it on for about 5 hours. Seriously. Also, afterwards since you have to keep it on so long, you'll need to wrap your hair in deep conditioner and put a plastic bag or shower cap over your head while you sleep. The next day when you wash it out your hair wont be so dry and it'll be blonde.
2006-12-06 13:32:37
answer #4
answered by Brooke 2
Yes, as far as I know. My best friend is naturally black and she bleaches it, but if you don't want your roots to show she bleaches it 2 times a weak with a diluted version of the bleach product mixed with her special conditioner.
2006-12-06 11:44:44
answer #5
answered by true2urself92 2
Yes you will need to bleach it out first then use your blond dye for best results
2006-12-06 11:46:58
answer #6
answered by yesiamkelly 1
You can't dye it blonde. It won't turn blonde. You have to bleach it before you can dye it. But get it done at a salon. Cause chances are....if you don't do it right....it will come out orange or pink.
2006-12-06 11:45:07
answer #7
answered by Champagne115 2
No, you must shave your head and worship the dark one now. If you dye your hair blond, the prince of darkness will plague you until you admit to the entire American idol audience, that you and Kelly Clarkson are not natural blonds!!!
2006-12-06 11:47:59
answer #8
answered by dirk diggler 1
well I would advice you to just bleach your hair blonde, it last longer, if you are a clear complexion person, blonde hair will fit you with a flip hairstyle. Guys will go psssst.
2006-12-06 11:54:03
answer #9
answered by marie P 1
You probably shouldnt do it yourself because you would be mixing dyes and you never know what can happen (think of it like mixing paints)....if your going to get your haircut ask the person who is cutting your hair about it....im sure they'll know even more...
2006-12-06 11:52:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous