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Hello everyone! My son is 6 years old and still wets his bed at night; only at night. He has no problem during the day or in any other situation. We have him with pull-ups during the night. If we put underwear on him, he wets everything and doesn't seem to care of be ashamed of it. Do any of you have any suggestions? Thanks!

2006-12-06 05:53:11 · 17 answers · asked by ejas14 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

17 answers

this is very very normal. just keep the pull ups on him till he out grows it. if he is still having problems at 9 then see a doctor. dont put him on any meds, these often have bad side efects that the doctors never tell you about. beleve me i know, i used to take some of those meds. and dont limit drinks to much, this causes dehydration and can make it worse.

2006-12-06 09:19:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First, there is nothing too unusual about a six or seven year old that wets the bed. I am not saying this to be mean, but just pointing out that there are many, many grade-school children that still do. It is normal, and he has many classmates who still do so as well. Go to the diaper aisle of the grocery store or Wal-Mart and you'll see pull-up style diapers that are made to fit kids into their teens! In a class of one-hundred students, your son is probably about one of ten to fifteen who still wet the bed. Show your son the diaper aisle at the store, specifically how many of the products are for kids bigger than him; and show him some of the online sites that are made for kids and teens who still wet. This will help his self-esteem some, that is knowing that he is not the only one. Frankly, even some adults still wet the bed (about 1% of the adult population suffers some form of enuresis). Although it is an embarrassing problem, it is one that can be effectively managed or overcome. The most important thing in that is to just not make an issue out of it. This would put more stress on him, and potentially make it worse or minimize any progress. Unfortunately, there really is no "breaking" him from enuresis, though there are effective ways to manage the condition, and a few behavioral methods to correct it over time. By now, his body should have grown enough for him to have nighttime control. Some children do need longer, but he should have a visit to his pediatrician for a good evaluation. There are some tests that should be done to make sure there is nothing wrong with the "plumbing" or "wires" that control his bladder. I would anticipate he would be referred to some specialist doctors, too. Using a mattress protector will keep the bed itself safe, regardless of the use of any diaper-type protection he may or may not wear. The use of diapers/pull-ups is acceptable, it will help him to get a good rest and keep his bed clean; but he should don, doff, and dispose of them on his own. Also, on those nights when the diaper leaks, he should handle striping his mattress, and you should teach him how to make the bed. This is not punishment; but it is teaching him to be responsible and take care of his own problems without belittling or chastising him. Limiting, but not completely stopping drinks before bedtime is advisable. If he is truly thirsty, then he does need to have something to drink; but sips, not gulps... Waking him to go to the toilet is good, and you can also consider setting an alarm clock in his room to go off every few hours to wake him up. You can use a bedwetting alarm, which goes off when it senses wetness. The sensor can be placed in his underwear or diaper. Both alarms are a means of behavior modification, but will also take time to be effective. It may take weeks to months; but don't give up. Anyway, hang in there. This is a normal part of childhood, he is not alone; and neither are you. Just be patient, reinforce that you know it is not his fault, and don't dwell on the topic. Cheers!

2016-05-23 01:16:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its ok, I wet til I was 13 and my grandfather did til he was 18.... The all of a sudden one day it just went away. He might be a sound sleeper and not feel the urge to go. I always woke up when I was wet. It is so common. Dont set an alarm you might mess up his sleep patern if he has to get up early in the morning. limit fluids stop them 3 to 4 hours before bed time. If drinking water that will make him go faster than if he drank milk. It will stop when his body matures. Dont yell at him you will just make it happen more frequent because he will go to bed worried. He can't control it. A small percentage of kids wet because they are alergic to dairy products. Have him checked for that. Ask your parents someone else must of had the problem in the family..

2006-12-06 06:18:34 · answer #3 · answered by simbah000 2 · 1 0

My son will be 6 in two weeks and still has this problem and like yours, does'nt seem to feel ashamed. So I ask his Pediatrician. She said that boys bladder develops slow so she sugested a ultrasound in a year if he still has the problem just to make sure he does'nt have a hiper active bladder.

One thing I do and helps alot is not let him drink any liquids after 7:00pm. Always make sure he goes to the bathroom before he goes to sleep and wake him up at about 10:00pm so that he can go potty again. Usually if I forget to get him at 10:00pm, he will wet the bed but if I do he never does.

Talk to his doctor just incase and good luck!

2006-12-06 06:38:15 · answer #4 · answered by Marie 2 · 0 1

Bed wetting is the most frustrating thing. There are medications, none of them worked for my son. At the age of 6 I doubt that would be the first step. Try limiting drinks after supper or waking him up to go. I tried all that and nothing. So, if that doesn't work then you can try to live with it and hope that he grows out of it. Or go see your doctor, hopefully your doctor will listen. I am still trying to figure it out and my boy is 11. GOOD LUCK

2006-12-06 06:33:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

my son also is a 6 yr old bed wetter. I have had him tested and for me he has an underdeveloped bladder. We have medicine that we take nightly. the other thing is try stopping his drinking after a certain time. One other thing that is a pain is to wake up in the middle of the night and get him up to go.

Don't stress yourself out from what I understand some kids just go through this they'll grow out of it.

2006-12-06 06:14:28 · answer #6 · answered by busymother2000 2 · 1 0

This is very common! He should not be made to feel ashamed of it! Usually this is due to a bladder that is not fully developed, and he has no control of it! This usually happens more with boys then girls! My Husband was a bed wetter until he was 12! He will grow out of it.

2006-12-06 06:29:22 · answer #7 · answered by R R 3 · 1 0

hey he's only 6 most kids do wet there bed untill they r 7 or 8 and then when they r between 12 and 18 so there is nothing wrong or take him to the docter.

2006-12-06 06:16:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

He is six, it is not unusually for six year old children to wet their bed. Praise him when he doesn't do it. When he does, don't yell, just let him clean himself up. So he recognized that when he wet the bed he has to take another shower, take the sheets off his bed, pick out additional clothes....and all the thing necessary. Don't do it for him. He should know that it fine when that happens but it is his responibilty to clean up his mess. This is gonna suck for you b/c he is gonna be running late for school sometime. but I think it is important for children to take ownership. He will probably hate all the additional duties in the morning that he will make an extra contious effort do discontinue wetting the bed.

2006-12-06 06:07:23 · answer #9 · answered by Serenity 1 · 0 1

Nothing to drink for an hour and half before bed. Have him go to the bathroom right before bed and maybe if you know about what time at night he wets set an alarm clock to awaken him before the incidence occurs.

2006-12-06 06:02:14 · answer #10 · answered by 2010 2 · 0 1

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