Its a harsh saying, but move on, if you contact him & the same **** starts happening again, you'll be mad at yourself... save yourself the heartache & find someone worth your time....
2006-12-06 03:03:44
answer #1
answered by Lue 2
Just give him a call! Invite him to dinner. And ask if he wants to marry you. Maybe he doesn't, then you know enough. If YOU don't want to marry him: then, should you really bother? Then move on.
You could also ask him if he's into an 'fully open' (as in: we are free to do what we want with other persons) relation with you. If he says yes: then again, you know enough and need to move on.
You can also wait another week (or 2). A week is not that long. But don't wait, if you want to 'catch' him. Be sure though his interest in you is genuine. Otherwise there's no reason to catch him.
It could be he stopped calling you, because he 'discoverd' something about you he didn't like. Maybe you can't change it, but nevertheless you can ask him if there's anything he wishes concerning you to change. (Then you know what you're up to! Maybe you cut your hair short? Boys dig long hair.) But again, a week is not that long. No reason to assume the worst right away.
2006-12-06 11:02:53
answer #2
answered by · 5
sure u deserve some answers... it would bug the hell out of me knowing he quit calling u and u being the one making the calls.. U should call him again and ask him to tell u whats going on. u at least derserve that right?!! good luck to u.. really though u should just move on.. make things alot easier for u
2006-12-06 11:54:51
answer #3
answered by blue eyes 3
its not really a matter of having an explanation - life is simple; live it with logic and you wont be sitting on the sofa eating ice cream after mid night thinking about some jerk - lol - you can stop thinking about him - if he doesnt callmaybe he has lost interest or he's just busy - give or take if he doesnt call, its his loss - stay strong!
2006-12-06 11:07:46
answer #4
answered by thetruth 2
ok so this exact same thing happened to me when i was hanging out with my friend and knw i thnk that i love him but still he doesn't contact me and i hurts i knw but all you can do is wait and if he really care then he will contact you. just give it time mayb he cae about you and he is scared to show it or doesn't knw how. just hang in there and if it is ment to b then it will happen .. good luck i wish you the best (i<3 u choda)
2006-12-06 11:25:03
answer #5
answered by lizzie_08 2
I have the same problem and it's driving me crazy. I wish I could get him out of my head. I suggest you try one more time and try and make it clear to him how you feel.
2006-12-06 11:03:46
answer #6
answered by AJ 2
Yea you do deserve some answers but i don't think you'll get any.Just move on hon.
2006-12-06 11:01:23
answer #7
answered by DiamondXxx 6
Ask him. I'm thinking you may have had sex with him over the weekend and you're afraid that's all he wanted.
2006-12-06 11:03:36
answer #8
answered by lex142 3
maybe if somebody's on your mind, their supposed to be there. You should just call him and ask him to hang out, and maybe ask him why he didnt call you back.
2006-12-06 11:04:23
answer #9
answered by Jillian 2
just ask him if he feels a spark between you guys. Even if he doesn't see you as more then a friend, then atleast you know and it wont bother you anymore. but be confident.
2006-12-06 11:03:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous