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2006-12-06 02:54:43 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

25 answers

this isnt healthy................and im not suggesting you do it...............but if you took large amounts of speed for a week it'd probably work

2006-12-06 03:02:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

You might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well. But you're not going to lose that much in a week no matter what you do.

2006-12-06 03:34:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is very unhealthy. You should only lose up to 2-4 pounds a week. If you somehow manage to lose 15 lbs in a week it will be a startation diet and you will just gain it back. Plus this can really mess up your metabolism and make it hard for you to lose weight the healthy way in the future.

2006-12-06 02:57:08 · answer #3 · answered by Jamie A 3 · 1 0

Unless you want to look like death-warmed-over, don't even try.
10 - 15 pounds in one week is not even close to a realistic goal.

2-3 pounds a week is realistic and healthy. Maybe 5 pounds a week for a few weeks.

Diet and exercise together accomplish both of these goals. The easiest diet is to simply eat less. Eat only one item for breakfast, (toast,egg,cereal, whatever), eat only one item for lunch(soup, small sandwich, fries), drink only no-calorie drinks. At dinner time eat a balanced meal with a meat serving no bigger than a deck of cards, and add 2 yellow or green vegetables and one fruit serving. One small serving of a starch. No snacks, no sweets.
Walk or run or bike at the fastest pace you can still talk for 1/2 hour daily. 3 times a week exercise your whole body with weights.

2006-12-06 02:58:57 · answer #4 · answered by oohhbother 7 · 1 0

plan ahead next time and lay off the KFC

honestly, after a crash diet or weight loss routine you'll feel awful physically.
But an easy system flush, Take a half gallon juice pitcher of warm/hot water (hot as you can stand to drink) with 1 and a half tablespoons of regular salt and drink it as fast as you can in about 20-30 minutes or less. Buy a cordless phone first you wont be going anywhere for a few hours. Kinda gross , But you'll certainly have looser pants for it. I've done this several times myself and it works. Stomach flus, irritated gut. If you take too long to drink the water though, the process backfires and it stays in your system. Hence the short time in which to drink. If you finish the saltwater switch to plain warm/hot water and drink another quart or until your lower tract starts making funny sounds ;)
bon apetit!

2006-12-06 03:08:28 · answer #5 · answered by cappy2609 1 · 0 0

pills don't really work anyway. Most of them are high in caffeine so they give you alot of energy, but they don't actually dissolve your fat. If you start running 2-3 miles a day then you will start noticing weight loss. I run 3-4 miles everyday and on the weekends it vary's from 5-7. Drink ALOT of water so that it fills you up, hot tea also suppresses appetite. If your trying to not eat then dont chew gum, your mouth thinks its food because your chewing it. Otherwise if your just trying to reduce your calorie intake chew gum instead of eating crappy foods. Eat vegetables and negative calorie foods like salad, celery, and sugar free jello. People always told me to eat alot to keep my metabolism up, but that never worked for me, i had to stop eating above 300 calories a day or less. Your still young and growing and it can permanently **** you up if you do that, but it just depends on how determined you are to loose weight. If you stick with it after 2 weeks is when you will start noticing weghtloss. For me i got more intense the more weight i loss because i knew what i was doing was working. Also, south beach diet bars work good.

2016-03-13 04:02:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You cannot safely lose 10-15 pounds in one week. Sorry.

2006-12-06 02:56:02 · answer #7 · answered by kja63 7 · 1 0

Almost impossible. Two ways. Could result in serious illness.
1. Liposuction.
2. 1 meal & Ten-16oz cups of water a day, exercise burning about 4000 calories every day for the next 7days.
Dont try this without a personal trainer or seeking medical professional help.

2006-12-06 03:07:22 · answer #8 · answered by Reel Homme 2 · 0 0

I lost 10 pounds in 5 days only because I drank water and did not eat anything! I did not get sick or weak or ill. My stomache shrank, I'm assuming after the first two days of not eating and I just was not hungry! However, I did gain it all back within the next two weeks (when I started eating again.)

2006-12-06 03:07:34 · answer #9 · answered by Heather C 2 · 0 1

Sorry, you can't really. I have never tried it but the Hollywood diet drink might get you close. Most of what you will lose is water weight. Be careful. Not worth you health.

2006-12-06 03:08:42 · answer #10 · answered by Yomi 4 · 0 0

Exercise, and hydroxycut!!! Dont forget to eat right! You may not lose that much weight in a week but it will help, and women hold more water then anything!

2006-12-06 02:56:28 · answer #11 · answered by sweet_treat101 3 · 0 1

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