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Ive been doing exercise 3 days ago...
Im not trying 2 loose weight....
I have a perfect body...
some how I just want 2 tighten..mybody..
Ive been exerciseing my hips..legs...etc..
and I feel allllllllllll broken..I CANT walk well my legs are killing me.....
is this normal?will it go away?should I STOP exercising??
O last Q does sit ups..work?what does it help?


2006-12-06 02:35:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

5 answers

Ok well if you have doing the exercise everyday you need to stop! your body needs recovery time, at least 48 hours. The sore ness is a build up of lactic acid in your muscles and needs to clear. this happens anytime you subject your muscles to strenous activity. lay off and do the exercise once every two days. also nutrition goes hand in hand with exercise, and you should be eating healthy clean foods(no junk food). if you arent then the exercise is pointless because you will never tighten.

sits up work when done correctly. they work your abdominal muscles(abs).

so solutions: exercise the body part and then let it recover for 48hrs.

eat properly.

you should be good. the soreness will naturally come with exercise so dont worry too much about it.

2006-12-06 03:32:54 · answer #1 · answered by J man 2 · 0 0

Any new exercise can cause some soreness. Listen to your body. There is a difference between muscle ache and muscle damage. As with exercise program, start out slow and work your way up. Think more about your form instead of how many moves you are doing. Starting out, every other day would be good to give your muscles time to rebuild. When you do weight bearing exercise your muscles actually break down a little and then when they rebuild they become stronger. If you want to do something everyday, then try working on the top part of your body one day and the bottom part the next. If health is included in what you want, then don't forget to include 20-30 minutes of cardio or sweat inducing exercise 3-5 times a week. Also eating whole grains and lean protein and taking a calcium supplement will help. Good Luck!

2006-12-06 11:21:15 · answer #2 · answered by Yomi 4 · 0 0

Are you doing this every day???

You should only be doing strength training every other day. Abs are the only muscles you can work ever day.

When your muscles are killing you, you need to rest them! A lot of the time, when your muscles are really sore, you even need to wait two days between workouts.

Drink a protein shake, eat protein bars, or chicken..get your protein to help build them and rest.

The "broken" feeling is due to small tears in your muscles that come from lifting weights. Your muscles really need to heal. If you can't walk, you seriously need to rest.

Sit-ups work your abs. Yes, they are good. Crunches are better though.

2006-12-06 10:43:59 · answer #3 · answered by Princess Purple 7 · 0 0

NO DO NOT STOP, It;l get better,maybe you did full exercises starting off and that is hard .Your muscles will catch up and you wont notice it as far as pain goes.But if done right you will feel the physical difference .Sit ups can be hard,but there are other ways of duplication you would like better.If you can check with a trainer to get you on your way. Pain is not necessarly a gain.

2006-12-06 10:52:02 · answer #4 · answered by hunter 6 · 0 0

Hi, Do you want to lose weight & tone up or build strength & muscle mass or do you just need to gain weight? I can help you! I am a personal trainer, bodybuilder & life coach with 25 years experience. Please contact me at dcprice1@shaw.ca Thanks.

neXgen bodysculpting

2006-12-06 16:17:35 · answer #5 · answered by apple_sass_2 1 · 0 1

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