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Can it be confused with water?

2006-12-06 02:32:22 · 17 answers · asked by LeTave 2 in Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits

17 answers

Yes it can.

I had an alcoholic relative that drank vodka so he wouldn't smell like alcohol.

2006-12-06 02:34:27 · answer #1 · answered by RiverGirl 7 · 1 3

ALL VODKA SMELLS LIKE ALCOHOL. Some vodkas have a stronger smell than others.

In highschool I used to bring vodka in a water bottle sometimes. Since it is clear it looks like water and can be passed off so long as nobody smells it. If you drink vodka you will smell like alcohol and people will notice. Anyone who says vodka has no scent obviously has never been around vodka in their lives.

2006-12-06 02:47:00 · answer #2 · answered by taskr36 4 · 2 0

Yes. Lots of alcoholics drink vodka because they think that people won't be able to smell it on their breath or through their pores. But it still smells.

2006-12-06 04:47:11 · answer #3 · answered by badkitty1969 7 · 0 0

Vodka smells the closest to grain alcohol of all the distilled beverages. Having worked with lab grade ethanol (grain alcohol) and with vodka, I am familiar with both.

Vodka includes very few flavors developed during fermentation and curing/aging (esters, fusile esters, other types of alcohols, etc).

It may look like water, but it doesn't smell or taste at all like water.

2006-12-06 02:42:46 · answer #4 · answered by Radagast97 6 · 1 0

vodka smells like vodka which is alcohol not water.

2006-12-06 02:35:03 · answer #5 · answered by nick m 2 · 1 1

Of course it smells like alcohol, and you can smell it on a person.
It tastes like alcohol too.

No you cant confuse it with water...!?
Might I suggest being careful around bleach, ammonia and various household chemicals as well?

2006-12-06 03:05:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

vodka smells like alcohol. If you're drinking it too, you'll be giving off the odor even more, because of your breathing.

2006-12-06 02:46:21 · answer #7 · answered by Paul 7 · 1 0

Yes, it sure does smell like alcohol.
No, it cannot be confused with water.

It looks like water, but definitely smells and tastes like vodka.

2006-12-06 02:35:22 · answer #8 · answered by gg 7 · 3 0

I actually drink quite a bit of vodka. The tricky thing with any alcohol is that YOU as the drinker never smell it on your breath or even on yourself.

HOWEVER, other people will always smell it on you. And they will point that out to you. That comes in handy if you plan on driving in a place with a lot of known police hideouts/speedtraps!

However, please dont drink heavily & drive. Thank you.

2006-12-06 02:37:18 · answer #9 · answered by Bruno 2 · 0 2

it doesnt smell like anything.
theres no way to tell if your drinking vodka or water.
you just have to take it on faith that the liquid coming from your tap is not vodka.

2006-12-06 02:41:49 · answer #10 · answered by supahtforyou 4 · 1 1

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